Literature 2024, October

Romanticism as a literary movement. Romanticism in 19th century literature

Romanticism as a literary movement. Romanticism in 19th century literature

Romanticism as a literary trend originated in Europe in the late 18th - early 19th century and gradually moved to Russia and America. Examples of romanticism in literature are well-known works that both adults and children read at all times

Do you know who wrote "Harry Potter"?

Do you know who wrote "Harry Potter"?

The article tells about who wrote the Harry Potter book and how the author came up with the idea to create such a novel. Some interesting facts about the young wizard and his friends are also revealed

Iron Islands ("Game of Thrones"): history and inhabitants. King of the Iron Islands

Iron Islands ("Game of Thrones"): history and inhabitants. King of the Iron Islands

The Iron Islands are one of the key regions of the Seven Kingdoms, a fictional world from George R.R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of novels, as well as the popular film adaptation called Game of Thrones. These islands are located in the very west of Westeros

Features of epics: composition and means of artistic expression

Features of epics: composition and means of artistic expression

The article is devoted to a brief overview of the features of the construction of epics, their means of artistic expression, topics

Robin Sharma, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari": reviews, quotes, summary

Robin Sharma, "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari": reviews, quotes, summary

Only a hundred years ago, it was believed that if a person is noble and rich, he has achieved everything. But today an indicator of a person's status is his success. The cult of success is stubbornly promoted in every way, and an entire industry is even built on it. Every year many publications are published in the world, promising the reader to discover the secrets of achieving the cherished goal. Among the most famous authors of such literature is Robin Sharma, who became famous thanks to the book "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

Sakharov Vasily: the work of the writer

Sakharov Vasily: the work of the writer

Vasily Sakharov is a talented Russian modern writer who has created a large number of works in the literary genre of fantasy and science fiction. His novels and entire book cycles have one important feature - they are all imbued with sincerity and love for the motherland, which are characteristic of the Slavic peoples in general

The novel "Scarlett": summary, reviews

The novel "Scarlett": summary, reviews

Scarlett, written by Alexandra Ripley, is the sequel to one of the most famous works of American literature. It was created in 1991. Very soon, in 1994, the novel "Scarlett", reviews of which among fans of M. Mitchell's work turned out to be rather controversial, was filmed

Interesting books by Timur Sabaev

Interesting books by Timur Sabaev

The article talks about Timur Sabaev's books. The plot of the works "Safety Family", "Experience for Sale" and "Jeremei Simson. Manhunter" is briefly retold. However, the story always breaks off at the most interesting point. Even the laziest will want to know how it all ended. And so they will try to find a summary of the book. But the ending is not indicated everywhere. Here's a tip: read at least one book in its entirety. Believe me, she will bring you only positive e

Marty Sue, Mary Sue: Character Characteristics

Marty Sue, Mary Sue: Character Characteristics

The concept of Marty Sue and Mary Sue in modern literature. Signs that the character is a Marty Sue. How to avoid this phenomenon in your work

Pogodin, "How much is the debt": summary

Pogodin, "How much is the debt": summary

Rady Petrovich Pogodin - Soviet writer, artist and poet. The heroes of his stories are children with their own inner experiences and thoughts. One of the pearls of his work is the work "How much is the debt", a summary of which is presented in this article

Summary of "Vasily Shibanov" by Tolstoy

Summary of "Vasily Shibanov" by Tolstoy

The work of A. K. Tolstoy "Vasily Shibanov" is based on real historical events that took place in the 16th century. Prince Kurbsky, fearing persecution by the enemies of Ivan the Terrible, flees to Lithuania, where he asks for protection and patronage from the ruler Sigismund-August. From there, he writes an angry letter to the king, full of accusations. In the article you will find the ballad "Vasily Shibanov" (summary)

"Taras on Parnassus": a summary. Konstantin Verenitsyn "Taras on Parnassus"

"Taras on Parnassus": a summary. Konstantin Verenitsyn "Taras on Parnassus"

"Taras on Parnassus" is a satirical work of classical Belarusian literature of the 19th century. There are still disputes about the authorship of the poem, but most scientists are inclined to believe that it belongs to the pen of Konstantin Verenitsyn. This article presents the poem "Taras on Parnassus" (summary)

"Bezhin Meadow": characteristics of boys. The work of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow"

"Bezhin Meadow": characteristics of boys. The work of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow"

"Bezhin meadow" - a story by I. S. Turgenev, included in the collection "Notes of a Hunter". During the creation of this work, Turgenev spent a lot of time in the countryside. His main interlocutors were hunters, who were very different from the rest of the villagers

Summary of "Maxim Maksimych". What is the chapter of the poem "A Hero of Our Time" about?

Summary of "Maxim Maksimych". What is the chapter of the poem "A Hero of Our Time" about?

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is an outstanding classic of the 19th century, who wrote many famous works. One of the most successful is the poem "A Hero of Our Time". The whole work is divided into chapters, each of which is designed to reveal the character of the protagonist in as much detail as possible. This article provides a brief retelling of the chapter "Maxim Maksimych"

"Three sisters": summary. "Three Sisters" Chekhov

"Three sisters": summary. "Three Sisters" Chekhov

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a famous Russian writer and playwright, part-time doctor. He devoted his whole life to writing works that were staged and staged in theaters with great success. To this day, one cannot find a person who would not have heard this famous surname. The article presents the play "Three Sisters" (summary)

"Polesye Robinsons": a summary. "Polesye Robinsons", Yanka Mavr

"Polesye Robinsons": a summary. "Polesye Robinsons", Yanka Mavr

The article presents a summary of the work "Polesye Robinsons" by Yanka Mavra. This is a captivating story full of adventure that young explorers of our time will surely enjoy

Andrey Platonov: biography and creativity

Andrey Platonov: biography and creativity

Are there many among us who are truly familiar and close in spirit to the Soviet writer Andrei Platonov? His biography is constantly updated with new facts from life and reprinted. Do we get enough information from school textbooks on literature?

What is a sentence? Every child knows this

What is a sentence? Every child knows this

Do you know what a sentence is? What are these small literary works? For what and for whom are they intended? What is a sentence - a request or an attempt to influence the forces of nature? What should be said and when?

Proskurin Pyotr Lukich: family, biography, creativity

Proskurin Pyotr Lukich: family, biography, creativity

He went from a village boy to a recognized classic of Soviet literature. The words spoken by the heroes of his works are topical even today. "Soon there will be more bosses than plowmen," the hero of the feature film "Earthly Love" said the words of the writer. How did the all-powerful Soviet censorship miss such statements? The whole country knew the name of the author of these words. Proskurin Pyotr Lukich lived a bright life and, together with the heroes of his books, stepped into a new world

Who is Captain Britain?

Who is Captain Britain?

Captain Britain (see photo below) is a Marvel superhero whose real name is Brian Braddock. Chosen by Merlin. He is the protector of the M altivers and Britannia. Worked with MI-13 for a while

Writer Kerdan Alexander: biography and review of creativity

Writer Kerdan Alexander: biography and review of creativity

Russian writer Kerdan Alexander Borisovich is a man of interesting fate. His diverse life experiences are successfully translated into poetic and prose literary works that are loved by the general public

The history of the creation of the "Captain's Daughter". The main characters of "The Captain's Daughter", the genre of the work

The history of the creation of the "Captain's Daughter". The main characters of "The Captain's Daughter", the genre of the work

The history of the creation of Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter", description of the characters, characteristics and general analysis of the work. Influence on contemporaries, reasons for writing

Mikhail Sholokhov, the book "Quiet Flows the Don": reviews, description and characteristics of the characters

Mikhail Sholokhov, the book "Quiet Flows the Don": reviews, description and characteristics of the characters

"Quiet Don" is the most significant work of those dedicated to the Don Cossacks. In terms of scale, it is compared with Tolstoy's "War and Peace". The epic novel Quiet Don reflects a huge piece of the life of the inhabitants of the Cossack village and the tragedy of the entire Russian people. Reviews of critics agree on one thing: the book is one of the greatest in literature. Opinions about the writer are not so flattering. The article is devoted to disputes about the authorship of the famous novel and the characteristics of the main characters

Mark Lawrence: the history of fame

Mark Lawrence: the history of fame

Author of numerous short stories and the acclaimed 'Empire Shattered' trilogy shares his success story

"Apology of Socrates" - teacher's acquittal speech recorded by an enthusiastic student

"Apology of Socrates" - teacher's acquittal speech recorded by an enthusiastic student

The Apology of Socrates is one of Plato's earliest works. In it, he conveys the image of his teacher, who laid the foundation for his philosophical worldview

Stern Boris Gedalevich: a brief biography and interesting facts from life

Stern Boris Gedalevich: a brief biography and interesting facts from life

Shtern Boris Gedalevich (books by this author were reprinted in English, Spanish, Swedish and other languages of the world) is known in the post-Soviet space as a Russian-speaking author who wrote in the style of "literary fiction"

Oscar Wilde, "The Picture of Dorian Gray": quotes from the book

Oscar Wilde, "The Picture of Dorian Gray": quotes from the book

The most useful reading, according to many experts, is reading “with a pencil”. It allows you not only to get acquainted with the text, but also to mark for yourself special places in the book, those that coincide with your worldview, raise doubts, disagree, or require additional explanations. Of particular interest for this kind of reading is Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. The article will consider the most popular quotes from "Dorian Gray"

Maxim Kammerer is one of the most beloved heroes of Strugatsky fans

Maxim Kammerer is one of the most beloved heroes of Strugatsky fans

Maxim Kammerer is a typical representative of the Earth of the future, who is ready to come to the aid of the peoples of other worlds to save them from mistakes and troubles. But can a person play God and take responsibility for changing the course of history and the development of society, because, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions?

Elena Malinovskaya. Brief overview of the bibliography

Elena Malinovskaya. Brief overview of the bibliography

If you don't know what to read for the night, then maybe you will like Elena Malinovskaya's books. A good style, pleasant characters and heroines, exciting adventures and, of course, love. And all this in the genre of humorous fantasy

Children's songs about simple Konstantin Kostin

Children's songs about simple Konstantin Kostin

Kostin Konstantin Vladimirovich began to compose songs very early, from adolescence. Even then, Kostya wrote his first song, and since then his entire work has already included about a hundred works - poems, songs, etc. Konstantin Kostin began his creative career as a vocalist, performed songs

Review of Sharon Bolton's book "Blood Harvest"

Review of Sharon Bolton's book "Blood Harvest"

Sharon Bolton is a popular English writer. Times magazine calls her work exciting, and each new novel predicts the fate of a bestseller. The author has two master's degrees: in business administration and in dramaturgy

The we alth of Russia - Vologda writers and poets

The we alth of Russia - Vologda writers and poets

Our land is rich in a variety of talents, including literary ones. In every corner of Russia you can find people known for their works. Among them are famous Vologda writers and poets, a list of which is presented in this article

Boris Lavrenev "Forty-First": a summary of the story, the main lessons for contemporaries

Boris Lavrenev "Forty-First": a summary of the story, the main lessons for contemporaries

Each citizen of Russia over time is determined by the national orientation of the state. Contemporaries consider with interest the events of the 1917 revolution and the Civil War. The writer Boris Lavrenev expressed his vision of these events in the story "Forty-First". After all, our divided society is still feeling the consequences of those events. This work is also called a "poem in prose", it contains a lot of revolutionary elements, violent passions, cruel fratricidal scenes

Quotes about a mistress - two sides of the coin

Quotes about a mistress - two sides of the coin

Mistress or wife? A man who combines two (or more) young ladies in his life torments several people: himself and offended women. What emotions and thoughts does each of the beautiful people experience? What did the classics think about this situation?

Ortega y Gasset, "Revolt of the Masses": summary, concept, relevance and history of creation

Ortega y Gasset, "Revolt of the Masses": summary, concept, relevance and history of creation

Summary of "The Revolt of the Masses" by Ortega y Gasset will interest everyone who is fond of modern philosophy. This is a famous socio-philosophical treatise written by a Spanish thinker in 1930. He dedicated it to the cultural crisis in Europe, linking it to the changing role of the masses in the surrounding society. In this article we will focus on the main points of this work, talk about its creation and relevance in our time

Quotes about queens living in books

Quotes about queens living in books

The Snow Queen is the image of a cold, impregnable woman, whom we get to know by reading Andersen's fairy tale of the same name. The snow mistress surrounded her possessions with blizzards and severe frosts, hiding herself and her wounded heart in snowdrifts of cold and alienation

Evil quotes on the topic of the day

Evil quotes on the topic of the day

Evil quotes catch your eye all the time: in a minibus or trolley bus, at the workplace. We pronounce them, and they pronounce them to us. Negative phrases express dissatisfaction with current events or conditions. Even the kindest person in the world was subject to evil phrases

Osip Mandelstam, "Stone": analysis of a collection of poems, reviews

Osip Mandelstam, "Stone": analysis of a collection of poems, reviews

Mandelstam's collection of poems "Stone" has long become a classic of Russian poetry of the "Silver Age" era. Incredibly lyrical works of the poet conquered more than one generation of readers, being an example of the beauty of the syllable and the reference rhythmic sound

N. A. Berdyaev "The origins and meaning of Russian communism": summary, analysis, reviews

N. A. Berdyaev "The origins and meaning of Russian communism": summary, analysis, reviews

Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev is an outstanding representative of the Russian intelligentsia in exile. The philosopher devoted his whole life to the study of the psychology of the Russian people. Berdyaev studied and described various spheres of political, spiritual and everyday activities of the people of Russia, a number of general patterns were derived that are inherent in any type of totalitarian power both on the territory of Russia and in any other country

A. N. Ostrovsky, "The Snow Maiden": analysis and description of the work

A. N. Ostrovsky, "The Snow Maiden": analysis and description of the work

The musical play-tale "The Snow Maiden" (another name is "Spring Tale") was completed by the famous Russian playwright Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky by March 31, 1873. It has a prologue and four acts. However, despite the title, this work is by no means a children's fairy tale