Didactics is a complex and interesting subject

Didactics is a complex and interesting subject
Didactics is a complex and interesting subject
Didactics is
Didactics is

Didactics is one of the branches of pedagogy that deals with the general theory of learning and education. The author of this term is considered to be Rathke, a well-known German teacher. He first used the concept of "didactics" in the course of his lectures. The origin of the word itself is connected with the Greek "didaktikos" and "didasko", which means "related to learning", as well as the art of teaching, proving, explaining.

Didactics as a science

Didactics is a scientific discipline, and it explores not only theory, but also the practice of teaching. Like any science, didactics also has its own subject and object. The subject is training, which acts as a means of upbringing and education of a person. The object is real learning processes with all their aspects: trends, characteristics, patterns. Acting as the main theoretical core for pedagogy, didactics helps answer questions about what and how to teach? For a high-quality educational process and education, didactics is very necessary. Education is her main interest. This is especially aggravated in the modern world, because the amount of information in any field of knowledge is rapidly increasing.increases and is updated.

Didactics training
Didactics training

General and particular didactics. Her tasks

General didactics is a broader concept, since it is interested in what, for what purposes and how to teach students at absolutely all levels of education and in all subjects. On the other hand, subject methods (private didactics) develop the theoretical foundations for teaching specific disciplines. Both of these didactics are interrelated: the general acts as the basis for the particular and at the same time is based on their research results. The main tasks of didactics are the explanation and description of the learning process, the proposal of conditions for its implementation, the creation of new learning systems and technologies.

Didactic systems

Didactics is a system, and there are three types of such systems: traditional, pedocentric and modern. In the traditional system, the key role is assigned to the teacher and his activities. It should form in students not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also value-moral ideas. It is widely used, systematized, but authoritarian. At the center of the pedocentric system is the child. The educational process depends on his abilities and interests, knowledge is acquired in the process of activity. But systematicity is lost, the material is selected chaotically. The modern didactic system has combined the best of the two previous ones.

Jan Amos Comenius

Great didactics
Great didactics

This is the author of the work "Great Didactics", where he first presented it as a system of scientificknowledge. The didactic principles set forth by him are of great importance. The main ones include the principle of visibility, consistency, systematic and feasibility of learning, the consciousness of learning, the development of cognitive abilities and the strength of assimilation. It was also Comenius who proposed the class-lesson teaching system, which is still used today.
