Talented science fiction writer Vasily Melnik

Talented science fiction writer Vasily Melnik
Talented science fiction writer Vasily Melnik

The article contains a biography, bookography, a review of the book "Line of Fire" by Vasily Orekhov. As well as a description of the image of the Hemulen as a legend of the Zone.

Vasily Melnik, a talented and bright science fiction writer. Who is he?

Vasily Melnik is a talented person who writes under the pseudonyms Vasily Orekhov and Vasily Midyanin. Writer of numerous works in the genres of fantasy, science fiction, combat fiction.

Melnik Vasily
Melnik Vasily


Born November 8, 1972 in Moscow. Graduate of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. He worked as an editor in well-known metropolitan publishing houses, tried his hand at writing scripts for online games, bookselling, and held the position of head of a studio that produces interactive books. Compiler of literary collections "Worlds", "Fantasy", "Crossroads of the Worlds", "Kinobestseller", "Crossroads of the Gods", the almanac "Our Fantasy", collected works of Robert Sheckley, Dean Kunz, Clifford Simak. He served as editor-in-chief in the periodical Black Journal, covering issues of the occult. He worked in the periodical "Star Road", publishing news of modern science fiction. Now Vasily Melnik (Orekhov) is working fruitfully in the editorial office of the AST publishing house.

Creative path

Took his first steps in science fiction as Vasily Midyanin in 2000 with "Night Monster". How Vasily Ivanovich Orekhov first appeared in the anthology "Russian fantastic action movie" (2007) with the story "The Last Hunt". Author of numerous novels, short stories and short stories, literary articles, introductory and concluding parts to various works, reviews of recently released films and books. Winner of the "Astrea" award for 2007, "RosCon" (2008), awards from the magazine "World of Fiction" "Itogi" (2003), "RosCon" (2007), "Silver Arrow" (2007), "Astrea" (2008)). In 2017, as Vasily Midyanin, he became the winner of the international ABS Prize.


Vasily Ivanovich Orekhov
Vasily Ivanovich Orekhov

Under the name Vasily Midyanin published 17 books. Among them are the stories "Heart Ox", "What to do, Faust?", "Moscow Golems", "Hawk and Scorpion", the stories "Global Television", "Night Monster", "From the Sewers", "Marvin's Complex", the novel "Lords News". How Vasily Orekhov published 3 bestsellers about the Hemulen from the Stalker project: "Zone of Destruction", "Sector of Fire", "Line of Fire". He writes very productively in collaboration. At the moment, together with various writers, he has published 8 books.

The image of the Hemulen as a legendZones in the Stalker Universe

Orekhov's books
Orekhov's books

Stalker Hemulen is the main character in Vasily Orekhov's series "Zone of Destruction", "Line of Fire", "Sector of Fire". A tramp who went through countless adventures in Pripyat, poisoned by radiation, who met his love in the Zone. An adventurer with a rare talent not only to slip into the Zone, but also to return from there. He led we althy tourists to the Zone and saved them from mutants, the military and the Masters of the Zone. He is a regular visitor to the bar "Shti", where the same cartoon about an ostrich is played on TV.

His image can be found in the book "Stamp of the Zone". As a through character throughout the project "Stalker", Hemul appears as a legendary stalker in the books "Escort Group", "Warriors of the Zone", "Rapid Fire", "Possessed by the Zone", "Point of Fall" by Y. Burnosov, "Stamp of the Zone", "Law of the Sniper" by D. Sillov, "Choice of Weapons" by A. Levitsky, "In the Fog Zone" by A. Gravitsky. A fairly typical image of a stalker-hero of the Zone, who periodically becomes the hero of battles with mutants.

The Owners of the Zone, according to legend, living in the heart of Pripyat, do not shy away from communicating with him and offer to become the same omnipotent and immortal being as they are. The Hemulen's refusal from unlimited power made him a legend of the Zone, which is told about by stalkers around the campfire. The conqueror of women's hearts and the prince on a white horse in a gas mask in one bottle.

Huge amountfans of the science fiction genre and the Stalker project read Orekhov's books only because of the presence of the Hemulen image in them. Indeed, an original character with his own character, morality, psychology, whose adventures you want to re-read and do not want to part with him.

Book "Line of Fire"

In the second part of the cycle, the Hemulen returns to the Zone, the radiation-affected area around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, inhabited by bloodthirsty mutated people and animals, and full of dangerous anomalies. However, the happiness of the Hemulen with the woman he loves is threatened by a mysterious danger. Dina is kidnapped by unknown people. Like a true hero, he goes to save his beloved to the most terrible place in the Zone - the Fourth power unit.

Fire line
Fire line

Interesting plot, good humor, military romance, exciting battle scenes - all this can be found if you read the book by Vasily Melnik (Orekhov) "Line of Fire", the second book from the series about the stalker Hemulen. Dignity, valor and heroism in Orekhov's books become commonplace. Despite the general gloom of the worlds of the Universe of the Stalker project, Line of Fire is filled with humor and a positive attitude. You will not find long dialogues and reflections in the book, but there is a chanting of the main human qualities, faith in the best in people and that good will triumph over evil. Vasily Orekhov showed his skill as an author of large prose works.
