Literature 2024, October

The shadow of Hamlet's father is a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

The shadow of Hamlet's father is a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet"

The shadow of Hamlet's father is one of the key works of Shakespeare's tragedy. What is its meaning, we will tell in this article

Evgenia Mikhailova: biography, books

Evgenia Mikhailova: biography, books

Evgenia Mikhailova is the pseudonym of Natalia Radko, an author who also writes under her real name. Her characters are both fictional characters and people who existed in reality

Arthur Conan Doyle: works, biography and interesting facts

Arthur Conan Doyle: works, biography and interesting facts

Nabokov did not appreciate the work of Dostoevsky, he was wary of Thomas Mann and Camus, Galsworthy and Dreiser considered mediocrity. But the works of Conan Doyle were very fond of. True, he once admitted that he liked to read the books of the English writer in childhood, and over time their charm faded for him

Mary Morstan is Dr. Watson's wife. Characters in the Sherlock Holmes stories

Mary Morstan is Dr. Watson's wife. Characters in the Sherlock Holmes stories

Unlike Irene Adler, Sherlock Holmes' lover, Dr. Watson's wife, Mary Morstan, very little space is given in the stories about the adventures of the most famous detective in the world. Why did this happen and what is the fate of this woman?

Wise sayings about children

Wise sayings about children

This article contains statements about children that may seem interesting and meaningful to their parents

Poet Sergei Nyrkov. On the work and life of the author

Poet Sergei Nyrkov. On the work and life of the author

This article tells about the life and work of the Russian poet, our contemporary Sergei Nyrkov. About his fate, both happy and difficult, about a long silence and return. All his feelings are reflected in the works of the author: experiences and hopes, disappointment and steadfastness, melancholy and humility. The reader will be interested to learn about the life and work of our contemporary

Guénon Rene: main works and photos

Guénon Rene: main works and photos

Rene Guénon is a famous French philosopher. His main ideas and works are described in detail in this article

Georg Trakl: biography and creativity

Georg Trakl: biography and creativity

Georg Trakl is an outstanding Austrian poet, whose work was appreciated only after his death. His fate was tragic, and his life was cut short at the age of 27. Nevertheless, a small poetic heritage had a tremendous impact on the development of Austrian literature and posthumously glorified the writer

Sergey Sedov: modern children's literature

Sergey Sedov: modern children's literature

Writer Sergei Sedov is a famous author of modern Russian fairy tales. His works are highly appreciated by the most difficult group of readers - children, who, believe me, are very difficult to please. They love interesting stories, with jokes, miracles, fun adventures, brave heroes and scary villains. And at the same time they can not stand any falsehood

Narrative - what is it? What are its features?

Narrative - what is it? What are its features?

One of the types of functional-semantic type of speech is a text-narrative. What is it, what is typical for it, features, distinguishing features and much more you can find out by reading this article

"Azazel" - a novel about the first investigation of detective Erast Fandorin

"Azazel" - a novel about the first investigation of detective Erast Fandorin

“Azazel” is a novel, the events of which take the reader to Moscow in 1876, where the first meeting with the main character of the series dedicated to the adventures of the detective Erast Fandorin takes place

“Adventures of the Master”: a series of books by Akunin about Nicholas Fandorin

“Adventures of the Master”: a series of books by Akunin about Nicholas Fandorin

Boris Akunin is a recognized master of the historical detective story. Readers note that "The Adventures of the Master" is a worthy continuation of the cycle about Erast Fandorin. The novels can be read both individually and as part of a series - in any case, they will be exciting and exciting. Diverse language, vividly developed characters, humor and a dynamic plot deserve to be familiarized with this series

Konstantin Kedrov: biography, works, scientific activity

Konstantin Kedrov: biography, works, scientific activity

Philosophy and poetry are two components of Konstantin Kedrov's creativity. They are closely connected by the awareness of the unity of man and the cosmos, private and general, spiritual and material

Shura Balaganov - all the details about the character. Making a novel

Shura Balaganov - all the details about the character. Making a novel

Shura Balaganov is one of the main characters of the Golden Calf novel. We are talking about a swindler without imagination, a petty thief, an impostor and the “milk brother” of Ostap Bender. Also, these heroes are partners in taking money from Koreiko, an underground millionaire. We are talking about the famous work, the authors of which are Ilf and Petrov

Ivan Melezh: life and work

Ivan Melezh: life and work

Ivan Melezh is a Belarusian writer and publicist, winner of many literary awards, a participant in hostilities in the Great Patriotic War. At one time he was presented with two awards. After his death, he left a great literary legacy to his descendants

Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland": characters

Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland": characters

The life of a modern person is such that he constantly runs somewhere, worries about something and wants to do something as soon as possible. But he completely forgets about miracles. But there are people who notice them, love them, and they will certainly happen to them! The girl Alice is a living example of this

Jean Racine: biography, creativity, quotes

Jean Racine: biography, creativity, quotes

Jean Racine, whose works are known all over the world, is a famous French playwright who lived and worked in the 17th century. His work marked the beginning of the classical national theater and earned the same respect as the works of Molière and Corneille. Our article will be devoted to the biography and work of this writer

Vladimir Propp is a Russian folklorist. The historical roots of fairy tales. Russian heroic epic

Vladimir Propp is a Russian folklorist. The historical roots of fairy tales. Russian heroic epic

Vladimir Propp - famous Soviet philologist and literary critic, researcher of the Russian fairy tale

How Lermontov M.Yu. died. Who killed Lermontov

How Lermontov M.Yu. died. Who killed Lermontov

More than one hundred and seventy years have passed since Lermontov died. During this time, many researchers tried to penetrate the mystery of the mysterious death of the poet. It is known that he was killed in a duel by a close friend - Nikolai Martynov. But under what circumstances this fatal collision arose is not clear even now

Sherlock Holmes' brother is a sybarite intellectual from the Diogenes Club

Sherlock Holmes' brother is a sybarite intellectual from the Diogenes Club

Five series of stories and four novels, in which Arthur Conan Doyle unfolds the action, books about Sherlock Holmes, allow you to enjoy the bewitching game of the mind of the main character. He always finds a non-trivial solution

Best books - adventure, travel, detectives

Best books - adventure, travel, detectives

Each person sooner or later needs to read, because during this process we learn to gain new knowledge about the world, develop imagination and strive for creativity. This is especially true for children who love exciting stories. That's why we chose the best books

Bible, Book of Ecclesiastes: quotes

Bible, Book of Ecclesiastes: quotes

In the Old Testament of the Bible there are three books closely associated with the name of King Solomon of Israel. One of them is the Book of Ecclesiastes. The mood of the book conveys the sadness of the author. What wisdom does Solomon bring here? Throughout the book, the author reflects on the meaning of life and the possibility of happiness

The best quotes from works of literature. Aphorisms of writers and poets

The best quotes from works of literature. Aphorisms of writers and poets

Literary works are an inexhaustible storehouse of vital wisdom. Phrases taken from the works of world famous domestic and foreign writers, poets, playwrights will be of interest to anyone who would like to join the heritage of world masterpieces

What is Ostrovsky's thunderstorm?

What is Ostrovsky's thunderstorm?

What is Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm"? Literary critics consider this play the pinnacle of the work of the Russian playwright, and this opinion is justified

Sobolev Leonid: biography and creativity

Sobolev Leonid: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Leonid Sergeevich Sobolev is. His biography will be discussed in detail below. We are talking about a Soviet writer. Deputy from 1958 to 1971. Member of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council of the 8th convocation

Irina Volchok and her books

Irina Volchok and her books

Amazing destinies, strong and persistent characters, the ability to overcome unforeseen circumstances and perform unexpected actions - all this won the sympathy of readers. And no wonder. Irina Volchok writes about ordinary people, those who live among us. These are stories about the fate of different people

Rating of modern romance novels by Russian authors

Rating of modern romance novels by Russian authors

Every person who loves to read often prefers one or more genres that they enjoy the most. Someone loves science fiction, someone loves detective stories, etc. However, the vast majority of people, especially women, simply love to read novels. And no wonder, because this genre of literature is considered one of the most popular among people of different age categories

What is a miniature? Where did this definition come from and what development has it received in the modern world

What is a miniature? Where did this definition come from and what development has it received in the modern world

Speaking of what a miniature is, it is necessary to look into the distant past. As dictionaries and encyclopedias tell us, a very long time ago, when there was no printing yet, and the gospel and the lives of the saints were copied by hand, these handwritten books were decorated with illustrations, headpieces and images of capital letters made in bright colors. They were originally called miniatures

Robert Browning: biography and photos

Robert Browning: biography and photos

Robert Browning - English poet of the 19th century, author of numerous poems and poems, adherent of romanticism

I.S. Turgenev's story "Asya": a summary

I.S. Turgenev's story "Asya": a summary

The story "Asya" by I.S. Turgenev. This is a story-remembrance of the past, irrevocably gone days of youth. A young man falls in love with a girl, but does not immediately decide to develop this relationship. And when he still wants to ask for her hand, it becomes too late, the girl leaves

"The Man Who Laughs": a summary of the novel by Victor Hugo

"The Man Who Laughs": a summary of the novel by Victor Hugo

The theme and idea of the famous novel "The Man Who Laughs" should be known to every self-respecting person, but not everyone has the opportunity to master this great book. After reading the summary, you will spend only a few minutes, but you can easily get acquainted with the characters of the main characters and analyze the work

What is a ballad? Genre ballad and its characteristics

What is a ballad? Genre ballad and its characteristics

This literary genre is not particularly popular in the modern world and is something very unusual and refined. This is largely because this form of storytelling is very complex and requires skill and real talent from the author. It is very easy for a person familiar with the literary world to explain what a ballad is

Vera Britten: books and biography

Vera Britten: books and biography

Vera Britten is an English writer, pacifist and feminist. Her autobiographical book The Testaments of Youth brought her fame. The work, first published in 1933, has never been out of print. A movie was made based on the book in 1979. During her lifetime, Britten was known internationally as a successful journalist, poet, orator, biographer, and writer. Interest in her personality grew steadily, especially among feminist critics

Carol Danvers - who is this

Carol Danvers - who is this

Ms. Marvel is a superhero who has suffered quite a bit from the publisher's policies. The hero is not particularly popular, which is why editors constantly change the origin of the character, trying to attract the attention of readers to him. Thus, under the pseudonym Ms. Marvel, four different people operated. In this article, we will consider the biography of the classic and very first Ms. Marvel, whose real name is Carol Danvers. Want to know more about this hero? Welcome to this article

Ekaterina Bogdanova: the creativity of the writer

Ekaterina Bogdanova: the creativity of the writer

Ekaterina Bogdanova is a modern Russian writer who has gained reader recognition through her books. The writer's works are written in the genre of fantasy and romance novels

Modern humorous romance novels

Modern humorous romance novels

Humorous romance novels allow the reader to relieve tension and immerse themselves in a pleasant and light atmosphere. And of course, books by Russian-speaking authors, often written in fantasy style, sparkle with humor - this is where the writer's imagination, as well as his perky style, can roam to the fullest

Peoples of Middle-earth: a brief description

Peoples of Middle-earth: a brief description

Middle-earth was inhabited by several large nations. And each of them had its own distinctive features. But representatives of people, elves, dwarves and hobbits united in order to resist Mordor and win the battle for the ring

Fan fiction genres, their description and meaning

Fan fiction genres, their description and meaning

What is fanfic? This is an essay, most often amateur, based on the most popular literary works or films - television series, movies, anime, and the like. Moreover, fanfiction genres include a variety of comics and computer games

Redyar Kipling "Why does a camel have a hump"

Redyar Kipling "Why does a camel have a hump"

A short description of the main idea of Rudyard Kipling's poem "Why does a camel have a hump". His life path from a little Bombay boy to a world-famous writer

Turgenev's best quotes

Turgenev's best quotes

The great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev significantly influenced the development of Russian literature. His work is known all over the world, and quotes from the greatest works are full of deep meaning and relevance at all times