Famous paintings with people

Famous paintings with people
Famous paintings with people

Many pictures of people today are known around the world. They are admired, admired for their unsurpassed beauty and originality of the plot. True connoisseurs of art would prefer to have some of them at home in order to be able to admire authentic masterpieces every day. Indeed, the most striking and memorable are the portraits of people. Pictures become not only recognizable, but loved by many generations. This is because in the gaze of the person depicted on the canvas, we have the opportunity to read his inner essence. Some art historians say that they are trying to read the soul of the depicted character. It is very entertaining to get acquainted with the inner world of another person and compare it with your own perception of reality. Let us consider in more detail the most famous paintings of artists with people. Each of them is unique and inimitable in its own way.

Peach Girl

An outstanding work by V. A. Serov, to which he owes his fame. It was written in 1865. The reason for creating the picture wasan ordinary occasion: a visit to a noble estate. The girl depicted on the canvas is Vera Mamontova, the daughter of a famous philanthropist, in whose house the artist visited. At the time of the creation of the canvas, the girl was only twelve years old. The details of her image captured on the canvas convey the character of the child, and the features of the interior emphasize the atmosphere in which she grows up. It is pleasant to admire the picture: its discreet colors calm, give a feeling of clarity and peace.

pictures with people
pictures with people

"Girl with Peaches" refers to the early period of creativity V. A. Serov. If you look closely at the picture, you can see that the surrounding space reflects the order prevailing in the house. And only the girl herself seemed to sit down at the table for a minute to pose. Tousled hair, a flushed face - all these features indicate that life for her is a mystery that I want to comprehend. It seems that at any moment she can break away and run away to play on. The face of the child shows lightness and carelessness. She holds a peach in her hands, which is written out so naturalistically that you want to eat it immediately. In fact, the great merit of the artist is to be able to show such a relaxed atmosphere, to reveal the character of a child who is pleased with himself and the surrounding reality.

Portrait of Maria Lopukhina

The author of this wonderful portrait is Vladimir Borovikovsky. He captured on canvas the unfading beauty of a young woman. At the time of writing the picture, Mary was only eighteen years old. Whenlooking at this portrait, one gets the impression that the artist intended to preserve her spiritual purity and unceasing grace. In fact, this is a picture where a person is shown from the inside. If you look closely, you can hear the author say without words: "Stay as long as possible, do not fade." It is known that Maria Lopukhina lived only twenty-three years and died of consumption.

portraits of people painting
portraits of people painting

The young woman is depicted in a light and delicate attire. Refined facial features, pallor and aristocracy are read in this mysterious look! No other picture with people evokes so many tender feelings! You can look at her endlessly, each time admiring the enduring beauty.

Mona Lisa

Description of paintings with people would be incomplete without this amazing work. Gioconda is called a true masterpiece of world art. A lot of controversy and discussions go around the Mona Lisa. Someone admires her, others avoid meeting her, feeling an inexpressible rejection. In any case, it will captivate the viewer, leaving ambivalent feelings in the soul. Indeed, the picture is rather ambiguous, but it cannot leave anyone indifferent. The "Mona Lisa" smile is a real mystery.

paintings by artists with people
paintings by artists with people

If you look at the picture for a long time, it seems that the eyes of a living person are looking at you, with whom a secret conversation is being held. It seems that she will now speak or change position. This picture frightens many, makes them be in a state of prolongednumbness.

Lady with an Ermine

Another creation of Leonardo da Vinci. Unsurpassed, masterful work that deserves special attention. A young woman holds in her hands a wild animal, which, in captivity, is also poorly tamed. Such a contrast emphasizes the fact that the artist liked to experiment with subjects, creating unique and captivating images.

picture where the man
picture where the man

The girl's eyes are averted - she does not look at the viewer. Facial features are accurately carved from white marble. Her whole appearance emphasizes undeniable femininity.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, paintings with people are always a reflection of the inner world of the artist himself. They emphasize the undeniable importance of every moment lived. We can admire them by visiting the gallery or by hanging a reproduction in our home.
