Literature 2024, October

Who is the author of Carlson? Who wrote the fairy tale about Carlson?

Who is the author of Carlson? Who wrote the fairy tale about Carlson?

As children, most of us enjoyed watching and rewatching the cartoon about a merry man with a motor who lives on the roof, and read the adventures of the brave Pippi Longstocking and the funny prankster Emil from Lenneberga. Who is the author of Carlson and many other familiar and beloved literary characters of both children and adults?

Library of the Academy of Sciences: where is it located? Description, directions

Library of the Academy of Sciences: where is it located? Description, directions

The Library of the Academy of Sciences is the largest institution in Russia that collects printed works. It was founded in 1714 by decree of Peter I. The main goal of this library was to provide access to books for all residents of the state striving for European education. Today, about twenty million books are stored within the walls of the institution

Many-faced hoaxer Boris Vian

Many-faced hoaxer Boris Vian

Boris Vian was truly a man-orchestra, drawn to everything unknown. Creator of novels, poetry, actor playing the trumpet. Boris Vian, whose biography is fascinating and complex, became a classic of French literature only after his death

Nikolai Zabolotsky: biography, creativity

Nikolai Zabolotsky: biography, creativity

One of the most underestimated authors of that time was the poet N. Zabolotsky. Everyone knows that Akhmatova is a genius, but not everyone can quote her poems. The same applies to Blok or Tsvetaeva. But almost everyone knows the work of Zabolotsky - but many have no idea that this is Zabolotsky

Public and political figure and playwright Fyodor Pavlov: biography, features of activity and interesting facts

Public and political figure and playwright Fyodor Pavlov: biography, features of activity and interesting facts

Pavlov Fedor Pavlovich is a Chuvash poet and founder of the musical art of the Chuvash people. For a short 38 years, he tried himself in many branches of culture, especially in music and drama

Writer Olga Yulianovna Kobylyanskaya: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Writer Olga Yulianovna Kobylyanskaya: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Life and work of the famous Ukrainian writer Olga Kobylianska. The story of her ups, downs, first successes and searches for herself in the writing field

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich: biography

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich: biography

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich is a famous Russian journalist and writer. Currently, he is a special correspondent for the Izvestia newspaper. He published the largest number of materials while working in the Russian Reporter magazine. In this publication, for 7 years, Dmitry served as deputy editor-in-chief

Kant, Critique of Pure Reason: criticism, content

Kant, Critique of Pure Reason: criticism, content

The main credo of the philosopher was to use his mind under any conditions. Information from Kant's personal life may indicate that he never married. This was due to the fact that in his youth he could not provide for the chosen one (in material terms), and when this issue was resolved, the philosopher no longer had a desire to marry. Perhaps thanks to seclusion, Immanuel Kant managed to write such amazing works, among which the Critique of Pure Reason is a fundamental work

"Jane Eyre": summary. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

"Jane Eyre": summary. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

One of the best works of the writer Charlotte Bronte recognized the novel "Jane Eyre". Summary of the book: the story of the misadventures of a poor governess, who nevertheless managed to achieve personal happiness

Didactics is a complex and interesting subject

Didactics is a complex and interesting subject

The article explains the concept of didactics and its significance as a science. The tasks of didactics are also described, the difference between general and particular didactics is indicated. Attention is drawn to the didactic systems and the contribution of the great teacher Comenius

Tales about nature - a pantry of goodness and wisdom

Tales about nature - a pantry of goodness and wisdom

To portray the vibrant world of nature for the youngest readers, many writers have turned to the fairy tale genre of literature. Even in many folk tales, the main characters are natural phenomena, forest, frost, snow, water, plants. These fairy tales are very fascinating and informative, they talk about the change of seasons, the sun, the moon, various animals

How to speak succinctly and wisely: an example of aphorisms

How to speak succinctly and wisely: an example of aphorisms

And all because almost any example of aphorisms is such a successful formulation of a particular thought that it sinks into consciousness as a sample of a speech norm. This is the phenomenon of most popular expressions: they are always heard, they are reproduced almost unchanged and understood from a half-word

Washington Irving, "Legends of Sleepy Hollow": a summary

Washington Irving, "Legends of Sleepy Hollow": a summary

The legends of Sleepy Hollow refer to an incredible array of tales of a headless horseman who is doomed to wander until he finds his severed head. One of these stories was once recorded by W. Irving. It is to this work that this article will be devoted

"Prometheus": summary, main events, retelling. The Legend of Prometheus: a summary

"Prometheus": summary, main events, retelling. The Legend of Prometheus: a summary

What did Prometheus do wrong? A summary of the tragedy of Aeschylus "Prometheus Chained" will give the reader an idea of the essence of events and the plot of this Greek myth

"White Fang": summary. Jack London, "White Fang"

"White Fang": summary. Jack London, "White Fang"

One of Jack London's most impressive novels is The White Fang. We suggest you read the summary of the novel in our article

Soviet writer Yevgeny Permyak. Biography, features of creativity, fairy tales and stories of Evgeny Permyak

Soviet writer Yevgeny Permyak. Biography, features of creativity, fairy tales and stories of Evgeny Permyak

Evgeny Permyak is a famous Soviet writer and playwright. In his work, Evgeny Andreevich turned to both serious literature, reflecting social reality and the relationship of people, and to children's literature. And it was the latter that brought him the greatest fame

Description of the room is part of the artistic image in literature

Description of the room is part of the artistic image in literature

Description of a room - more than the interior or information about the size of the room. This is a prose writer's tool for revealing the character of the hero, creating the atmosphere of the work

"Amok", S. Zweig: summary, storyline, reviews

"Amok", S. Zweig: summary, storyline, reviews

Story within a story was Stefan Zweig's favorite literary device. In the short story "Amok" the main plot is the story told to the protagonist by a stranger. A story in a story, or, as it is also called, the “matryoshka principle”, Zweig used in “Impatience of the Heart”, “Letter from a Stranger” and a number of his other works

"The Twelve Labors of Hercules": a summary

"The Twelve Labors of Hercules": a summary

Two nymphs (Virtue and Virtue) offered our hero, when he was still young, the choice between a pleasant, easy life or a hard, but glorious and full of deeds, and Hercules chose the latter. One of the first trials was given to him by King Thespius, who wanted the hero to kill a lion on Mount Cithaeron. As a reward, the king offered him to impregnate each of his 50 daughters, which Hercules accomplished in one night (sometimes referred to as the 13th labor)

Eckhart Tolle: biography, family, books and quotes

Eckhart Tolle: biography, family, books and quotes

E. Tolle is a famous German writer, an enlightened spiritual speaker. Today, his works have been published and translated into many languages. One of Tolle's main insights is the need to accept reality as it is. If a person accepts what is in him, what his life is filled with, a feeling of fundamental peace, a spiritual world, arises inside him. Read about the biography of Eckhart Tolle, his works and ideas in the article

Jules Verne: biography, creativity

Jules Verne: biography, creativity

Jules Verne, whose biography interests children and adults, is a French writer, considered a classic of literature. His works contributed to the formation of science fiction, and also became an incentive for the practical exploration of space. What kind of life did Jules Verne live? His biography is marked by many achievements and difficulties

Craven Sarah: the life and work of the writer

Craven Sarah: the life and work of the writer

Unfortunately, few people in Russia are interested in contemporary Western novelists. But among them there are a huge number of talented authors. For example, Sarah Craven is a British short story writer with over 80 novels. From this article you can start acquaintance with her work

Creativity Maureen Child

Creativity Maureen Child

Short story writer Maureen Child is a popular writer in English-speaking countries. Nevertheless, readers in Russia are little familiar with her work. And it would be nice to try to fix this defect. This article will help you do it

What is the meaning of the play "At the Bottom"?

What is the meaning of the play "At the Bottom"?

The play "At the Bottom" is a work by M. Gorky, which has a deep philosophical meaning. People who have become hostages of different situations forget about the feeling of compassion for their neighbor. The heroes of the play, who find themselves at the bottom of life, are trying to break through to the light

Is the "Auditor" up-to-date? Gogol is really relevant

Is the "Auditor" up-to-date? Gogol is really relevant

Gogol, as you know, created the comedy "Inspector General" using the idea presented by Pushkin. The prototype of the impostor auditor was a real historical figure - a certain Pavel Svinin. A difficult and interesting task - to put together and ridicule the Russian mechanism of provincial power - was pursued by a comedy written by Gogol, "The Inspector General"

The meaning of the phraseological unit "Kazan orphan" and its history

The meaning of the phraseological unit "Kazan orphan" and its history

The use of phraseological units makes our speech brighter and more colorful. But at the same time, it is important to use catchphrases correctly, to understand their meaning. This article will introduce the history of origin and the meaning of the phraseological unit "Kazan orphan"

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky and Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich: the history of friendship, comparison of works

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky and Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich: the history of friendship, comparison of works

Zhukovsky and Pushkin - two big names in the history of Russian literature, two geniuses, two great people. Such different destinies, different characters, and such a warm friendship for many years! What were close Zhukovsky and Pushkin, briefly described in many sources. Let's try to look deeper

"Green Morning": a summary. Bradbury, "Green Morning": analysis, characteristics and reviews

"Green Morning": a summary. Bradbury, "Green Morning": analysis, characteristics and reviews

Short story craftsmanship is like cutting a diamond. You can not make a single unnecessary movement, so as not to disturb the inner harmony of the image. And at the same time, it is necessary to accurately and quickly achieve the maximum brightness from a small pebble for many years and centuries. Ray Bradbury is a recognized master of such word cutting

Georgy Skrebitsky, the story "Cat Ivanych": summary, main characters

Georgy Skrebitsky, the story "Cat Ivanych": summary, main characters

Stories about our smaller brothers are simple only at first glance. Behind short, capacious descriptions lies a deep thought and great love of the author for every living being. Therefore, do not think that such small works are good only for younger students. Sometimes simple, but no less vital truths are forgotten by eternally busy adults. And who doesn’t want to return to the cozy atmosphere of childhood with the help of good old books? The story "Cat Ivanovich" is great for this

Vladimir Korotkevich: biography, photos, works, quotes

Vladimir Korotkevich: biography, photos, works, quotes

Korotkevich Vladimir Semenovich is a writer, playwright and poet, whose works are proud of his native Belarus and read with pleasure by readers from different countries. His books, published in sixty thousand copies and more, lined up huge queues. Moreover, such popularity was in no way reflected in the human qualities of the writer: Vladimir Korotkevich, not spoiled by the attention of the state, was a kind and modest man with a huge heart and a broad soul

"A curious Barbara's nose was torn off at the market": the meaning and meaning of the saying

"A curious Barbara's nose was torn off at the market": the meaning and meaning of the saying

When we were children peeping at various interesting things, but not intended for the eyes of a child, our parents would catch us with the words: “The nose of the curious Varvara was torn off at the market”. And we understood what that meant, intuitively or consciously. In our article, we will deal with the meaning of this saying, and with whether it is good or bad to be curious

Themes, motives, images of the lyrics of the poets of the 18th century: the work of Lomonosov and Radishchev

Themes, motives, images of the lyrics of the poets of the 18th century: the work of Lomonosov and Radishchev

In the 18th century, Russian poetry begins a new stage of development. It is at this time that the author's individuality asserts itself. Until the 18th century, the personality of the poet was not reflected in the poems. It is difficult to talk about lyrics as the embodiment of the subjective feelings of the author

Ch. Aitmatov, "Stormy Station": a summary

Ch. Aitmatov, "Stormy Station": a summary

Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "Stormy Station" is one of the best works of the Soviet era. Its summary is described in the article

"Captain Daredevil" summary. "Captain Daredevil" door Louis Boussenard

"Captain Daredevil" summary. "Captain Daredevil" door Louis Boussenard

Louis Boussenard's outstanding novel "Captain Daredevil" tells the story of the adventures of the young Frenchman Jean Grandier. He became a millionaire in the gold mines of the Klondike. What is the Anglo-Boer War preparing for him?

Ludovico Ariosto: biography, works

Ludovico Ariosto: biography, works

Ludovico Ariosto was a popular playwright and poet who lived in Italy during the Renaissance. His most famous work is the poem "Furious Roland", which had a great influence on the development of modern literature in Europe

Russian epic "Svyatogor"

Russian epic "Svyatogor"

Epic about Svyatogor - a classic plot of the ancient Russian epic. You can learn more about it in this article

"Robinson Crusoe": did the author write about himself?

"Robinson Crusoe": did the author write about himself?

Many people associate the author of the novel "The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" Daniel Defoe with his hero, Robinson Crusoe. The author and his character went through life together

Chekhov: a short biography of the writer

Chekhov: a short biography of the writer

Classic of Russian literature - Chekhov, short biography. Just a few words, but for people who love the works of the author, these lines are enough. So, Chekhov, a short biography of the writer

Turgenev's biography: a brief note about the writer's life

Turgenev's biography: a brief note about the writer's life

We all read about the deaf-mute Gerasim, who could not express his love and pain in words, and the author of this work, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, devoted his whole life to stories about love, life and eternal pain

Richard Brautigan: biography and bibliography

Richard Brautigan: biography and bibliography

Counterculture is a current that denies generally accepted values in art. In literature, this trend was reflected in the work of some representatives of American literature of the seventies of the 20th century. One such writer was Richard Brautigan. Peru of this writer owns eleven novels and several poetry collections. Creativity and biography of the American prose writer and poet - the topic of the article