Dmitry Kedrin: biography and interesting facts from life

Dmitry Kedrin: biography and interesting facts from life
Dmitry Kedrin: biography and interesting facts from life

D. Kedrin, one of the talented writers of post-revolutionary Russia, is shrouded in the mysteries of life and death. His mother was the unmarried daughter of a nobleman with Polish roots. But fearing the shame and rage of her father, she left the boy in the family of a nurse. The future poet was adopted by her sister's husband.

As if an evil fate haunted the poet throughout his short century. He never had his own corner, he devoted a lot of time to work, received little money, put the next unpublished works on the table.

Kedrin Dmitry Borisovich. Biography
Kedrin Dmitry Borisovich. Biography

Despite the very good reviews of Bagritsky, Mayakovsky, Gorky, the publishing house, under various excuses, did not want to publish Kedrin's books. The writer put all his rejected creations on the table until the audience arrived.

The only book that came out during the life of the poet was the collection "Witnesses" (1940). The manuscript was returned 13 times for revision. As a result, 17 poems remained in the book.

Dmitry Kedrin. Biography

In the cold winter, a talented poet was born. 1907-04-02 Dmitry Borisovich was born in the village of ShcheglovkaKedrin. His grandfather was a pan of Polish origin I. Ruto-Rutenko-Rutnitsky. His youngest daughter Olga, the writer's mother, gave birth to a boy out of wedlock. He was adopted by the husband of his aunt Boris Kedrin, who gave the poet his surname and patronymic. In 1914, Dmitry's father died, and three women began to take care of him - Olga Ivanovna's mother, her sisters and grandmothers.

When Dmitry was 6 years old, his family moved to Yekaterinoslav, which has now become Dnepropetrovsk. In 1916, at the age of nine, the future poet Dmitry Kedrin entered the School of Commerce. Not having received the necessary knowledge there, he began self-education, to which he devoted almost all his free time. He liked to study not only history and literature, but also geography, botany, philosophy Dmitry Kedrin. The biography further tells that on the table he had an encyclopedic dictionary and literary works about the life of animals. At this very time, he began to seriously engage in poetry. The themes of the poems of that time were devoted to changes in the country.

Dmitry Kedrin biography
Dmitry Kedrin biography

Study and cooperation with publishers

The revolution that happened in 1917, as well as the Civil War, changed the writer's plans. Dmitry Kedrin was able to continue his studies only in 1922, when he was admitted to the railway technical school. But he never graduated from this institution due to poor eyesight. And in 1924, the poet entered the service as a reporter in the publication "The Coming Change". At the same time, Kedrin Dmitry Borisovich began working in the literary association "Young Smithy". The biography of the poet reports that at that time hewrote essays on production leaders, as well as several feuilletons.

His literature was highly appreciated in Moscow, where he first went in 1925. His poetic works were published in Komsomolskaya Pravda, Searchlight, Young Guard and other publications. Reviews of Kedrin's work noted his unique style.

Dmitry Kedrin
Dmitry Kedrin

Poet's arrest

Dmitry Kedrin could not prevent his arrest even despite numerous publications in publishing houses. He was arrested in 1929 for not betraying his friend, whose father was a general in Denikin's army. After spending a year and three months in prison, Dmitry Kedrin was released. After that, he married and in 1931 moved to Moscow, where he began to live in the basement of a mansion on Taganka. The young family lived there until 1934. After that, they moved to Cherkizovo with their daughter.

Because of the arrest of the poet for some time refused to publish. Dmitry Kedrin is currently working as a consultant at the Young Guard and as an editor at Goslitizdat. Here, in 1932, the first works of the poet after the conclusion were published. Among them is the poem "Doll", which Gorky himself noticed. The rest of Kedrin's work, which followed this, was devoted to chamber, historical and intimate themes in which he worships true beauty. The response was harsh government criticism.

Dmitry Kedrin sings Biography
Dmitry Kedrin sings Biography

Creativity Kedrin

In 1932, Kedrin wrote the poem "Doll", which brought fame to the poet. They say that it moved Gorky to tears. On October 26, 1932, he organized a reading of this poem in his apartment, along with members of the high leadership. "Doll" was heard by Budyonny, Zhdanov, Yagoda and Bukharin. Stalin also liked the work. Because of what it was printed by Krasnaya Nov. After this edition, the writer woke up as an authoritative author. But the approval of the country's leadership did not help the poet very much, all his attempts to publish the work were unsuccessful, which upset the poet Kedrin Dmitry. His biography goes on to say that the writer put all his rejected creations on the table.

Dmitry Borisovich Kedrin
Dmitry Borisovich Kedrin

In the late 30s, Kedrin began to describe the history of Russia in his literature. Then he wrote "Architects", "Horse" and "Song about Alena the Elder".

In 1938, Kedrin created the poem "Architects", which critics called a masterpiece of twentieth-century poetry. A work about the builders of St. Basil's Cathedral inspired Andrei Tarkovsky to create the film Andrei Rublev. Before the war, Kedrin published the poetic drama Rembrandt.

Many of Kedrin's poems were set to music. He also owns translations from Georgian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and other languages. His poems were translated into Ukrainian.

Life during the war

The Great Patriotic War was first caught by Dmitry Kedrin in Cherkizovo. He did not enter the army due to poor eyesight. He refused to evacuate, which he could regret, since the Nazis did not reach the village only 15 km.

In the first years of the war, he translated the anti-fascist poems of the peoplesSoviet Union and wrote two books of poetry. But these publishers refused to publish them.

In the late spring of 1943, Dmitry was finally able to get to the front. Until 1944, he worked as a correspondent for the Falcon of the Motherland, which belonged to the Sixth Air Army, which fought in the northwest.

Death of Kedrin

In the summer of 1945, Kedrin, together with other writers, went to Chisinau, where he liked it very much. He even wanted to move there with his family.

Dmitry Borisovich Kedrin died under tragic circumstances on September 18, 1945. He fell under the wheels of a train when he was returning from Moscow to his native village.

Poet Dmitry Kedrin
Poet Dmitry Kedrin

Heirs of Kedrin

We must not forget about the heroic woman who for more than half a century faithfully kept, collected and prepared for publication the literary heritage of Kedrin - his widow Lyudmila. After her mother, her daughter Svetlana continued her work. She is a translator, poet, member of a writers' union, and author of a book about her father, Living Against Everything.

6.02.2007 A monument to Dmitry Kedrin was unveiled in Mytishchi. Its author is Nikolai Selivanov. The poet's daughter and grandson, the namesake of the poet, came to the writer's birthday celebration and on the occasion of the opening of the monument. Dmitry Borisovich - artist, is a laureate of awards in this field.
