Hippodrome, Krasnodar: address, phone, photo
Hippodrome, Krasnodar: address, phone, photo

Video: Hippodrome, Krasnodar: address, phone, photo

Video: Hippodrome, Krasnodar: address, phone, photo
Video: FOLD-OUT SCENERY, BRIDGE AND STREAM - IOLANTHE. Theatre Set Design. Pop-up book stage scenery. BLC. 2024, June

Hippodromes existed in Ancient Rome, Greece, Constantinople. These places were the center of social life and sports. The word hippodrome comes from the Greek and means "a place for racing", since hippo is a horse, and dromo is a run. The very first Russian hippodrome was founded not in the capital, but in the Tambov province (Lebedyan) in 1824. And only in 1836 it was built in Moscow.

Hippodrome. Krasnodar. A photo
Hippodrome. Krasnodar. A photo

In our time, equestrian sport in Russia continues to develop. And one of the centers for breeding horses and holding competitions is the Krasnodar hippodrome. Has the governor made it his goal to preserve and, if possible, increase the number of horses? and also return the title of the best horse breeding region to this place.

After all, thoroughbred English horses are tested at this hippodrome. And that is why the hippodrome (Krasnodar) is far from a second-rate place, it is considered a fairly prestigious center for breeding and training horses.

History of the hippodrome in Krasnodar

According to records in the Krasnodar media (in the newspaper "Kubanskiye Vedomosti"), the hippodrome was opened in 1868, then the official poster was published in the printed edition. However, in fact, the first jumps took place here a little earlier - in 1864 (April 26). For officers of the Kuban Cossack army, competitions were held in a wasteland near the forest. The first horse that traveled 4 miles was awarded a prize. For this run, the winning officer received 500 silver rubles.

Hippodrome. Krasnodar
Hippodrome. Krasnodar

But in 1978 a new modern hippodrome (Krasnodar) has already settled on this place. Photos of riders performing dizzying stunts on a horse to music, information about trainers, the cost of training a horse - all information, as mentioned, can be found on the website https://www.khip.ru/. Only in this city the results of breeding tests are the best and most objective. This fact was confirmed by the Horse Breeding Institute of the Russian Federation.

Hippodrome Services

The hippodrome is extremely popular and famous in the Kuban. Krasnodar is a city of horse breeders, and is ready to provide its guests with many services. It not only hosts sweepstakes competitions, which have been allowed since 2016, but the following services are also available:

  • hippotherapy;
  • photo shoots;
  • riding in a team of horses;
  • excursion throughout the Hippodrome;
  • riding training;
  • club for young children to learn how to ride a pony;
  • horse hire;
  • there is a cafe for those who are hungry.

The center also provides services for the maintenance of horses for those who participate in the races. For a horse, you can hire a veterinarian and choose a jockey for racing.

Hippodrome. Krasnodar. Address
Hippodrome. Krasnodar. Address

In addition, you can arrange with the management of the hippodrome to organize a competition and transport your horses by the specified date of the competition. Traders can arrange to place advertisements on the hippodrome, or to set up an outlet and treat guests to delicious food.

Hippodrome (Krasnodar) also posted a phone number for booking tickets on its official website on the main page.

Prices for services

All prices for services can also be found on the official website of the hippodrome. The price list contains a large number of service items, which is updated at the beginning of each year. It is already known that in 2017 the cost of visiting the races will vary from 100 to 2 thousand rubles. In the VIP sector, a table costs 5-6 thousand rubles; in the green zone, a ticket costs only 100 rubles; and for children under 12 years old and pensioners, veterans, there are discounts, they get in for free.

Horse training - 5500 r. The sightseeing tour will cost 200 rubles. from one person. Individual training in riding a horse: per hour - 1400 rubles; for 8 hours (on weekdays and daytime) - 9,600; on weekends - 12,000 rubles.

Those who want to get a riding lesson should contact the trainer by phone in advance. The arena is open from 8 am to 8 pm.

How are the competitions?

Everyone who has visited the hippodrome (Krasnodar) at least once knows how the races begin. Before the race, all jockeys must be weighed. The total weight of the rider and saddle must not exceed 55 kg. The lighter the rider, the greater the chancewin. But here the age of the racehorse plays another important role: for 3-year-olds, one rider is needed, for older horses, jockeys of a different weight category.

First, the horses run at a gallop in front of the audience so that they can appreciate the physical strength. Only then the horses are brought into the pits, and the judge gives the official start to the races.

Hippodrome. Krasnodar. How to get there?
Hippodrome. Krasnodar. How to get there?

Winners must receive prizes. They are awarded with a cup, and the horses wear a wreath of flowers around their necks. The racing season starts in April and lasts until November. This is the longest period of horse racing in Russia.

How to find the Hippodrome (Krasnodar)?

You can get here both by private and public transport. Convenient parking is located next to the entrance. If you are looking for the address of the race site, it, like the phone number, can be found on the site, in the main tab "Krasnodar Hippodrome". The address of the sports facility - st. Begovaya, 11. You can also take any bus that passes along the Rostov highway. And you will need to stop at the turn to Rossiyskaya Street.

Holidays, entertainment and competitions at the hippodrome

Every year, the city hippodrome hosts a lot of wonderful events. Their goal is to interest the public, instill in adults and children a love for horses, and, of course, give the audience real rest. One of these is the equestrian theater, which demonstrates tricks performed by the best athletes-pupils and the coaches themselves. This breathtaking sight will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. And children such representationsthey stimulate to engage in equestrian sports, which not only bring up the strength of mind, but also instill a love for animals. Horse breeders are responsible for the he alth of their pets.

hippodrome. Krasnodar. Telephone
hippodrome. Krasnodar. Telephone

At the performance, the audience can see skillful vaulting, jumping through a burning hoop, horse riding, and show jumping. The bright costume theater is the only one of its kind in the city of Krasnodar.

Special Open Paralympic Competitions were held for the first time in November 2016 for children with disabilities.

Hippodrome. Krasnodar
Hippodrome. Krasnodar

Chance to express themselves and become more confident was given to children with really difficult lives from different regions of the country. It is possible that holding the Paralympic competitions will become a good and good tradition.
