Belarusian fairy tales: through the wisdom of centuries
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Cozy under the covers, every night the child looks forward to this amazing moment. Mom enters the room where the lamp is dimly lit and, stroking the baby’s head, begins an amazing story about fearless warriors, proud heroes and robber pirates
Biography of Leo Tolstoy - the great Russian writer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Do you know Leo Tolstoy? The short and complete biography of this writer is studied in detail during his school years. However, like great works
Balmont "Fantasy". silver Age
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Russian symbolist poet Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont wrote the poem "Fantasy" in 1893. In this immortal lyrical work, he described his own impressions of the wonderful nature and the sleeping forest
Life on the sidelines. Books by the Strugatskys
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
It is unlikely that the work of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, whose works date back to the 60s - the end of the 80s, can be called Soviet science fiction. They reveal too deep layers of human relationships both with the real world and with other worlds and the people who inhabit them. The books of the Strugatskys have become a guide in the world of fantasy for several generations of readers
Gogol's grave at the Novodevichy cemetery. The mystery of Gogol's grave
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
One of the most mystical personalities in Russian literature is N. V. Gogol. During his lifetime, he was a secretive person and took with him many secrets. But he left brilliant works in which fantasy and reality are intertwined, beautiful and repulsive, funny and tragic. Today we will talk about his last charade, left to posterity - the secret of Gogol's grave
Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky: biography in brief
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In the old bureaucratic district of Moscow, on Malaya Ordynka, at the beginning of the 19th century, the famous writer and playwright A. N. Ostrovsky was born, whose biography is filled with participation in the bright events of the theatrical and literary life of Russia at that time
The mysterious inscription on the Ring of Omnipotence from the epic "The Lord of the Rings": the history of appearance, translation and meaning
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Although many years have passed since the release of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the story of the Ring of Omnipotence still excites the minds of viewers. Among the attributes of this story, which are so often bought by fans, this particular ring with an engraved pattern of elven runes continues to be the most popular
Kahlen Amnell - who is this?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Kahlen Amnell is a literary and serial hero who was invented by the famous American writer Terry Goodkind. Kahlan is one of the key characters in the Sword of Truth and Kahlan and Richard cycles. Want to learn more about this heroine? Read this article
Fan expressions are new figurative expressions. Their origin and significance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Winged expressions are a cultural layer that has a great influence on the development of society. Their origins are laid in ancient culture and are developing in all countries, including Russia
Quidditch is Quidditch: features, game rules and championship
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Quidditch is a game invented by JK Rowling. However, she has long moved from books and films to real life
American writer Jerome David Salinger: biography, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
There are writers whose life is no less interesting than their work. These include Jerome Salinger, whose biography is full of events. These are philosophical searches for oneself, the study of many sciences, the Second World War, service in intelligence, returning home and recognition for stories and the only published novel. You can make a movie about it. Only now the writer forbade doing this, as well as filming his books. Why this happened, you will learn from our article
Prose writer is The meaning of the word
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Literature is a complex science. It, like any other, has its own terms. For example, a prose writer. This is one of the stable words, which for a simple person, far from the world of books, may be incomprehensible
William Saroyan: biography, creativity and photos
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
He was distinguished by such qualities as education, diligence, tact. All of them were harmoniously intertwined with talent and natural inspiration, which is why he became a great writer and playwright. William Saroyan became famous and famous far from immediately, his path to fame and recognition was thorny and difficult
Anastasia Kovalchuk: the work of the writer
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Anastasia Kovalchuk is a modern writer from Belarus. Anastasia's books gained fame thanks to an interesting plot and funny main characters
Maxim Bogdanovich: biography, works, interesting facts from life
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Bogdanovich Maxim - literary critic, translator, poet, who sang of his native Belarus and expressed in lyrical lines boundless, sincere love for his people
"Peer Gynt" by Henrik Ibsen: a summary. "Peer Gynt": characters, plot, theme
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
People say that it is impossible to bypass fate, everyone will experience what is destined for him. The main thing is not to betray yourself, to believe in love. The famous Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen addressed this topic in his work "Peer Gynt". The author was afraid that the poem "Peer Gynt" would not be understood outside of Norway, as it is very rich in the features and characteristics inherent in this country. But the work has gained worldwide fame
Which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The question of which ancient poet wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey is of a historical nature, because these works are not only the first monuments of ancient Greek literature, but also the first in the literature of Europe
The fairy tale of Charles Perrault "Donkey skin": summary, main characters, reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The fairy tale "Donkey Skin" tells about the fate of a princess who, due to circumstances, is forced to flee the palace and pretend to be a dirty maid. A retelling of the plot with analysis and information about the film of the same name can be found in this article
Love-fiction novels: such different books
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Today, one work can combine completely different things: passionate love, fights and murders, lyrics and philosophical reflections, parallel worlds and unknown planets. And among all this book abundance, love-fiction novels have taken their strong place
What does the work “Yawning Heights” by A. Zinoviev tell about?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The history of Russian literature keeps many wonderful examples of art written in various genres. However, the 20th century most fully illuminated the problem of the need to create a new novel that combines realism, fantasy, satire, and appeal to philosophy and sociology. All this was most fully embodied in the novel "Yawning Heights", the author of which was the Soviet sociologist A. Zinoviev
Felix Krivin: writing skills
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Trying to unambiguously define the creative profile of the writer Felix Krivin is a meaningless task. He is inimitable in many genres, although all of them are related to humor in one way or another. He writes fables, fairy tales, aphorisms, poems, parodies, instructive books for children
Evgeny Vodolazkin, "Aviator": reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The book "Aviator" is a novelty of 2016, which instantly became a bestseller and entered the list of nominees for several prestigious literary awards. What is the secret of her popularity?
Stepan Shchipachev is an almost forgotten poet
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Few today remember the name of the poet Stepan Petrovich Shchipachev. However, for the generation of Soviet citizens of the 40s and 50s, he was as well known as A. Tvardovsky or K. Simonov. His poems were read, learned by heart, copied into notebooks. This story will be about the life and work of the almost forgotten poet
Alexander Karasev: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
All critics, describing the work of Karasev, single out the same distinctive features, call it "concentrated", "impressionistic" and at the same time very simple and even mundane, devoid of any artistic details. However, in assessing these features, critics cannot come to the same opinion
Vladislav Krapivin, "Stars in the rain" - summary and analysis of the work
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
In Vladislav Krapivin's story "Stars in the Rain", a boy decides to turn an ordinary umbrella into a starry sky. What for? You will learn about this by reading the summary of the work and its analysis
Aksakov's works. Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov: list of works
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich was born in 1791 in Ufa and died in Moscow in 1859. This is a Russian writer, public figure, official, memoirist, literary critic, and also the author of books about hunting and fishing, collecting butterflies. He is the father of the Slavophiles, public figures and writers Ivan, Konstantin and Vera Aksakov. In this article we will consider the works of Aksakov in chronological order
Sergey Pereslegin: biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Today we will tell you who Sergei Pereslegin is. The biography of this literary figure and his main works are discussed in this material. He was born in 1960, December 16, in Leningrad
Svetlana Lavrova: biography, creativity, works, reviews
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The article tells about the children's writer Svetlana Lavrova and her works. The memoirs of the writer herself about childhood, school years are given. A description is given of the most famous books of the author, among which there are both cognitive and artistic ones
Bunin's story "Dark alleys": a summary
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The story "Dark Alleys" is able to give readers a wonderful story about the fate of two people in a chance meeting. A summary of this work with a description of the main points is present in the article
Lilia Kim: biography, personal life, creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Liliya Kim is a woman who today can be safely attributed to one of the most successful contemporary writers in Russia. In addition to the fact that she systematically publishes her new books, Kim is also a screenwriter who works on many projects, including on Channel One
"The Picture of Dorian Gray": quotes from the book
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
"The Picture of Dorian Gray" is one of the most famous works of Oscar Wilde. The protagonist sought to preserve youth by spending his time in idleness and pleasure. This book is about the fact that in the weather for pleasures one cannot neglect the moral component
Bazarov's parents - characteristics and their role in the life of the protagonist
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
To understand all aspects of the character of the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons", it is necessary to trace the beginning of the formation of his life position, to study his life in his home and relationships with his parents
The image of Bazarov: a man walking one step ahead of his time
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
The novel “Fathers and Sons” is the strongest work not only in the work of I. Turgenev himself, but also in the entire history of Russian literature. And in this article you can get acquainted with the image of Bazarov - the key character in this story
Franklin Roosevelt: quotes and biography
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - the thirty-second President of the United States, one of the most prominent politicians in the world in the first half of the twentieth century, led the country during the Great Depression and World War II. Considered by historians as one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States, along with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. Many of Roosevelt's quotes have become popular expressions, they are known to people who do not even know the name of the author
Edward Lear: the poetry of the absurd
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Edward Lear (1812 - 1888) - English artist, musician and poet who continued the original English folk tradition of creating short "meaningless" poems
Genrikh Sapgir - biography and creativity
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Today we will tell you who Genrikh Sapgir is. Poems for children brought this author the greatest fame. We are talking about a Russian writer, poet, screenwriter and translator. He was born in 1928, November 20, in Biysk (Altai Territory)
Redrick Shewhart: the hero of the novel "Roadside Picnic"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Redrick Shewhart is a character in the Strugatskys' philosophical and fantastic work. The topic of the article is the characteristics of the protagonist of the novel "Roadside Picnic"
Alexander Zorich's novel "Escort Group"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Alexander Vladimirovich Zorich is not the name of a specific writer, but a pseudonym under which two authors work: Yana Vladimirovna Botsman and Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Gordevsky. Gordevsky and Botsman knew each other since childhood: they were neighbors, went to the same school, worked at the same department at the university. The idea to create a creative duet came in 1991 - it was then that the pseudonym Alexander Zorich appeared
Veronika Ivanova: biography and books
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Tired of the usual female fantasy about beauties, princes and magical academies? Want something new? Welcome to the world of Veronika Ivanova. Here the hero destroys all stereotypes and breaks the usual canons. Detective mixed with philosophy. Well, you don’t need to forget about adventures, because someone has to save the world
Ksenia Bashtovaya: "The Dark Prince" and all-all-all
Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:01
Ksenia Bashtova is the author of humorous and love fantasy, short stories and poetry. Her works can be attributed to such a type of literature as "light reading". Bashtova's books do not shock or inspire, but in their company it is good to take a break from everyday duties, and they perfectly help relieve stress