What rhymes exist for the name Sveta

What rhymes exist for the name Sveta
What rhymes exist for the name Sveta

Almost every one of us read and recited poetry. Children's holidays in kindergarten and school, memorized lessons, greetings from Santa Claus - all these events could not do without reproducing rhyming lines.

Also, wanting to seem witty or take revenge on the offender, we came up with consonances for the names of our friends and enemies. I must say that this is a very easy task and somewhere even fun. There is practically no name to which it is impossible to come up with a rhyme. Lenka-foam, Olka-polka, Natashka-twin, Sasha-bug … There are even names - champions in the number of consonances. For example, a rhyme is easily and quickly invented for the name of Sveta.

What is a rhyme

The definition of this term is consonance at the end of one word (or several). The function of a rhyme is to connect two lines and mark their boundaries. Consonance determines the intonational division of the verse and correlates the meaning of the poems united by it.


Rhyme appeared inEuropean poetry in the X-XII centuries. The presence of consonance emphasizes and strengthens the completeness of poetic lines and gives the work a pronounced rhythm and meter.

Of course, there are poems without rhyme - white poetry. It is characterized by a clearly defined time signature and rhythm, and the absence of the same ending at the end of the lines.

Types of rhymes

Like all other concepts, consonances have their own classification. For example, sound accuracy makes it possible to divide a rhyme into:

  • Exact and approximate.
  • Rich and poor.
  • Assonances (repetition of vowels).
  • Dissonances (coincidence of consonants and inaccurate repetition of vowels).
  • Rhymes of different shocks.
  • Compound consonances.
  • Tautological (repetition of the same words).
  • Not equally complex.
Sveta cutlet
Sveta cutlet

The position in the verse makes it possible to get acquainted with:

  • Ending consonances (for example, the rhyme to the name of Sveta is summer).
  • Initial.
  • Internal (which match the end or each other).

Beautiful rhymes to the name of Light

Names are the most fertile soil for the selection of consonances. The most common use of name rhyming is congratulation verses on some event. For women, as a rule, gentle and refined consonances are selected - to emphasize the trepidation and delicacy of the one to whom the creation is dedicated.

Some years ago the name of Light was one of the most popular. Thanks to a simple combination of syllables, you can pick upmany consonances - both pleasant and rather offensive. Beautiful rhymes include "Sveta-summer", "Sveta-sung", "Svetlana - the star of the movie screen", "Svetik-semitsvetik". Charming and unpretentious can be such a congratulation verse to Svetlana, born, for example, in June:

Dear Sveta, You are the beginning of summer.

Be always happy

Cute and beautiful!


Offensive poems about the Light

Along with pleasant harmonies, there are also annoying ones. They serve, as a rule, as teasers for Svetlanas. Among the offensive rhymes can be called "Svetka-pipetka", "Svetka-tablet" and even "Svetlana-putana". If you want to piss off Svetik, you can use these quatrains:

My name is Sveta, I love cutlets.

And her name is Svetlana, She eats sour cream.

Svetka-Svetka, Thin as a branch.


Rhymes to the name of Light are not always pleasant. But you need to treat them with ease and fun - and then no one will be able to offend a girl with a bright name.
