Literature 2024, October

Sayings about a man of great people, or Talk about the Eternal

Sayings about a man of great people, or Talk about the Eternal

Sayings about a person are perhaps the most common. And this is not surprising. I must admit that great thinkers, philosophers and literary figures loved to talk about important things - about love, about life, about society, about relationships. After all, these are "eternal" topics, and they have always been relevant

Wise and beautiful Marquez quotes

Wise and beautiful Marquez quotes

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a famous Colombian writer. His works are philosophical reflections on human relationships. And in his statements, in simple words, he talks about such important concepts for a person as the meaning of life, friendship and love

Wise sayings about life and love

Wise sayings about life and love

Wise sayings about life and love have always attracted the attention of extraordinary, seeking natures. Artists, poets, writers, scientists focused on immersing themselves in deep thought and spent many years searching for their own truth. At all times people have searched for the meaning of life

Biography of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

Biography of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

Bunin's biography is amazing, full of meetings and interesting acquaintances. 1895 becomes a turning point in the life of Ivan Alekseevich. A trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg, acquaintance with Chekhov, Bryusov, Kuprin, Korolenko, the first success in the literary society of the capital. His best works are love stories. About love unusual, special, without a happy ending

The story "Gooseberry" by Chekhov: a summary. Analysis of the story "Gooseberry" by Chekhov

The story "Gooseberry" by Chekhov: a summary. Analysis of the story "Gooseberry" by Chekhov

In this article we will introduce you to Chekhov's Gooseberry. Anton Pavlovich, as you probably already know, is a Russian writer and playwright. The years of his life - 1860-1904. We will describe the brief content of this story, its analysis will be carried out. "Gooseberry" Chekhov wrote in 1898, that is, already in the late period of his work

The story of Astafiev V.P. "A horse with a pink mane": a summary of the work

The story of Astafiev V.P. "A horse with a pink mane": a summary of the work

The story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" is included in the collection of works by V.P. Astafiev called "The Last Bow". The author has been creating this cycle of autobiographical stories for several years. Summer, forest, high sky, carelessness, lightness, transparency of the soul and endless freedom, which are only in childhood, and those first life lessons that are firmly stored in our memory … They are immensely frightening, but thanks to them you grow, and you feel the world in -new

Igor Bunich is a man of thought and word

Igor Bunich is a man of thought and word

How many writers and civic leaders can be remembered who, seeing the whole situation of the country in the 1930s, were not afraid to talk about it openly? In fact, there are very few such people, and Igor Bunich was such a person. Before plunging into his literature, it is necessary to know the ways of his life in order to understand that all his work is an echo of the state of society and power, in particular

The right rhyme for "better"

The right rhyme for "better"

Today we will consider the rhyme for the word better. First of all, in this case, you can use the option "young man". Also, to create a rhyme, the word "winning" is suitable. A good option for creating a poetic pair - "soul"

Possible rhyme for "was"

Possible rhyme for "was"

Today we'll look at what a rhyme for the word "was" can be. The first option that comes to mind is "lucky". Also, the word "little" is suitable for rhyme. In some cases, the option "boldly" helps

Rhymes for the word "I will", as well as "book" and "bird"

Rhymes for the word "I will", as well as "book" and "bird"

Today we will tell you what a rhyme can be for the word "I will", as well as "book" and "bird". Most often, the option “bad” immediately comes to mind. In addition, in this case, "dishes" will help us. The action of the future work may take place near the "pond"

Defining what a proverb is

Defining what a proverb is

Proverbs can be called without exaggeration the treasury of any nation. They develop historically, generalize worldly experience and folk wisdom. Regardless of the level of education and place of residence, each person regularly uses about 200-300 different jokes and popular expressions in colloquial speech

Alexey Panteleev (pseudonym L. Panteleev): biography, creativity. The stories "The Republic of Shkid", "Lenka Panteleev"

Alexey Panteleev (pseudonym L. Panteleev): biography, creativity. The stories "The Republic of Shkid", "Lenka Panteleev"

Alexey Panteleev is one of the heroes of the legendary "Republic of SHKID". Every Soviet schoolboy read a book about homeless children. But few know about the fate of one of the authors. In the early years, L. Panteleev was left to his own devices. But the troubles of the prose writer were not limited to homeless childhood

What is hyperbole and what is it eaten with?

What is hyperbole and what is it eaten with?

In literature there are many artistic means of language expressiveness. One notable example is hyperbole. What's this? And what do they eat it with? About it in the article

Mathematical component in events, objects and phenomena

Mathematical component in events, objects and phenomena

Most people don't realize that there is a mathematical component in all events, objects, and phenomena taking place in the world. The magic of numbers is the basis of many achievements of human civilization

British writer JK Rowling: biography, literary activity

British writer JK Rowling: biography, literary activity

The article describes the life and work of the British writer JK Rowling - the author of the famous Harry Potter novel

Saken Seifullin: photo, biography of Saken Seifullin in Russian

Saken Seifullin: photo, biography of Saken Seifullin in Russian

Kazakh writer Saken Seifullin is considered the founder of modern national literature of his country. He was a prominent figure in the Bolshevik Party and held important government positions in his native republic

Rimma Kazakova: personal life and work of the poetess

Rimma Kazakova: personal life and work of the poetess

Rimma Kazakova's life was full of troubles and disappointments. But there is no malice or rudeness in her poetry. She perceived all the failures with incredible wisdom and never regretted the path she had traveled, even when it was unbearably difficult. She wrote hundreds of poems, many of which have become popular songs. About the work, biography and personal life of Rimma Kazakova, read further in the article

Benzoni Juliette: biography, books

Benzoni Juliette: biography, books

Juliette Benzoni is a famous French writer whose works are popular in many countries and are produced in millions of copies. The most widely read author in her country (especially the beautiful half of humanity) - Andre-Marguerite-Juliette Mangin - was born in Paris in 1920, October 30

Modern books about love. What modern book about love to read?

Modern books about love. What modern book about love to read?

They say the best love books have already been written. Strange, isn't it? With the same success it can be argued that the main discoveries in the field of physics or chemistry have already been made … As in matters of everything that exists in this world, it is impossible to put an end to the topic of love, only ellipsis, because how many people - so many stories, and along with them and feelings, emotions, experiences that cannot be compared and each of which is unique. Another thing is by whom and how this or that love story is presented

Talented science fiction writer Vasily Melnik

Talented science fiction writer Vasily Melnik

The article contains a biography, bookography, a review of the book "Line of Fire" by Vasily Orekhov. As well as a description of the image of the Hemulen as a legend of the Zone

Anton Chekhov: "Chameleon" and his heroes

Anton Chekhov: "Chameleon" and his heroes

Among Russian writers, Anton Chekhov stands out in the first place with his ability to make the reader laugh. "Chameleon" is a humorous story that is not in vain included in the school curriculum. It raises very important social issues. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" shows the negative side of the human character, ridicules vices, opens eyes to the truth, the real world, which, alas, is not without flaws

Best Tranquility Quotes

Best Tranquility Quotes

Calmness is an integral part of a fulfilling human life. Quotes and sayings of wise people allow you to enjoy it to the fullest and learn about the patterns of the occurrence of this state. Read the best quotes about calmness in the article

The story "Danko": a summary. "Danko", Maxim Gorky

The story "Danko": a summary. "Danko", Maxim Gorky

The legend of Danko is one of the three parts of the story "Old Woman Izergil" by Maxim Gorky. The narrator meets an elderly woman during the grape harvest. She has seen a lot in life, and she has something to tell people

"Mask of the Red Death": the famous work of Edgar Allan Poe

"Mask of the Red Death": the famous work of Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe's novel "Mask of the Red Death" was first published in 1842. She brought her creator only $12. Who would have thought that a short story would glorify the author all over the world? The fact is that this is an excellent example of high-quality and exciting mysticism

F. Tyutchev, "Oh, how deadly we love." Analysis of the poem

F. Tyutchev, "Oh, how deadly we love." Analysis of the poem

This poem is one of the most powerful, sensual and vivid works of Tyutchev. For the lyrical hero, reality is proof that love is not only the flowering of the soul, but also a lot of experiences and trials

Sergey Yesenin. Poems about nature

Sergey Yesenin. Poems about nature

The theme of nature in Yesenin's poems occupies one of the first places. We can say that it is the main constituent element of his work. In almost every masterpiece of his work, the reader can notice beautiful and at the same time unusual descriptions of Russian nature

Characteristics of Pechorin in the chapter "Bela" (based on the novel "A Hero of Our Time")

Characteristics of Pechorin in the chapter "Bela" (based on the novel "A Hero of Our Time")

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M. Yu. Lermontov can be attributed to the first socio-psychological and philosophical work in prose. In this novel, the author tried to display the vices of the entire generation in one person, to create a multifaceted portrait

Analysis "She was sitting on the floor". Tyutchev and his ability to convey feelings

Analysis "She was sitting on the floor". Tyutchev and his ability to convey feelings

Very often in the works of Fyodor Tyutchev such feelings are described that a person experiences at certain turning points in his life. The famous poem "She was sitting on the floor" has four stanzas, and each is filled not only with feeling, but also with deep meaning. With the help of some words, the author managed to convey emotions so that every reader could feel the state of the heroine of the poem

"Demon" A.S. Pushkin: analysis. "Demon" Pushkin: "evil genius" in every person

"Demon" A.S. Pushkin: analysis. "Demon" Pushkin: "evil genius" in every person

"Demon" is a poem that carries a fairly simple meaning. Such an "evil genius" is in every person. These are such character traits as pessimism, laziness, uncertainty, unscrupulousness

The image of Taras Bulba in the story "Taras Bulba". Characteristics of the work

The image of Taras Bulba in the story "Taras Bulba". Characteristics of the work

The image of Taras Bulba embodies a large number of typical sides of the Ukrainian Cossacks. In the story of the same name, he is revealed from all sides: both as a family man, and as a military leader, and as a person in general. Taras Bulba is a folk hero, he cannot stand a quiet domestic existence and lives a stormy life full of worries and danger

The image of Tikhon in the play "Thunderstorm". Love for the wife, submission to the mother

The image of Tikhon in the play "Thunderstorm". Love for the wife, submission to the mother

One of the main characters in the play "Thunderstorm" is Kabanov Tikhon Ivanovich. He is the son of Kabanikha and at the same time the husband of Katerina. It is on the example of this character that the destructive and crippling power of the "dark kingdom" is most accurately shown, turning a person into a shadow of himself

The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm". Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Barbara

The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm". Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Barbara

Varya is a realistic person, she understands perfectly well that her fate depends only on herself. In this way, the image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm" differs significantly from the image of the dreamy Katerina

Author Alisa Ganieva: biography, creativity

Author Alisa Ganieva: biography, creativity

Young Russian writer Alisa Ganieva, who came to Moscow from Dagestan, interestingly describes the way of life and the changes that are happening to her homeland

Alexander Shiryaev and his namesakes

Alexander Shiryaev and his namesakes

The surname Shiryaev is so common in Russia that many readers get confused as to who owns this or that verse. For example, with the pseudonym Alexander Shiryaev, three poets meet at once, but, fortunately, they all have a different patronymic. It is worth talking about each of them in more detail

Birthplace of Kolobok. Where he was born?

Birthplace of Kolobok. Where he was born?

"Gingerbread Man" is a children's fairy tale that everyone probably knows. After reading this article, you can find out many interesting versions about where this character was born

Robert Harris: biography, books. Roman "Vaterland"

Robert Harris: biography, books. Roman "Vaterland"

Want to know what the world might look like if World War II ended with a German victory? Or maybe you are wondering how the ancient Roman city of Pompeii perished? The most cinematic works about these and other events were written by Robert Harris. We bring to your attention a selection of the best books of this author

John Fowles, "Magician": reader reviews, description and reviews

John Fowles, "Magician": reader reviews, description and reviews

John Fowles is a British writer who is known to readers as a true experimenter. That is why the appearance of his novel "Magician", written in the genre of magical realism, which is most characteristic of Latin American culture, did not cause much surprise among the admirers of this author and his critics

F. Racine, "Phaedra": a summary. "Phaedra" - a tragedy in five acts

F. Racine, "Phaedra": a summary. "Phaedra" - a tragedy in five acts

Retelling a work helps to quickly get acquainted with the text, understand what it is about, and find out its plot. Below is a tragedy written by J. Racine in the 17th century - "Phaedra". A summary of the chapters (in this case, the acts) is a more detailed version of the presentation of the text

The story of the life and work of Prishvin M. M

The story of the life and work of Prishvin M. M

No matter how brilliant Prishvin was, nevertheless, until the age of 30, he did more preparatory writing work, as if gaining more experience, in order to later express himself in a literary artistic word

Integral binding. Types of book bindings. Covers for binding

Integral binding. Types of book bindings. Covers for binding

Although e-books are becoming more popular every day, their traditional paper counterparts do not give up their positions. At the same time, most publishers understand that, due to their high cost, printed paper literature is significantly inferior to its electronic version. For this reason, book printing and binding technologies are constantly improving. So, one of the latest innovations in this area was integral binding. What is it and what are its advantages? Let's find out