How to draw a husky: step by step process

How to draw a husky: step by step process
How to draw a husky: step by step process

Husky are sled dogs that were bred in the northern regions. They differ in the manner of quickly pulling the team. Today, husky dogs are kept as pets. Husky dogs are very athletic and energetic. They have a thick coat that protects even in the most severe cold. Their eyes are usually light blue, sometimes they can be brown, yellow, blue, green, and so on.

husky in the snow
husky in the snow

In this article we will look at how to draw husky dogs.

Tools and materials

To draw a husky dog, you will need a simple pencil, a blank white sheet and an eraser. If you have already prepared everything you need for drawing, then let's get to work!

How to draw a husky step by step

husky dog
husky dog
  1. We put a point, which later will serve as the dog's eye. A little to the left of it, draw a dash - the beginning of the nose.
  2. Draw over the eyeslightly wavy line.
  3. Draw another such line from below.
  4. Outline the nose and mouth line of the husky dog.
  5. On the crown we depict two ears, and also begin to draw the abdomen and back, conveying the shape of the dog's coat.
  6. Finish the upper body and continue the line by drawing the back folds.
  7. Now let's move on to how to draw the paws of a husky. Draw one front and one back.
  8. Add one more paw to them to get all four.
  9. Draw a fluffy tail.
  10. We draw a wavy line above the eye and draw lines from it all over the body, depicting a different color of the dog.
  11. Add more fluffiness to the tail and finish drawing the toes.

That's all, the husky dog is ready! If you didn't manage to draw it the first time, don't despair! Take another sheet and try again!

Drawing with kids

Since it will be difficult for children to draw a husky, as shown above, there is an easier option for them. Before you start drawing with children, you should tell them about these wonderful dogs, show their photos, videos with them. Children usually like husky dogs very much because they are voluminous and fluffy.

After the conversation, you can discuss with the child how to draw a husky. Ask him questions, ask the opinion of the baby. And then show a rough plan.

husky dog
husky dog

It will be better if you work together with the child, show him step by step how to draw a husky.

  1. First of all, draw two circles.
  2. There's more inside themcircle. Draw a slightly wavy line above them.
  3. Then continue these lines on the sides.
  4. Bring them closer to each other, as if depicting the circumference of a dog's head.
  5. Starting to draw the belly. Let's make it fluffy. We also draw a nose - a small horizontal oval.
  6. Outline the base of the ears on the top of the husky. We begin to draw the front paw. Depicting a mouth.
  7. Finishing both paw and ears.
  8. Draw the remaining paws (back should be bent). Depicting the back of the dog.
  9. On the paws we outline the lines of the fingers. Let's start drawing the tail. On the muzzle, around the eyes, we make a heart-shaped rim, which will have a different color. In huskies, the color of the abdomen is usually different from the color of the back.
  10. Adding a fluffy tail. We make the same color transition lines as on the muzzle, on the paws and tail.

And that's it, the husky dog is ready! If the child wishes, you can let him paint his masterpiece and hang it in a frame. If the drawing did not work out for the child the first time, support him, cheer him up and try to draw with him again. In the end, everything will definitely work out. Good luck!
