Best quotes by Ostap Bender
Best quotes by Ostap Bender

Video: Best quotes by Ostap Bender

Video: Best quotes by Ostap Bender
Video: Le Gel | Poème 01 - Émile Verhaeren | Audiobook 2024, June

Who doesn't know the wonderful adventurer Ostap Bender? He easily finds a way out of any situation, his adventures are original. And some of his phrases were so fond of readers that they became catch phrases. And even if you haven't read the books about his adventures and haven't watched the films based on them, most of Ostap Bender's quotes will seem familiar to you.

Ostap Bender quotes
Ostap Bender quotes

About finance

Ostap Bender loved luxury. He always dreamed of going abroad and living for his own pleasure. But this requires money. Therefore, with amazing persistence, he looked for various ways to get rich quick. Or the adventurer could have been planning a scam for months. But the goal was the same - to immediately receive huge sums that would be enough for a comfortable life. Ostap Bender's quotes about finances, even after a long period of time, are still relevant.

"The financial abyss is the deepest of all abysses. You can fall into it all your life" - what could the great strategist mean? Everything is very simple: a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation may not get out of it. More often than not, this happens due to misappropriation of funds. After all, if a person is not able to manage his means wisely, thena financial abyss opens up before him. Therefore, dear comrades, be wise with your savings!

how much is opium for the people
how much is opium for the people

On the importance of thinking

Ostap Bender was inexhaustible in ideas for enrichment. And all of them were distinguished by a non-trivial approach and thorough preparation for major scams. But, in case of need, the great strategist could just as quickly earn money for the most necessary things. Some quotes by Ostap Bender are just about how important it is to be able to quickly generate ideas.

"You have to think. For example, I am fed with ideas" - if you have read or watched a film about the great strategist, you have noticed how easily he has ideas for enrichment. And it does not matter whether it concerns huge sums or the search for money to travel to the appointed place. Anything could inspire him. It's just that Bender had an extraordinary mind, was more observant than most people, and creatively approached the task.

abroad will help us
abroad will help us

Religion is the opium of the people

This opinion was shared by well-known revolutionary figures K. Marx and V. Lenin. But she became so popular thanks to the well-known combinator Bender. "How much is opium for the people?" - this is the question Ostap asked his father Fedor - his competitor in the search for diamonds. And it was this phrase, said in such a humorous and satirical vein, that became popular.

"How much is opium for the people?" - Ostap did not accidentally ask such a question to his opponent. After all, Father Fyodor differed from the usual image of a priest: hedidn't mind getting rich. Therefore, Bender asked him, implying that he was misleading people with his apparent piety and modest lifestyle. But in fact, he is the same adventurer as Ostap.

Secret Society

Ostap Bender knew that there were people who were dissatisfied with the Soviet regime. These are the nobles, from whom all the property was taken away and given to the state. But they still had some savings. Therefore, the master strategist needed their help.

This adventurer created a secret society and began to inspire people that the Soviet power would soon fall, there would be orders again as in tsarist Russia. And for greater persuasiveness, Bender said the phrase: "Foreign countries will help us!" And this was a weighty argument, because the former nobles remembered those times when they calmly traveled abroad. Therefore, the great strategist quickly won their trust. "Foreigners will help us!" - implied capitalist countries whose government did not like the Soviet regime. Ostap knew about it, that's why he said these words.

I will lead the parade
I will lead the parade

Characterization of the combinator in one phrase

Ostap Bender is a bright charismatic personality. And, despite the fact that his main income is various financial frauds, he arouses sympathy among readers and viewers. Ostap Bender's quotes remain relevant to this day. Even people who do not know about this character have heard them and use them in their speech. One of these - "I will command the parade!".

This phrase is completelyreveals the identity of the great strategist. A person who boldly and openly makes a statement that he takes over the entire organization of the event already shows himself as a strong personality. After all, not everyone can take control in their own hands and be ahead of the rest. Ostap Bender is a leader with excellent organizational skills, versed in psychology, and therefore he could find an approach to any person. But at the same time, he is not without a sense of justice, which he carefully concealed in order to maintain his image of a strict and stern leader.

"I will command the parade!" people say when they take charge of organizing an event.

Ironic attitude towards a woman

Ostap Bender was not at all sentimental and did not dream of a high feeling. More than anything, he loved money. But sometimes the young adventurer was fond of beautiful people. Although, most often, it was necessary for his adventures.

Once in a provincial town he met with a young attractive lady, about whom he said: "A sultry woman is a poet's dream!". The impressionable lady dreamed of passionate love. Ostap then condescendingly remarked that in big cities such women are no longer found, but in the provinces they still exist.

This is an ironic statement about too temperamental women. Why do poets dream about them? Because they always write about sublime feelings. Likewise, these women dream of the same poetic passions.

12 chairs

Witty andOstap Bender's memorable quotes are found on almost every page of the book. It is difficult to determine the most popular, because they are all distinguished by worldly wisdom, dressed in humor and sarcasm. Ostap Bender's quotes from "12 Chairs" have long become popular expressions, but there are special ones that will be known to everyone.

"The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!" Who hasn't heard this exclamation? So they say when the first successes appear in the work on a difficult task. Such a comparison is most likely associated with spring: after all, if the ice begins to melt, it means that it is warm. Now this saying is one of Ostap Bender's best quotes.

a sultry woman is a poet's dream
a sultry woman is a poet's dream

Golden Calf

In the second part of the adventures of the great strategist, there are many funny episodes that readers will remember. Comrade Bender is still witty, resourceful, and loves to give advice. Indifferent to money. In The Golden Calf, there are many apt and sarcastic quotes from the young adventurer, which quickly became used in speech by everyone.

One of the most memorable episodes was connected with the car race - Ostap's original adventure. And then he said the famous phrase: "A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation!", thereby showing that people greatly exaggerate the importance of the vehicle, mistakenly believing that only the rich should have it.

Ostap Bender quotes 12 chairs
Ostap Bender quotes 12 chairs

For writers I. Ilf and E. Petrov managed to create a character that readers fell in love with, despite the fact that he traded in various scams and machinations. Ostap Bender is an outstanding personality, under whose charm everyone who knew him fell. In his phrases one could read a mockery of human stupidity, the shortcomings of the Soviet regime. Therefore, many of his quotes resonated with readers and later became popular expressions.
