How to draw the little mermaid Ariel: step by step process

How to draw the little mermaid Ariel: step by step process
How to draw the little mermaid Ariel: step by step process

The little mermaid Ariel is the main character of the cartoon filmed by the W alt Disney company based on the world-famous fairy tale by the Danish prose writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen. We will see how to draw the little mermaid Ariel with a pencil. Every child heard about this heroine. Her magical hair color fascinates with its beauty. And this beautiful fairy tale fills everyone's heart with love.

Tools and materials

In order to draw the little mermaid Ariel, you will need a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. Also, for the subsequent coloring of the picture, it will not be superfluous to prepare in advance colored pencils / felt-tip pens or watercolors / gouache, as well as brushes and a jar of water. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing, then let's get to work.

How to draw the little mermaid Ariel step by step

  1. Start drawing from the head. First of all, we draw a hair line - horizontal, with a slightbreak. From it we draw another line down and slightly to the right. We draw the head itself. Now about how to draw the little mermaid Ariel's face. We depict a spout in the middle, sponges under it, and brows at the top.
  2. first stage
    first stage
  3. How to draw the little mermaid Ariel's body? We outline the base of the neck. We draw a part of the body, the chest and the bra of the little mermaid from shells.
  4. second phase
    second phase
  5. At the next stage, we continue to depict the body. After drawing both hands, draw the waist.
  6. third stage
    third stage
  7. Let's move on to how to draw the little mermaid Ariel's tail. First of all, we draw a circle around the waist of this beautiful fairy-tale character. Further, on both sides we draw down smooth lines, which, the lower, the more and more narrow. Draw two fins at the end of the tail.
  8. fourth stage
    fourth stage
  9. The body is ready, let's move on to the most beautiful thing in this character - the hair. How to draw the little mermaid Ariel such a beautiful head of hair? First, it should be voluminous and lush. Ahead must be Ariel's signature thick bangs. After drawing the hair, move on to the eyes.
  10. fifth stage
    fifth stage

That's all, the little mermaid is ready! Now, for even more beauty, it's worth painting it.

Coloring the picture

How to draw the little mermaid Ariel, we discussed with you, now let's give it picturesque. To do this, you will need paints of red, light and dark turquoise, purple, beige and blue.

mermaid ariel
mermaid ariel

The body of the little mermaid is painted in beige or, if desired, in pink. Hair is fiery red! Blue is for the eyes and purple is for the shell bra. Sponges are also painted red.

For the mermaid tail we use light and dark turquoise. In order to get several shades of the same color, simply dilute them with a small amount of water (two or three drops). If you don't have turquoise available, you can use green or even blue. Turquoise can also be obtained by mixing blue, green and white in a ratio of 2:1:4.

After the mermaid is decorated, draw vertical lines on the fins with white paint.

If the drawing did not work the first time, do not be discouraged, try again and again, and in the end there will be a holiday on your street. Good luck!
