Literature 2024, October

J. Galsworthy "The Owner": writing history, summary, reviews

J. Galsworthy "The Owner": writing history, summary, reviews

The novel "The Owner" by Galsworthy is one of the parts of a monumental series of diverse works by the English prose writer John Galsworthy, in which he describes the fate of the Forsyte family. He wrote his iconic Forsyte Saga from 1906 to 1921. In 1932, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature with the wording "for the high art of storytelling", the pinnacle of which was considered precisely this series of works

"Don't growl at the dog": reader reviews, summary, critic reviews

"Don't growl at the dog": reader reviews, summary, critic reviews

Karen Pryor is the author of several popular dog training books. This woman studied the behavioral psychology of marine mammals, was a dolphin trainer, and later switched to dogs. Her system works. People who read the book were able to implement the advice from it in practice

Memory Book: An Effective Step-by-Step Technique for Enhancing Brain Efficiency

Memory Book: An Effective Step-by-Step Technique for Enhancing Brain Efficiency

Human memory is one of the most important intellectual resources of society in the 21st century. With its help, people move progress forward. The book for the development of memory is a good simulator of this ability. With the help of such literary works, a person can achieve success in school and at work, since success depends on the ability to remember information

Biography and bibliography of the writer Sergei Chekmaev

Biography and bibliography of the writer Sergei Chekmaev

Sergey Chekmaev, biography, literary projects, interviews. Sergei Vladimirovich Chekmaev (August 28, 1973) is from Moscow. The Russian writer, a lover of the fantasy genre, has a diploma in psychotherapy and, moreover, is a specialist in the field of information technology (IT). He took up his stormy literary activity in the second year of 2002 and is completely absorbed by it to this day

The history of the great dynasties of the world in one edition

The history of the great dynasties of the world in one edition

Hundreds of powerful empires have been created throughout the history of mankind. Some of them were destined to exist for tens of centuries, while others, on the contrary, did not survive even two years. Almost every modern state of the first and second worlds has in its history references to the existence of a superpower on its territory with a strong ruler, who probably laid the foundation for his own great dynasty of the world

Content and form of a literary work: description, theory

Content and form of a literary work: description, theory

The unity of the content and form of a literary work is achieved in the process of detailed plot planning. With the right construction of the plot, the author clearly knows which scenes he needs, which dialogues are appropriate, and which ones need to be deleted. The categories of form and content were analyzed by all famous philosophers and writers: Aristotle, Hegel, Mikhail Lotman

Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. The book "Aromology. Quantum satis": reviews

Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. The book "Aromology. Quantum satis": reviews

The owner of an unusual beauty house, perfumer and aromatherapist, author of books and trainer, editor and blogger, designer and creative director, poet and performer of romances - all this is about Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. Her irrepressible energy allows her to succeed in everything she undertakes

"Memoirs of a Geisha": reviews, film adaptation

"Memoirs of a Geisha": reviews, film adaptation

The article tells about the novel "Memoirs of a Geisha", written in 1997 by Arthur Golden and gained worldwide popularity, as well as the recognition of leading literary critics. Rave reviews for Memoirs of a Geisha came from acclaimed director Rob Marshall and writers Jonathan Franzen and Jonathan Safran Feuer. The novel has become a classic in its genre, inspiring many creative people around the world

Quotes of Peter 1 and statements about the king himself

Quotes of Peter 1 and statements about the king himself

One of the brightest, charismatic and famous rulers of the Russian Empire was Peter the Great. It is to him that the Russian people are grateful for the appearance of potatoes in the country. Thanks to Peter I, the Slavic world: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus - celebrates the New Year on January 1, decorates the Christmas tree and has fun on that day

Modern Russian writer Lubenets Svetlana Anatolyevna: the best books

Modern Russian writer Lubenets Svetlana Anatolyevna: the best books

Svetlana Lubenets is a contemporary Russian writer who writes for teenage girls. Her books are read by young ladies from 11 to 16 years old, and adults sometimes recall those very romantic book experiences with nostalgia

People don't change: quotes, aphorisms, catchphrases

People don't change: quotes, aphorisms, catchphrases

Can a person change? Is it really possible for a villain to become a virtue? The idea of changes in the structure of an individual person, in updating his reasoning and character, touched the minds of writers and philosophers for many years and centuries

Creativity of M.Yu. Lermontov. Famous poems by Lermontov

Creativity of M.Yu. Lermontov. Famous poems by Lermontov

30s were a difficult time in the history of the 19th century. The massacre of the Decembrists was replaced by a harsh reaction, which led to the spiritual decline of progressive minds. It was during this period that the loud voice of the young poet, M. Yu. Lermontov, who was called a worthy successor to A. S. Pushkin, sounded. The poems of Mikhail Yuryevich are an attempt to rethink history and reality, a protest against the despotism established in the country, an angry reproach to compatriots who silently endured lawlessness and the oppression of power

What is a detective story in literature? Characteristics and features of the detective genre

What is a detective story in literature? Characteristics and features of the detective genre

Books - this unique world filled with mystery and magic that attracts each of us. We all prefer different genres: historical novels, fantasy, mysticism. However, one of the most revered and undoubtedly interesting genres is the detective story. A talentedly written work in the detective genre allows the reader to independently add up a logical chain of events and figure out the criminal. Which, of course, requires mental effort. Incredibly interesting and entertaining read

"Cyrano de Bergerac": summary, plot of the play

"Cyrano de Bergerac": summary, plot of the play

Cyrano de Bergerac is the title of a heroic comedy by French playwright Edmond Rostand. It was written in 1897, has a poetic form and consists of five acts. The first performance took place on the stage of the Paris theater "Porte Saint-Martin", the main role in the play "Cyrano de Bergerac" was played by the legendary French actor Benoit-Constant Coquelin. To this day, the popularity of this brilliant comedy is still great, and the production is quite often resumed on

Hamlet: a brief retelling of the acts

Hamlet: a brief retelling of the acts

It is irrational to deprive yourself of the opportunity to enjoy the immortal creations of geniuses, because they bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also answers to many questions that have not lost their sharpness hundreds of years after the creation of a masterpiece. Such diamonds of world literature include Hamlet, a brief retelling of which awaits you below

Works about the war. Works about the Great Patriotic War. Novels, short stories, essays

Works about the war. Works about the Great Patriotic War. Novels, short stories, essays

The theme of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 will always occupy an important place in Russian literature. This is our historical memory, a worthy story about the feat our grandfathers and fathers accomplished for the free future of the country and people

Summary of "The Stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin

Summary of "The Stationmaster" A.S. Pushkin

The story begins with the author's story about the unfortunate fate of all Russian stationmasters, on whom any passer-by takes out his irritation, demands the impossible and is constantly rude, and these unfortunate people must endure and indulge the guests. The following is a story about a specific person, whose name is Samson Vyrin. Summary “The Stationmaster” takes the reader to the beginning of the 19th century, where the main events unfolded

"The Captain's Daughter": a summary of the story

"The Captain's Daughter": a summary of the story

To prepare for exams and final assessments, students often need to remember the content of many works. One of them is "The Captain's Daughter". A brief summary of this story is presented in this article

A. P. Chekhov, "The Cherry Orchard". Summary and analysis of the main problem

A. P. Chekhov, "The Cherry Orchard". Summary and analysis of the main problem

Anton Chekhov's work "The Cherry Orchard", which was especially relevant at the time of its creation, contains many conflicts and problems. We will look at the main storyline of the play and try to understand what the author wanted to say

"Son of the Regiment": a summary of the true story

"Son of the Regiment": a summary of the true story

Three scouts were returning from a mission through the autumn forest in the middle of the night after spending more than a day behind German lines. Hearing a suspicious rustle, Sergeant Yegorov crawled towards the sound and soon, together with his assistants, found a completely feral boy sleeping in a heavy sleep in an abandoned wet trench

M. Gorky "Childhood": a summary

M. Gorky "Childhood": a summary

Gorky's story "Childhood" is a vivid example of an autobiographical work. The story is told in the first person, which made it possible for the writer to depict events more reliably, accurately convey the thoughts and feelings of the main character

Dramatic works of Pushkin: "Mozart and Salieri", summary

Dramatic works of Pushkin: "Mozart and Salieri", summary

The tragedy "Mozart and Salieri", a brief summary of which can be reduced to a small retelling, is a philosophically deeply saturated work. The author considers in it such important questions for every truly talented artist as to whether a genius can do evil and whether he will remain a genius after that. What should art bring to people? Can a genius in art afford to be an ordinary, imperfect person in everyday life, and many others

"Dowry": a summary of the actions

"Dowry": a summary of the actions

The play "Dowry" by Nikolai Ostrovsky may interest the audience with an interesting social plot. You can get acquainted with it in the form of a summary using this material

"Own people - let's get along": a summary of the comedy

"Own people - let's get along": a summary of the comedy

The comedy "Our people - we will settle", a summary of which we present to your attention, begins with the fact that the daughter of the merchant Bolshov, Lipochka, is sitting at the window with a book, talking about dancing. She dreams that she, dressed up like a picture, will be invited to a w altz by an interesting gentleman.

The story of V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow". Summary

The story of V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow". Summary

In 1981, a story was published that shocked Soviet readers, because the events described in it looked like real nonsense: young Leninist pioneers rot a new student. The author of the work is Vladimir Zheleznikov. “Scarecrow” (a brief summary is given below) - this is how he called his story, the idea of which he took from life: similar events happened to his granddaughter

Recall what we once read: "Scarlet Sails" (summary)

Recall what we once read: "Scarlet Sails" (summary)

Your attention - "Scarlet Sails": a summary of the story, the text of which takes us to Kaperna, invented by the author, a small fishing village on the seashore. Strong, stern people live there, whose life and work are associated with constant risk, the struggle against the wayward sea elements

Summary of "Chelkash", Maxim Gorky

Summary of "Chelkash", Maxim Gorky

The drama between two people, which cannot be fully conveyed by the summary, "Chelkash" reveals vividly and unforgettably. And it makes you think about what a person is and what he is capable of

I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons": a summary of the chapters of the novel and analysis of the work

I. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons": a summary of the chapters of the novel and analysis of the work

The works written by I. S. Turgenev made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian literature. Many of them are well known to readers of various ages. However, the most popular of his works is the novel "Fathers and Sons", a summary of which can be found in this article

"Antonov apples": a summary of the story of Ivan Bunin

"Antonov apples": a summary of the story of Ivan Bunin

The story "Antonov apples" Bunin wrote in 1900. The author gradually immerses the reader in his nostalgic memories, creating the right atmosphere by describing sensations, colors, smells and sounds

The best fantasy. Books worthy of your attention

The best fantasy. Books worthy of your attention

What deserves the title of "best fiction"? Books that can take you to another reality with an exciting plot and a lively style. From this article you will learn about some of the works that fit this description

Leo Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories" (summary)

Leo Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories" (summary)

Leo Tolstoy "Sevastopol Tales" (first part) wrote a month after the siege in 1854. This is an imaginary tour of the city. Addressing the reader as "you", the author invites him to become a witness of what happened in hospitals, on the redoubts and bastions of the besieged city

Summary of "War and Peace", a novel by Leo Tolstoy. Analysis and characterization of heroes

Summary of "War and Peace", a novel by Leo Tolstoy. Analysis and characterization of heroes

A summary of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" will help give the first impression of him. For people who do not have the opportunity to read the full version or do not want to do this, the article contains a summary of all volumes

"Wild landowner" (summary)

"Wild landowner" (summary)

This article describes the writer's work, analyzes the work, summarizes the content of the satirical tale "The Wild Landowner", reflecting the realities of life

Kuprin "Duel". Summary of the story

Kuprin "Duel". Summary of the story

Romashov treats his soldiers well, but he can't do anything about the cruelty of other officers, and Kuprin clearly conveys his feelings. The “duel”, the summary of which shows the inhumanity of people, characterizes the second lieutenant as a romantic and a dreamer. But this is a passive person, because he does not seek to change something, but lets everything take its course, runs away from reality

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - a summary

Comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" - a summary

Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", the summary of which, in fact, boils down to a description of the three days of Chatsky's stay in Moscow, made a splash among readers. Written in 1824, a year before the Decembrist uprising, it literally blew up the public with its seditious content. And its main character, Pyotr Andreevich Chatsky, was perceived as a true revolutionary, a "carbonarius", a herald of progressive social and political views and ideals

Summary of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

Summary of The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov

Before us is the "Master and Margarita". A summary of the chapters of the novel will help the reader quickly understand whether he is interested in the work

Summary of "Childhood" (the story of Leo Tolstoy)

Summary of "Childhood" (the story of Leo Tolstoy)

The work "Childhood", a summary of which is presented below, was written by Leo Tolstoy in 1852. This is the first story of three available about the life of Nikolai Irteniev. The hero tells in the first person about the early period of his life, nostalgically regretting the irretrievable freshness of childhood feelings, carelessness, love and faith

D. I. Fonvizin. Undergrowth. Summary of the untold comedy

D. I. Fonvizin. Undergrowth. Summary of the untold comedy

The comedy "Undergrowth" familiar to us from school years has become immortal. Fonvizin spoke in it about public ignorance and serfdom - the root of all the country's ills. The work ridicules laziness and cruelty, which turned the teenager Mitrofanushka, the son of a landowner, into a miserable creature

L.N. Tolstoy, "Youth", summary

L.N. Tolstoy, "Youth", summary

L.N. Tolstoy finished "Youth", a brief summary of which we will now consider, in 1857, 5 years after writing the first story of the cycle - "Childhood". During this time, the writer himself changed, grew spiritually, reworked a lot in his soul and mind. And no less deep and difficult path of self-knowledge and moral self-improvement was passed by his beloved hero - Nikolenka

M. Gorky "Makar Chudra": a summary of the work

M. Gorky "Makar Chudra": a summary of the work

"Makar Chudra" (a summary of the work will be presented in the article) is a romantic story about proud gypsies. The original plot and true-to-life story are addictive and do not let you tear yourself away from reading