Literature 2024, October

Polonsky Yakov Petrovich: biography and creativity

Polonsky Yakov Petrovich: biography and creativity

Among the Russian writers of the 19th century there are poets and prose writers whose work is not as important as the contribution of titans like Pushkin, Gogol or Nekrasov to Russian literature. But without them, our literature would lose its multicoloredness and versatility, the breadth and depth of reflection of the Russian world, the thoroughness and completeness of the study of the complex soul of our people

Rokossovsky's memoirs: book description

Rokossovsky's memoirs: book description

Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich wrote down his memories of the war. In his memoirs, Rokossovsky talks about the planning of military operations, about major operations and relationships with many prominent people

Andrey Butorin: biography, books

Andrey Butorin: biography, books

Andrey Butorin is a well-known domestic writer working in the science fiction genre. He has been working in art since the mid-1990s. Author of a large number of short stories, short stories and novels. Fame brought him participation in the literary projects "Metro 2033" and "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." In this article we will talk about his biography and creative career

"The Shining" by Stephen King: reader reviews, summary, writing history

"The Shining" by Stephen King: reader reviews, summary, writing history

The Shining book by Stephen King deserved excellent reviews from readers, primarily for an interesting plot, easy writing style, good portrayal of characters. This work of the "king of horrors" was published in 1977. Later, two film adaptations of this book were created

Stephen King's "Dead Zone": reader reviews, summary, critics' review

Stephen King's "Dead Zone": reader reviews, summary, critics' review

Reviews of Stephen King's "Dead Zone" will interest all fans of this American writer, who is considered a master of horror and detective stories. This book is also written by him with elements of a political thriller, which makes it especially interesting. In this article, we will give a summary of the novel, talk about reader reviews and various critics' reviews of it

Robert Prechter: photo, biography, books

Robert Prechter: photo, biography, books

Robert Prechter is the developer of the theory of social causation, which is called "socionomics". It explains the nature of trends and developments in finance, macroeconomics, politics, fashion, entertainment, demographics, and other aspects of human social life. Robert Prechter's book on Elliot Wave Theory is popular among the population of many countries

Bessoyuzie or asindeton - what is it?

Bessoyuzie or asindeton - what is it?

The study of tropes and figures, as well as the ability to find and use them, is a serious task that students in high school for the first time face in literature classes. In this article, we will pay attention to one of the stylistic figures, namely, to asyndeton. We learn the purpose of its use, and also consider examples of use

"Diaboliad": a summary, the main idea of the work and the author

"Diaboliad": a summary, the main idea of the work and the author

Summary of the Diaboliad will be of interest to all fans of Mikhail Bulgakov's work. This is a story written by him in 1923. In this article we will give a brief summary of the work, talk about its author and the main idea

Virgil's "Bucolics": writing history and summary

Virgil's "Bucolics": writing history and summary

Virgil's Bucolics is one of the finest examples of pastoral Hellenistic poetry that has survived to this day. The great poet of ancient Rome, a born orator, a talented poet and musician, Virgil was known not only as a member of an elite creative society, but also as an outstanding politician of his time, who paid much attention to social problems, displaying them in his literary works and offering ways to solve them there

Niccolò Machiavelli, "The Emperor": reader feedback, main idea, content, quotes

Niccolò Machiavelli, "The Emperor": reader feedback, main idea, content, quotes

Reviews of Machiavelli's "The Prince" will interest all fans of this medieval writer and philosopher. In his book, which has been considered legendary for several centuries, he described the methods of government, the seizure of power and the skills that every ruler should possess. In this article, we will give a summary of the book and reviews that readers leave about it

Writer James Caine: biography and creativity

Writer James Caine: biography and creativity

James Kane is an American writer and journalist. Although the author himself was against such a definition, he is considered one of the outstanding crime writers of the 30s and 40s of the last century, as well as the progenitor of such a literary genre as noir fiction or romance noir. His works amazed readers with cruelty, greed and sexual obsession of the main characters

Erich Maria Remarque, "All Quiet on the Western Front": reader reviews, author, plot and main idea of the book

Erich Maria Remarque, "All Quiet on the Western Front": reader reviews, author, plot and main idea of the book

The novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" received mostly good reviews from readers and critics. This is one of the most famous works of the German prose writer Erich Maria Remarque. The book was first published in 1929. This is an anti-war work that gives the impressions of the soldier Paul Bäumer and his comrades about the First World War. In this article we will give reviews of the novel, its content

Anatoly Nekrasov, "Mother's Love": reviews and summary

Anatoly Nekrasov, "Mother's Love": reviews and summary

In modern society as a whole, there is a cult of childhood, which was not typical for past centuries. And sometimes some authors struggle with it. Anatoly Nekrasov also belongs to them. The book "Maternal Love" is dedicated to debunking the myths associated with parental feelings. The author is sure they are overrated

Christopher Buckley: biography, books, reader reviews

Christopher Buckley: biography, books, reader reviews

Christopher Buckley is a popular American satirist and writer. The novels "Smoking Here", "Florence of Arabia", "Day of the Boomerang" brought him worldwide fame. Some of them have been filmed. In this article we will tell his biography and about the most famous works

Valentin Pikul: biography, family, bibliography, adaptation of works

Valentin Pikul: biography, family, bibliography, adaptation of works

This article will tell in detail about the personal life and creative path of the famous writer Valentin Pikul. From the information provided, it will be possible to learn about how the author worked, what his life path was like, as well as many interesting facts

Modern science fiction writers and their works

Modern science fiction writers and their works

At present, the number of fans of science fiction is steadily increasing. People are interested in the future and the latest technologies and often fantasize about this topic themselves. Sci-fi literature fuels their interest, and the authors of the genre are happy to write exciting novels. To this day, new talented authors appear not only in Russia, but throughout the world

Quotes from "Twilight": statements about life, feelings and parting

Quotes from "Twilight": statements about life, feelings and parting

Almost 10 years have passed since the first film of the famous vampire saga "Twilight" was released. The love story that arose between an ordinary young girl Bella Swan and a 100-year-old vampire Edward Cullen fell in love with many young people and adults. The audience liked the film for its sincerity of feelings, as well as the mysterious and supernatural side of life and beautiful quotes

Why do we need riddles about teeth?

Why do we need riddles about teeth?

How to teach a baby to brush his teeth? How to explain to a small child that he althy teeth are very important? Riddles about teeth for children are the main tool for educating the right attitude to oral hygiene

Russian science fiction writer Andrey Kruz: bibliography, biography, best books

Russian science fiction writer Andrey Kruz: bibliography, biography, best books

The bibliography of Andrei Cruz is very rich and varied. In this article, we will introduce you to the main works by which you can make a full impression of this author. Let's talk about his career and personal life

Paul Bowles: biography, literary career, books, reader reviews

Paul Bowles: biography, literary career, books, reader reviews

Paul Bowles is an American writer and composer, whom many call a classic of modern literature. His work mainly fell on the second half of the 20th century. He is the author of the novels "Under the cover of heaven", "Let it pour", "House of the Spider", "Above the World", collections of short stories. In this article we will talk about his biography, as well as about the main works

Yu.Bondarev, "Coast": summary, plot, main characters and idea of the book

Yu.Bondarev, "Coast": summary, plot, main characters and idea of the book

The novel "The Shore" by Bondarev is one of the most famous works of this Russian author, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The book was written in 1975. The writer received the USSR State Prize for it. In 1984, the film of the same name by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov was released. The main roles in it were played by Boris Shcherbakov and Natalya Belokhvostikova. Bondarev wrote the script for the film, for which he was awarded a prize at the All-Union Film Festival

Collection of stories "Aleph", Borges Jorge Luis: summary, analysis, reviews

Collection of stories "Aleph", Borges Jorge Luis: summary, analysis, reviews

"Aleph" by Borges is a collection of short stories by the popular Argentine writer, written by him in 1949. It consists of 17 short stories and an afterword. In this article we will talk about the main themes of these works, give a summary of some of them, reader reviews

Who is Dobby from the Harry Potter films?

Who is Dobby from the Harry Potter films?

You are not familiar with the work of JK Rowling and do not know who Dobby is? Or perhaps you are interested in the history of this unusual creature? Let's plunge into the magical world of the famous Harry Potter together and try to figure out what kind of hero he is and what role he plays in the plot

"Chapaev" - a novel by Dmitry Furmanov about the life and death of the hero of the Civil War commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev

"Chapaev" - a novel by Dmitry Furmanov about the life and death of the hero of the Civil War commander Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev

Roman Furmanov "Chapaev" is a famous work dedicated to the hero of the Civil War. It became one of the most famous novels in Soviet literature. In 1934, a historical drama by the Vasiliev brothers was released, in which Boris Babochkin played the main role. In this article we will give a brief summary of the work, talk about its features

Biography and work of Sergei Kaledin

Biography and work of Sergei Kaledin

In 1989, the magazine "New World" published one of the most controversial works of this writer, called "Stroybat". This is a story about life in the barracks of the Soviet army. "Stroybat" is not the only work of the writer Sergei Kaledin. In addition to him, several more stories and short stories came out from the pen of this author

Korean literature. Korean writers and their works

Korean literature. Korean writers and their works

Korean literature is currently one of the most sought after and popular on the Asian continent. Historically, works were created in Korean or in classical Chinese, since the country did not have its own alphabet until the middle of the 15th century. So, all writers and poets used exclusively Chinese characters. In this article, we will talk about famous Korean writers and their works

Venedikt Erofeev: biography, personal life, books and date of death

Venedikt Erofeev: biography, personal life, books and date of death

The biography of Venedikt Erofeev should be well known to all connoisseurs of Russian literature without exception. This is a famous Soviet and Russian writer. He went down in history as the author of a poem called "Moscow - Petushki". In this article we will tell about the fate of the creator, his personal life

Yakov Akim: biography of the Soviet children's poet. Interesting Facts

Yakov Akim: biography of the Soviet children's poet. Interesting Facts

Remembering childhood, many of us pay attention to what books our parents read to us, in order to read them to growing children in turn. Most often these were poems or fairy tales. Today we will remember one poet, on whose works more than one generation of Soviet children was brought up. Unfortunately, the name of Yakov Akim (biography and interesting facts of creativity will be presented in this article) is little known to modern parents

Biography and work of Sergei Alexandrovich Abramov

Biography and work of Sergei Alexandrovich Abramov

One of the authors working in the science fiction genre is the Soviet and Russian writer Sergei Aleksandrovich Abramov. Several cycles, about 20 single novels and several dozen short stories have been published under his name

"Slavic Kingdom" Mavro Orbini: myth or reality

"Slavic Kingdom" Mavro Orbini: myth or reality

The book of Mavro Orbini "The Slavic Kingdom" has been considered by historians for many years only as a semi-mythical creation of past eras, which, however, is based on real facts. It was Orbini who had the honor of being the first researcher of the life, culture, and art of the ancient Slavs. The scientist also described all the trade relations of this people and military campaigns, marking on the map the sphere of influence of the Slavic tribes

A. Camus, "Rebel Man": summary, reviews

A. Camus, "Rebel Man": summary, reviews

Albert Camus is one of the most famous philosophers and writers, whose theories have found their way into many practical programs and emerging ideologies. During the life of the author, Camus's works were reprinted several times and gained incredible popularity in certain circles. In 1957, the prose writer was awarded the Nobel Prize for his literary achievements

Writer Eduard Yurievich Shim: biography and creativity

Writer Eduard Yurievich Shim: biography and creativity

Most of the writer's works are intended for children of preschool and primary school age. In his novels and short stories, Eduard Yuryevich Shim introduces young readers to the wonderful world of nature and its many inhabitants, teaches a reasonable and careful attitude to the world around. The main characters of his works are birds, insects, mice, bears, moose and other animals

The Godfather book: reader reviews, critics' opinions, author and plot

The Godfather book: reader reviews, critics' opinions, author and plot

There are such literary works that without any doubt can be called a mirror reflecting one or another stage of the era. One of them is The Godfather. The events described in it date back to the middle of the last century. It was then that at the peak of their strength and capabilities, the mafia clans acted, who were in the shadows, but at the same time actually ruled the world

Portrait in literature: concept, technique for describing the hero and examples

Portrait in literature: concept, technique for describing the hero and examples

An important means of characterization is a portrait. Very often, the authors describe the figure, face, clothes, movements, gestures, mannerisms of the characters. Description of appearance can tell a lot about a person. In the article we will try to define what a portrait is in literature, we will give examples of it. We will also define the main types of descriptions of a person in books

Mouni Witcher's Books for Little Readers

Mouni Witcher's Books for Little Readers

Children's books that not only attract young readers with magic and sorcery, but also teach goodness, you will not often find. It is these books, full of adventure, exciting and empathetic, that Mooney Witcher gives children

What is a prose work? The difference between a poem and a prose work

What is a prose work? The difference between a poem and a prose work

The article talks about how difficult it is to formulate what a prose work is, despite the apparent obviousness; explains the complexity of the formal distinction between poetic and prose texts; describes different approaches to solving this issue

"The sky of Austerlitz" - a complete change in the views of Prince Andrei

"The sky of Austerlitz" - a complete change in the views of Prince Andrei

The episode "The Sky of Austerlitz", which occupies relatively little space in the novel "War and Peace", is nevertheless one of the central ones, as it shows the profound changes that occurred with Prince Andrei on the battlefield. Everything that shaped the worldview of the prince, and that debunked his idea of the war and its heroes, is important in it

Deep analysis of Pushkin's poem "Monument"

Deep analysis of Pushkin's poem "Monument"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin rightfully occupies a dominant place in Russian literature, which he enriched with many outstanding poetic works. The fame of this great Russian poet spread far beyond the borders of his native Russia and outlived its owner for centuries

A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman": analysis of the work

A.S. Pushkin "The Bronze Horseman": analysis of the work

The famous work of the classic of Russian literature "The Bronze Horseman", the analysis of which will be made in the article, is dedicated to Peter the Great and his creation - St. Petersburg

"Lefty" - summary and plot

"Lefty" - summary and plot

The article conveys the plot of the story "Lefty" (summary). But in order to truly appreciate the beauty and accuracy of Lesk's words, his true Russian humor, one cannot confine oneself to a brief retelling. The pleasure of reading this book is indescribable! Therefore, I want to say to everyone: read Leskov! This is real literature