The story "Danko": a summary. "Danko", Maxim Gorky

The story "Danko": a summary. "Danko", Maxim Gorky
The story "Danko": a summary. "Danko", Maxim Gorky

The legend of Danko is one of the three parts of the story "Old Woman Izergil" by Maxim Gorky. The narrator meets an elderly woman during the grape harvest. She has seen a lot in life, and she has something to tell people.

The work "Old Woman Izergil" consists of the legend of Larra, the story of the life of the woman herself and the legend of Danko. In this article you will find Danko's story (summary).

summary of danko
summary of danko

Blue sparks

Against the background of the gloomy landscape of the evening steppe, the narrator notices blue sparks appearing and disappearing. Burning with the desire to find out where they are from, he asks Izergil about it. In response, she begins her leisurely story.

Brave people

Once upon a time people lived in the old days, they were strong and did not know fear. And then one day an enemy tribe attacked them and forced them out of their native steppe places to the swamps, which were surrounded by a dark impenetrable forest. Despair took possession of that tribe, and fear fettered their thoughts. They had only two choices: either return and surrender to the mercy of the invaders, orgo forward through fetid swamps and dense forest. Since these people did not know fear, they wanted to rush towards the enemy and win back their native land at the cost of their own lives, but they could not do this, because their covenants would have perished with them. What happened next, you will find out by reading our summary.

Maxim Gorky Danko summary
Maxim Gorky Danko summary


When people were completely weakened and almost mad, the handsome Danko suddenly appeared and called the tribe behind him. He said that everything has its end, the forest is no exception, and that one should not think, but should immediately act. And people, seeing fire in Danko's eyes, followed him. They had to endure a lot on their way, blood and death were their constant companions, all the trials and hardships of people cannot be contained in a summary. Danko did not give up. And when the forces were already running out, people suddenly began to doubt the young and hot guy. Undoubtedly, a handsome and courageous man is a real romantic hero, this is the image that Maxim Gorky wanted to recreate. "Danko", a brief summary of which we are considering, is a work that is a worthy example of the literature of romanticism.

summary of the legend of danko
summary of the legend of danko


Suddenly, a storm broke out, thunder rumbled. The trees bent their branches to the very ground, preventing people from walking and frightening them. But since people considered themselves very brave, it was difficult for them to admit their own fear and helplessness. They decided to blame their leader for everything and kill him. Boldthe guy stood facing his tribe, and for a second rage boiled up in him, but it quickly went out, stinging overpowered it. However, people saw a strange gleam in Danko's eyes and perceived it as a threat. The article presents only a summary, the legend of Danko in full detail describes the climax of the work.

full content burning heart danko bitter
full content burning heart danko bitter

Heart of Danko

At that moment, when people were ready to break the brave leader, Danko pulled out a burning heart from his chest, and it dispelled the darkness. Now the path was illuminated and not at all scary. People rushed after their leader. After a while, the forest parted, and the steppe spread out before them, bathed in the sun. Danko looked at the free lands for the last time and fell dead. All the experiences of the protagonist in detail reveals the full content. Burning heart Danko Gorky left as a reminder and as a kind of symbol of love for people.

Cautious person

People, intoxicated with happiness and freedom, did not notice what happened to their savior. And one cautious person took it and for some reason stepped on a burning heart. It shattered into thousands of blue sparks, and then went out. With these words, the story ends, the summary of which was presented to your attention. Danko died in the name of the people.

Ending story

The woman fell asleep, the narrator covered her and lay down next to her on the ground. And the steppe was very quiet and did not bode well. This concludes the story "Danko". The summary does not contain the entirebeauty of the description of nature and other details of the work. For a deeper understanding, you need to refer to the full version of the book.

the image and character of Danko is a summary
the image and character of Danko is a summary

The image and character of Danko (summary). Key Features

Gorky ends his work with the legend of Danko for a reason. Thus, he sings of the courage, kindness and self-sacrifice of the protagonist. A distinctive feature of Danko's character is mercy and the ability to suppress anger in himself. From the very beginning, the brave handsome man stands out among other members of the tribe with his sharp mind. He understands that people will not live long in such conditions, because their strength is running out, and the desire to fight is about to go out. At the same time, Danko does not want a humiliating slave life for his relatives. Therefore, he encourages them to act, not to think. It is leadership qualities that are highly developed in Danko, and, most importantly, people see it in his eyes. Initially, they were ready to entrust their lives to the leader and went with him voluntarily, this is what the summary boils down to. Danko turned out to be guilty without guilt.

The prototype of the brave Danko is the hero of the biblical legend Moses. He too led his people towards freedom. The only difference between these two characters is that God helped Moses, he was the right hand of the Lord, and our hero acted independently, and his act came from a kind and keenly feeling the suffering of people of the heart. Summary of "Danko", or the legend of Danko, or "The burning heart of Danko" (names can begive a lot, and each will fit with amazing accuracy), of course, cannot convey all the subtleties of the work.

The culmination of the legend is the moment when people, essentially weak-willed and evil, blamed Danko for everything. They wanted to tear him apart. But the hero, ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of his comrades, suppressed his anger, and, not thinking about himself, tore out his heart to light the way for people. Here is another point taken from biblical stories. Self-sacrifice is the main trait inherent in true heroes.

Danko's short story
Danko's short story

In the final episode, a fair question arises as to whether such people are worthy of the sacrifice made by Danko? None of them appreciated or even noticed the act of the hero. Moreover, one cautious person even dared, while no one saw, to step on a burning heart. However, this act was vital for Danko himself, since his heart was overflowing with love for people, and he could not live, leaving them to certain death.

"The best of all" - this is how Maxim Gorky calls his hero. "Danko" (summary) is a work in which, despite the sad end, good triumphs over evil. The real reward for Danko is the feeling of pride when looking at the free land, and he is happy that he died for the people.
