The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm". Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Barbara

The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm". Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Barbara
The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm". Comparative characteristics of Katerina and Barbara

Varvara Kabanova is one of several main characters in the famous drama by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". According to the plot, Varvara lives in the city of Kalinov, she does not like many orders in this city, but she does not seek to fight them, she has learned to live in her own way, simply adapting to someone else's rules. The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm" very quickly attracts the attention of the reader. This girl has a strong and steadfast character, and despite the fact that she does not try to resist her mother, she is not going to indulge her.

What is she - Barbara?

plan of the image of the barbara from the play Thunderstorm
plan of the image of the barbara from the play Thunderstorm

Varya is a realistic person, she understands perfectly well that her fate depends only on herself. In this way, the image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm" differs significantly from the image of the dreamy Catherine. Varvara understands that the life that people live in her city is no longer relevant, so she is not afraid to criticize her mother's words. This emphasizes her mind and character.

Further in the play, such traits of Varya's character as thinking andinsight. She easily guesses that married Katerina yearns for a strange man. And while she had not yet fully figured out her desires, Varya already understood everything and began to make plans.

Varvara is quite a pragmatic girl. She understands that one should not expect pity or compassion from others, and even more so unquestioningly carry out other people's orders. But at the same time, she manages not to enter into open conflict with others, giving the appearance of decency.

Realistic Barbarian

the image of the barbarian in the play thunderstorm
the image of the barbarian in the play thunderstorm

The image of Barbara in the play "Thunderstorm" attracts attention with its realism. Varya does not take other people's words to heart, noticing hypocrisy and deceit in them. This is well manifested at the moment when a certain crazy lady appears in front of Varya and Katerina, who prophesies God's punishment for the girls for all their sins. While Katerina is overcome by fright and incomprehensible anxiety after what she heard, Varvara does not worry about this at all. Maybe that's why it is so much easier for her to live in the world.

But apart from everything, it cannot be said about Vara that she is a person "with a heart of stone". Varya is capable of pity, compassion and understanding. The girl sincerely cares about her sister-in-law Katerina, wishing her only the best and understanding her feelings.

It can be said that Varya is well versed in what is happening and in the people around her. She cannot understand only the dreamy Katerina, who, in her opinion, is so different from the rest.

Katerina and Barbara

katerina and barbara in a drama by n ostrovskythunderstorm
katerina and barbara in a drama by n ostrovskythunderstorm

Katerina and Varvara in A. N. Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm" differ significantly from each other not only in their appearance, but also in their character and worldview. Katerina is a principled, sincere and honest character. This heroine does not know how to deceive and is not capable of falsehood. She takes everything at face value, so it is very difficult for her to live not only in the Kabanov family, but also in the city of Kalinovo itself. Katerina is a person who will not change her rules, will not go against her principles, will not be able to live long in captivity.

Varvara is a completely different matter. She is not superstitious, she is not afraid of anything. Varya is able not only to live by someone else's rules, but also to break them, without causing a single conflict. Barbara is a person who has learned to live in the world that has developed around.

Two opposites

characteristics of the images of Katerina and the barbarian in the drama thunderstorm
characteristics of the images of Katerina and the barbarian in the drama thunderstorm

Varvara is full of determination, unlike her sister-in-law Katerina. She really appreciates the unworthy character of her brother and does not see anything wrong with the fact that Katerina is cheating on him. If Varya were in her place, she would never have confessed this betrayal to anyone, but Katerina is not able to remain silent, she tells her husband everything. Can Varya be considered vile or cynical? It is impossible to say anything, because it was such a character that helped her cope with the conditions in which she grew up.

This is the comparative characteristics of images. Katerina and Barbara in the drama "Thunderstorm" are, as it were, opposite worlds that intersect with each other. With the help of these twogirls, the author tried to show different types of people, their behavior, strengths and weaknesses.

Pros and cons of Barbara's character

A lot of different qualities combined the image of Barbara. In the play "Thunderstorm" she acts as a very realistic girl, even too much. Whether this is good or bad is for the reader to judge. Varya is also a straightforward, but at the same time a cunning girl. It contains a fairly large number of beautiful character traits, but the atmosphere of falsehood and deceit in the parental home left its mark on her character. “You can do everything, as long as no one knows” - this is the life position of the heroine.

The outline of the image of Barbara from the play "Thunderstorm" carries not only her character traits, but also her worldview, her behavior in various situations, her mistakes.

Barbara is much smarter and more experienced than Katerina. Although the latter is a married woman. Varya understands life much better.
