Literature 2024, October

Olga Kuno: biography and books of the author

Olga Kuno: biography and books of the author

The genre of humorous fiction is gaining more and more fans. Among the authors who have shown themselves in this direction, Olga Kuno stands out

Writer Lavrenev Boris: biography, creativity, photo

Writer Lavrenev Boris: biography, creativity, photo

Order bearer, twice awarded the Stalin Prize (1946, 1950). Successful journalist and talented writer. The playwright, who, together with V. Ivanov and K. Trenev, became the founder of the heroic-revolutionary drama on the theater stage. Translator and painter. Prominent public figure and patriot. A handsome and bright man - Boris Lavrenev

Features of Lermontov's work: issues, themes and artistic techniques

Features of Lermontov's work: issues, themes and artistic techniques

Features of Lermontov's creativity are manifested in each of his works. After all, everything that Mikhail Yuryevich wrote is a great poetic book in which he talks, first of all, about his inner world

"Barankin, be a man": a summary of the chapters

"Barankin, be a man": a summary of the chapters

Very funny and at the same time very instructive story "Barankin, be a man!" was founded in 1961 by the Soviet writer Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev. This amazing story tells about the adventures of two friends - classmates Yura Barankin and Kostya Malinin, who once suddenly got tired of studying

A story is an oral story

A story is an oral story

We have all heard the term "tale". Have you ever seriously thought about what it is? It turns out that even after the alphabet was invented, many remained illiterate. Those people who could not, for some reason, learn to write, exchanged information orally. Accordingly, a legend is a narrative in oral form

Analysis and summary: "Antigone"

Analysis and summary: "Antigone"

Today the topic of our article will be the ancient tragedy, or rather its analysis and summary. "Antigone" - a play by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, who borrowed the idea of the plot from the Theban cycle of myths

Great expressions of great people: wise quotes, authors, phrases

Great expressions of great people: wise quotes, authors, phrases

Great people have always looked at the world differently. They could see beauty and wonder where no one could see it. They discussed philosophical topics and tried to define love, friendship, care, to understand the meaning of life. Wise expressions of great people for some become a motto and teach a person to think broader and remain inquisitive

Stepanov Alexander Nikolaevich: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Stepanov Alexander Nikolaevich: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Alexander Nikolaevich Stepanov is a Soviet writer who authored one of the most famous novels about the Russo-Japanese War. "Port Arthur" is a story about the courage and fearlessness of the defenders of the city, who did not spare their lives in the fight against the invaders

Professor Challenger - a character in Arthur Conan Doyle's books

Professor Challenger - a character in Arthur Conan Doyle's books

For those who are not so familiar with his work, Conan Doyle is known mainly as the author of stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The stories "The Hound of the Baskervilles", "The Valley of Terror", "A Study in Scarlet" and other works about the famous London detective are today considered classics of the detective genre

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: biography, creativity

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: biography, creativity

Sergey Alexandrovich Pushkin (1799-1837) - the great Russian prose writer, poet, playwright. He is the author of immortal works in prose and verse. Here one can recall the novels "Dubrovsky", "Eugene Onegin", the famous story "Prisoner of the Caucasus", the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", a story called "The Queen of Spades" and other literary works. In addition, he wrote many fairy tales for children, which are popular to this day

Gudrun Enslin: Red Army Faction

Gudrun Enslin: Red Army Faction

Gudrun Enslin is a German terrorist, founder of the underground radical organization "Red Army Faction". For a long time, Enslin was one of the leaders of the organization, and was also a member of the combat active of the association. According to contemporaries, the girl was part of a narrow circle of the intellectual elite of the organization

Irvin Shaw, "Young Lions": summary and reviews

Irvin Shaw, "Young Lions": summary and reviews

Many writers tell in their works about the events, eyewitnesses and direct participants of which they happened to become. This is how Irwin Shaw's novel The Young Lions was born. In his book, the author tells about the events that happened during the Second World War. It is known that he himself took part in it as a war correspondent

The Hungarian Horntail is one of the most dangerous dragon species

The Hungarian Horntail is one of the most dangerous dragon species

Dragons are one of the most famous magical creatures. Wizards try to hide them from ordinary people, so they organize reserves for them. Some of the dragons are especially dangerous. These species include the Hungarian Horntail. It was this dragon that went to Harry Potter at the Triwizard Tournament

"Shaman's Laughter": book reviews

"Shaman's Laughter": book reviews

In 2001-2003, the first fragments of Vladimir Serkin's book "The Shaman's Laughter" were published. Reviews about it are very numerous, but one way or another they are similar to each other. Perhaps because the readers were people who felt the need to "go beyond the flags" of reality and were in search of a solution to this problem. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that absolutely all reviews of the book are full of enthusiasm and gratitude. There is also criticism of the author. But it concerns the volume and style of

Erich Maria Remarque, "Night in Lisbon": reader reviews, summary, writing history

Erich Maria Remarque, "Night in Lisbon": reader reviews, summary, writing history

Reviews of "Night in Lisbon" will interest all fans of the classic of German literature Erich Maria Remarque. This is his penultimate novel in his creative career, which was first published in 1961. In this article, we will retell the plot of this work, dwell on the history of its writing and readers' reviews

"Blue Ocean Theory": year of release of the book, authors, concept and translation

"Blue Ocean Theory": year of release of the book, authors, concept and translation

Blue Ocean Theory is a popular business strategy book that was first published in 2005. Its authors are Rene Mauborn and Kim Chan, employees of the European top business school and the Blue Ocean Strategy Institute. This guide for start-up entrepreneurs and businessmen details how to achieve high profitability and rapid growth of a company that can generate its own actionable business ideas

Chuck Palahniuk, "Lullaby": reader reviews, critic reviews, plot and characters

Chuck Palahniuk, "Lullaby": reader reviews, critic reviews, plot and characters

Reviews of Chuck Palahniuk's "Lullaby" should be of interest to all admirers of this author's talent. This novel was first published in 2002 and has since become one of his most famous works. This article will describe a summary of the book, characters, reviews of critics and readers' reviews

"The Charm of Femininity": book reviews, author, concept and criticism

"The Charm of Femininity": book reviews, author, concept and criticism

Surely many have heard about the book "The Charm of Femininity". It has long been considered a classic and for more than half a century has been changing the fate of many of the fairer sex, opening the way to happiness and love for them

Konkordia Antarova, "Two Lives": book reviews, heroes, summary

Konkordia Antarova, "Two Lives": book reviews, heroes, summary

Reviews of Antarova's "Two Lives" will be of interest to everyone who has come across this book or is going to read it. This is a truly amazing and even unique work that deserves your attention. The author herself defined its genre as a mystical novel. It has everything to captivate the reader: intrigue, an exciting and extraordinary plot, a lot of mysticism, melodramatic relationships, the struggle between good and evil, chases, black magicians and bewitching persecution

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Talents and Admirers": a summary and analysis of the play

A. N. Ostrovsky, "Talents and Admirers": a summary and analysis of the play

The play was written in 1881. She very quickly gained popularity among theater troupes, and later entered the list of Russian classical literature. In the work, the main character is a young talented actress Alexandra. She has certain principles that are alien behind the scenes, and the girl follows them. How long did the beauty last, Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky told the world

S altykov-Shchedrin "Dried roach": summary and analysis

S altykov-Shchedrin "Dried roach": summary and analysis

"Dried roach" is a very sharp and ironic work that makes fun of liberalism. Its author is Mikhail Evgrafovich S altykov-Shchedrin. When the fairy tale was written, it was refused to be published in Russia due to the lack of proper censorship. The work saw this light only in the 30s of the XX century

Egofuturism is Egofuturism and creativity of I. Severyanin

Egofuturism is Egofuturism and creativity of I. Severyanin

Egofuturism is a trend in Russian literature that was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, in the 1910s. It developed within the framework of futurism. In addition to common futuristic features, it was distinguished by the use of foreign and new words, the cultivation of refined sensations, ostentatious selfishness

S. Bubnovsky, "He alth without drugs": the contents of the book, a brief biography of the author, reader reviews

S. Bubnovsky, "He alth without drugs": the contents of the book, a brief biography of the author, reader reviews

Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is a world-famous doctor whose theoretical hypotheses and practical experience are valued all over the world. The unique method of alternative treatment and recovery, created by Dr. Bubnovsky, has no analogues in the world and is one of the simplest methods of self-healing, allowing you to gain he alth without drugs and doctors

Russian science fiction writer Mikhail Gornov

Russian science fiction writer Mikhail Gornov

The writer mainly works in the genres of science and combat fiction. In addition to the name "Mikhail Gornov", some of the author's novels are also posted under such pseudonyms as "Makhalych M.", "Mikhailov M.", "Mikhas" and others. The last update on the writer's page is dated April 16, 2014. Currently, Gornov writes for publishing houses - his last novel, en titled "The Greatness of the Master", was released in 2018

Nekrasov, "Dead Lake": a summary

Nekrasov, "Dead Lake": a summary

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a Russian poet and writer. Numerous poems belong to his pen, and he gained his fame thanks to the poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”. The novel "Dead Lake" is written in prose. It is not very popular among readers, but is a Russian classic. Therefore, it is recommended for reading lovers of literature

The Story of the Creepypasta Puppeteer: Biography and Character Characteristics

The Story of the Creepypasta Puppeteer: Biography and Character Characteristics

The most popular creepypasta characters are Slenderman - a tall man without a face with extremely long limbs, killer Jeff - a maniac disfigured by burns, Rake - a monster attacking people. One of them is the Puppeteer

Andelin Helen, "The Charm of Femininity": reviews, summary

Andelin Helen, "The Charm of Femininity": reviews, summary

Reviews of "The Charm of the Feminine" by Helen Andelin inspire many women to get acquainted with this book. This is the guide of the famous American writer who has devoted her whole life to making women's lot better. In this article we will tell the biography of the writer, a summary of her most famous work, reviews of readers

The story of L. N. Tolstoy "How wolves teach their children"

The story of L. N. Tolstoy "How wolves teach their children"

The story-parable is included in the collection "Russian books for reading". The work "How Wolves Teach Their Children" was created by Tolstoy for young readers. The purpose of the writer was to introduce children to the life and habits of wild animals

What is adamantium, or Marvel's Unique Metal

What is adamantium, or Marvel's Unique Metal

Adamantium (English adamantium) is a non-existent substance belonging to the category of metal alloys. He became widely known after the creators of the character Wolverine decided that the hero's claws would be made of adamantium

What is reality transerfing: description of the method, features, summary of the book

What is reality transerfing: description of the method, features, summary of the book

What is reality transerfing will interest everyone who wants to get acquainted with modern esoteric teachings. This method has become known since 2004, when Vadim Zeland began to promote it in the books of the same name. Adhering to the idea of a multivariant world in which events happen simultaneously in an infinite number of spaces, he describes his own teaching as a kind of technique

Nikolai Biryukov: biography, books and interesting facts

Nikolai Biryukov: biography, books and interesting facts

Socialist realism is an artistic method in literature and art in general, which was relevant in the USSR. This direction was built on three main principles - nationality, ideology and concreteness. The main purpose of this method was to show the life of a person in a socialist society, his struggle for certain ideas. One of the creative figures who created works in the direction of socialist realism is the poet and writer Nikolai Biryukov

Comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes "Lysistratus": summary, analysis, reviews

Comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes "Lysistratus": summary, analysis, reviews

Summary of "Lysistrata" will introduce you to one of the most famous comedies of the ancient Greek author Aristophanes. It was written around 411 BC. It tells about a woman who managed to stop the war between Athens and Sparta in a very original way

Quotes about green eyes: aphorisms, catchphrases, beautiful sayings

Quotes about green eyes: aphorisms, catchphrases, beautiful sayings

The owners of green eyes are incredibly lucky, because green eyes are a rarity. Such people stand out from the crowd, they are immediately noticeable. When you meet a green-eyed person, you simply cannot take your eyes off him. Since ancient times, people believe that the color of the eyes can somehow affect even the fate of a person and has a sacred meaning. They talked a lot about the beauty of green eyes, wrote poems, sang in songs, wrote in novels, even burned at the stake

"Ivanhoe": a summary of the most famous novel by W. Scott

"Ivanhoe": a summary of the most famous novel by W. Scott

"Ivanhoe" is a historical novel that describes medieval England. Events take place in the 12th century. At that time, England was ruled by Richard the First, known as the Lionheart, and the country was sharpened by the struggle between the Normans and the Saxons

William Shakespeare. "Hamlet". Summary

William Shakespeare. "Hamlet". Summary

The apogee of the great Shakespeare's creativity is certainly "Hamlet". The summary of this literary masterpiece is unable to convey the depth, dramaturgy and philosophy of this tragedy, so every cultured person should discover it for himself by reading the entire work

"Madame Bovary". Summary of the novel

"Madame Bovary". Summary of the novel

A huge number of works can be attributed to the masterpieces of world literature. Among them is Gustave Flaubert's novel, Madame Bovary, published in 1856

F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot": a summary of the work

F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot": a summary of the work

"Idiot", the summary of which cannot be conveyed in a few words, is a great work of Russian classical prose, and F.M. Dostoevsky - the great creator of masterpieces of world literature

Goethe's tragedy "Faust". Summary

Goethe's tragedy "Faust". Summary

Love for everything mystical in a person is unlikely to ever fade away. Even apart from the question of faith, the mystery stories themselves are extremely interesting. There have been many such stories for the centuries-old existence of life on earth, and one of them, written by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, is Faust. A summary of this famous tragedy in general terms will acquaint you with the plot

"White Nights". Summary of the story by F.M. Dostoevsky

"White Nights". Summary of the story by F.M. Dostoevsky

F.M. Dostoevsky wrote a wonderful story "White Nights", a summary of which we will consider in the article. A romantic image of St. Petersburg and a dramatic love story - what else can interest the reader more?

Let's read the summary. "Inspector" N. V. Gogol

Let's read the summary. "Inspector" N. V. Gogol

The satirical work of N.V. Gogol begins with the famous phrase of the mayor about the "unpleasant" news: the auditor comes to the city