Who is Dobby from the Harry Potter films?

Who is Dobby from the Harry Potter films?
Who is Dobby from the Harry Potter films?

You are not familiar with the work of JK Rowling and do not know who Dobby is? Or perhaps you are interested in the history of this unusual creature? Let's plunge into the magical world of the famous Harry Potter together and try to figure out what kind of hero he is and what role he plays in the plot.

Who are the houses?

The answer to the question, who is Dobby, it is better to start with a description of the race. So, our hero is a house elf, or a house elf. They are small in stature and vaguely resemble humans. From time immemorial, housewives have served in the families of wizards. This is a kind of slavery, because the entire generation of elves is obliged to serve a certain family of magicians from birth to death.

elf dobby
elf dobby

Domoviks are connected with their owners by magical bonds that do not allow the elves to break the order or leave their master. At the same time, the brownies themselves, for the most part, do not consider themselves oppressed. On the contrary, they see the meaning of their life in service. If they receive freedom, then this becomes a heavy blow and an indelible shame for them and their families. You can free an elf from his duties in a very simple way - the owner must give the servant anyitem of clothing.

Note that the houses have considerable magical power and are quite capable of competing with wizards.


Dobby the elf is not like other house elves. Let's start with the fact that he does not like his masters, who are the Malfoys. He even betrays them, comes to Harry Potter and warns him of the danger that awaits him at Hogwarts (this happens in the book and film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets). Dobby longs for freedom, which is completely atypical for a member of his race.

And that wish succeeds when Harry Potter helps him get his release from Malfoy Sr. That is why Dobby is very respectful of Harry, considering him his friend and always adding "sir" when referring to him.

dobby from harry potter
dobby from harry potter

Despite his freedom-loving nature, Dobby is very hardworking and ready to help his friends. For example, he does not abandon and in every possible way supports the housewife Winky, who has received freedom and from this has lost the meaning of life. Dobby gets her a job at Hogwarts and helps her fight her butterbeer addiction.

When Harry Potter and his friends are captured, the house elf rushes to their aid without hesitation. During the escape, he dies, saving Harry's life. Dobovik embodies two key qualities - loy alty and courage. If you want to know who Dobby is, then the answer to this question is simple - he is the one who saved the life of the main character.

The image in the film

Some viewers, and then journalists, noticed that Dobby from "HarryPotter" outwardly incredibly similar to Vladimir Putin. For example, the journalist Leonid Parfyonov, the host of the program "The Other Day", announced this amazing similarity. Then in 2003, the BBC conducted a poll among fans of films about the boy who lived. The results showed that a third of them think Dobby looks like the President of Russia.

However, whether this was done on purpose, or happened completely by accident, remains unclear.

Interesting facts

who is dobby
who is dobby

So, some interesting facts about this little creature:

  • Freedom Dobby brought an old sock. Apparently, therefore, he has an incredible affection for them. Therefore, since the release, he has constantly flaunted in socks, while completely not observing the principle of pairing.
  • During the filming of the last two films of the cycle, Lilliputian understudies were replaced in the scenes of the Domovik, so that it would be easier for the actors to play their roles. And during the editing, they were already replaced with computer characters.
  • Pottoriana fans took Dobby's death very hard. Immediately after the release of the last book, they bombarded Rowling with complaints and accusations. The writer even had to apologize for killing everyone's favorite hero.

Hope you now understand who Dobby is.
