James Phelps is a British actor, known from the Harry Potter films

James Phelps is a British actor, known from the Harry Potter films
James Phelps is a British actor, known from the Harry Potter films

James Phelps (full name James Andrew Eric Phelps), British actor, born February 25, 1986 in London. He is the twin brother of Oliver Phelps, the difference in the time of birth of the brothers is 13 minutes. Both twins are involved in the film adaptations of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, where James plays the role of Fred, and Oliver plays George Weasley. In his inner circle, as well as among fans, James Phelps is called G.

james phelps
james phelps

Study and plans for the future

James and Oliver Phelps maintain a close relationship, they have the same hobbies, the circle of interests is also common - one for two. James leads an active lifestyle, he is sociable and friendly by nature. He is a big sports fan, especially football and golf. He combines filmmaking with college studies, and previously attended Little Sutton Elementary School and Arthur Terry High School. After graduation, James Phelps is going to continue his acting career and achieve certain results in this field. Dreams of someday playing a Bond villain or even himselfJames Bond. Lives permanently in London.

Personal life, hobbies and preferences

James Phelps, whose personal life is not very diverse, is not yet married, and as far as is known, he does not even have a fiancee. This happens with especially gifted people who devote their lives either to scientific activity or to creativity in the field of art. In both cases, they have no time for their personal lives.

James' family is father Martin Phelps, mother Susan Phelps, twin brother Oliver and two collies, Rupert and Even.

james and oliver phelps
james and oliver phelps

What does James Phelps love?

James' preferences are multifaceted:

  • Music - Bon Jovi, Queen, Coldplay, Guns'n'Roses, Muse, Red Hot Chili Pepper", Foo Fighters, Metallica, Velvet Revolver, Green Day, Led Zeppelin.
  • Favorite songs - "By The Way", "Under The Bridge" performed by Red Hot Chili Peppers and Bounce, "Wanted Dead Or Alive", "Livin' On a Prayer", "Everyday" performed by Bon Jovi.
  • Prefers blue.
  • TV Preferences - "The Simpsons" and "Futurama".
  • Favorite movies are "Gilmore the Lucky" and "Forest Gump".
  • Deskbook - "Prisoner of Azkaban".
  • Favorite Harry Potter movie is Goblet of Fire.
  • Food preferences - strawberry desserts, chips and fish in any form.
  • From animals, he especially likes dogs, horses and birds.
  • He is a fan of the Birmingham football team.

Main interests in life are golf, rock music, Playstation and acting.

james phelps filmography
james phelps filmography

Harry Potter

In 2000, thanks to the efforts of his mother Susan Phelps, fourteen-year-old James Phelps, along with his brother Oliver, got on the Harry Potter project. First, the boys had to go to an audition in the city of Leeds, 200 miles from their home, to show what they are capable of. Then an invitation to participate in the filming came in the mail. They got the roles of the same twin brothers as they were themselves - the characters of George and Fred Weasley. It so happened that the characters of JK Rowling grew up along with the entire film crew involved in the film adaptation of the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends. James and Oliver Phelps grew up exactly one year every year, and their characters George and Fred, surnamed Weasley, kept up with the roles.

Oliver and James starred in all parts of the Harry Potter series, and in 2008 they were invited to the film "Peter Kingdom will never leave you." This series differed in the most radical way from the Harry Potter films, filmed in the fantasy genre. The plot about Peter Kingdom was much closer to real life.

How can you tell twin brothers apart?

External data of James Phelps correspond to the classic type of a Londoner-Englishman: a special reddishness, small freckles, light brown eyes. He is tall (1 m 95 cm), loves extravagance in clothes, wears bracelets, beads, chains, but James' "hippie" is notcall everything in moderation. The resemblance to Oliver is striking, but the twins can still be distinguished by several features. First of all, these are several large moles, Oliver's is on his neck, James's is on his face. The brothers have different smiles, Oliver smiles openly, James shyly. Recently, James's build has taken on the outlines of beginning fullness, while Oliver remains thin and fit.

james phelps personal life
james phelps personal life


James Phelps, whose filmography includes 8 episodes of Harry Potter, the films "Peter Kingdom will never leave you" and "Hamlet", began filming in 2001:

  • In 2001 - Philosopher's Stone directed by Chris Columbus / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2002 - Chamber of Secrets directed by Chris Columbus / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2004 - Prisoner of Azkaban, directed by Alfonso Cuarón / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2005 - Goblet of Fire directed by Mike Newell / Fabian Pruett and Fred Weasley.
  • In 2007 - "Order of the Phoenix", directed by David Yates / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2008 - "Peter Kingdom will never leave you" directed by Simon Wheeler / Anderson.
  • In 2009 - "Half-Blood Prince", directed by David Yates / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2010 - "The Deathly Hallows 1", directed by David Yates / Fred Weasley.
  • In 2011 - The Deathly Hallows 2 directed by David Yates / Fred Weasley.


In the movie "Hamlet"William Shakespeare's play of the same name, James Phelps played Guildenstern, one of Hamlet's friends. The role of Rosencrantz, Hamlet's second friend, was played by Oliver Phelps.

The Phelps brothers are currently waiting for the next Harry Potter series. The next film should be "Harry Potter and Further Fate".
