Literature 2024, October

"Untimely Thoughts": Gorky's reflections on the duality of the Russian soul

"Untimely Thoughts": Gorky's reflections on the duality of the Russian soul

The article analyzes one of the most iconic works of "petrel" Maxim Gorky "Untimely Thoughts". It is suitable as a basis for an essay or an essay on the relevant curriculum

Summary of "The Gentleman from San Francisco" I.A. Bunin

Summary of "The Gentleman from San Francisco" I.A. Bunin

In 1915, a short story by I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco". When reading the title of the work, thoughts immediately come to an exciting plot, where a mysterious citizen from a distant country becomes the protagonist of amazing and somewhere dangerous events …. However, the plot of the story is far from the intended events. Who is this mysterious gentleman?

Court in Medieval Russia: Pskov Judicial Charter

Court in Medieval Russia: Pskov Judicial Charter

The Pskov judicial charter is a well-known memorial of medieval law, presumably created in Pskov in 1397 (this information is indicated in the document itself). It describes the provisions of Russian legislation relating to the judicial and criminal system of those times. After studying it, you can learn about the many intricacies of the judicial process or about the pen alties applied for certain violations

William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet": summary

William Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet": summary

The events described in the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" continue for only five days. The summary can be stated very succinctly: a young man met a girl, they fell in love with each other, but their happiness is hindered by a family feud. However, Shakespeare's work is quite voluminous. In this article, a summary of the love story of Romeo and Juliet is set out in great detail

N. S. Leskov, "The Enchanted Wanderer": a summary of the chapters, analysis and reviews

N. S. Leskov, "The Enchanted Wanderer": a summary of the chapters, analysis and reviews

Leskov's works are distinguished by a mass of specific, sometimes documentary details, naturalistic sketches and deep generalization of the recreated paintings. A vivid example of this is Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer", a summary of which is presented in this article

"City of the Sun" Campanella: summary, main idea, analysis

"City of the Sun" Campanella: summary, main idea, analysis

Summary of Campanella's "City of the Sun" will give you a complete picture of this software philosophical work of the 17th century. This is a classic utopia, which has become one of the most famous and significant works of the author. The book was written in 1602, first published in 1603

Victoria Isaeva: biography and creativity

Victoria Isaeva: biography and creativity

Today we will talk about Victoria Isaeva. She is a Russian journalist, author of fiction books that belong to the genre of modern prose. She also creates popular manuals on family relationships, psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and personal growth

"Colorful Butterfly" (Platonov): a summary of the story

"Colorful Butterfly" (Platonov): a summary of the story

Summary of Andrei Platonovich Platonov's story "Colorful Butterfly" - about eternity, about the meaning of life, about the power of love

Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin: biography, list of books and interesting facts

Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin: biography, list of books and interesting facts

The significance of the image of this writer and person is preserved in the memory and memoirs of contemporaries decades after his departure, and the scale of his talent, as many literary critics and ordinary readers note, has yet to be truly appreciated

Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich: biography, creativity

Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich: biography, creativity

He is not considered a genius of Russian literature on the level of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky or Chekhov, but without Stanyukovich's sea-winded prose, Russian literature of the 19th century would have lost much of its breadth and versatility. And in our time, adults and children are fond of it, films are made based on the stories and stories of the great seascape painter, and today they invite future sailors to the sea

The life and work of Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich

The life and work of Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich

Activity of Mikhail Lomonosov manifested itself in all areas of science and culture of the 18th century. Everywhere he introduced something new, attractive and progressive. The creativity of Mikhail Lomonosov and the purposeful work of the scientist were essential for the development of Russia and its exit from the Middle Ages. In terms of significance and contribution to the formation of the Fatherland, this person is put on a par with the most prominent figures of the country in the entire history of its development

What is "masaraksh" and what is the influence of this word

What is "masaraksh" and what is the influence of this word

With the advent of the adaptation of the Strugatsky brothers' fantasy novel "The Inhabited Island" on the screens of cinemas and, as a result, the popularization of this work, many people had a misunderstanding of some words and expressions used by the characters. For example, what is masaraksh? Some have suggested that this is some kind of abstract name. And it seemed to others that it was a made-up adverb or the name of an object that does not exist in the real world. And it's almost true. But first things first

What is a work: concept, characteristics and outstanding novels

What is a work: concept, characteristics and outstanding novels

What is a work in literature? It seems that the answer is obvious. But not everything is so simple. The work has a number of features, which we will deal with below

The story "The Jumper" by Chekhov: a summary of the work

The story "The Jumper" by Chekhov: a summary of the work

The story presented here was written in 1891 by the author. It should be noted that the audience very warmly welcomed Chekhov's "Jumping Girl". A summary of it is given below. Researchers of the writer's work claim that it is based on a real story. Initially, the draft version of the story was called "The Great Man". Let's try to find out, by reading the summary of the author's creation, why he changed its title

A. P. Chekhov "Darling": a summary of the work

A. P. Chekhov "Darling": a summary of the work

Many readers remember Chekhov as the author of short humorous and satirical stories. One of them is called "Darling". A brief summary of the work is given in the article

How many children did Pushkin have? Children of Pushkin and Goncharova

How many children did Pushkin have? Children of Pushkin and Goncharova

Many of us know who Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin is. Some have information about the facts from the biography of the famous poet. And, of course, we all read his immortal literary creations: "The Prisoner of the Caucasus", "The Fountain of Bakhchisarai", "Belkin's Tale" and so on. But few people can remember how many children Pushkin had. And this is a very interesting question

V.F. Odoevsky, "Poor Gnedko": a summary. "Poor Gnedko": the main characters

V.F. Odoevsky, "Poor Gnedko": a summary. "Poor Gnedko": the main characters

To convey the whole meaning of a literary work, sometimes even its summary helps. "Poor Gnedko" is a story by Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky, in which he addresses the topic of cruelty to animals. The story is told on behalf of the author. The work is written for children in a language they understand

Bulgarian fairy tale "The Hen that Lays Golden Eggs": plot

Bulgarian fairy tale "The Hen that Lays Golden Eggs": plot

Every nation has its own fairy tales. And they all have their own characteristics. This article will focus on such a genre as the Bulgarian fairy tale. "The Hen that Lays the Golden Eggs" is one of the most popular works of its kind in Bulgaria

Fairy tale "Smart worker". Russian folk tales for children

Fairy tale "Smart worker". Russian folk tales for children

Many people know the fairy tale "Smart Worker". It belongs to the so-called everyday works of this kind. Recall its summary

Who wrote "The Tale of Igor's Campaign? The mystery of the monument of ancient Russian literature

Who wrote "The Tale of Igor's Campaign? The mystery of the monument of ancient Russian literature

One of the greatest monuments of ancient Russian literature is "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". This work is shrouded in many secrets, starting with fantastic images and ending with the name of the author. By the way, the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign is still unknown. No matter how hard the researchers tried to find out his name - nothing succeeded, the manuscript keeps its secret even today

Which books should I read? Three short reviews

Which books should I read? Three short reviews

Book readers are considered smarter than video lovers. Why? Because reading is an active process that requires the development of thinking and the ability to think systematically, holistically. Even a person who reads books passively, out of curiosity, is still slowly but surely progressing in the ability to think

The story of Bonnie and Clyde: truth and fiction

The story of Bonnie and Clyde: truth and fiction

The story of Bonnie and Clyde has not been forgotten for almost a hundred years. These people, famous for their cruelty and stature, inspire, frighten and even cause envy, but definitely leave no room for indifference. How was it really?

Why and who killed Pushkin? Brief biography of the poet

Why and who killed Pushkin? Brief biography of the poet

Who killed Pushkin? There are still disputes about this. One thing is known for certain: Dantes inflicted a mortal wound, but his father, the Dutch envoy to Russia, Baron Gekkeren, stood behind this

Analysis of "Ionych": how clear everything is

Analysis of "Ionych": how clear everything is

The story "Ionych" is included in the literature program. What should children see in this work? Can it be analyzed adequately? The analysis of the story "Ionych" is given to schoolchildren, but can they form their own opinion on this matter?

How to start writing books or three steps to fame

How to start writing books or three steps to fame

There is a common anecdote: three writers - a beginner, a mature and a venerable - were asked what it takes to write a good book. The beginner answered "inspiration, you need to experience a lot", the mature one - "you need to write a lot", and the experienced one: "you need to read a lot"

The Tale of N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer": a brief analysis. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer": a summary

The Tale of N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer": a brief analysis. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer": a summary

Which of us did not study the work of such a writer as Nikolai Semenovich Leskov at school? “The Enchanted Wanderer” (we will consider a summary, analysis and history of creation in this article) is the most famous work of the writer. That's what we'll talk about next

Napoleon and Josephine. The story of eternal love

Napoleon and Josephine. The story of eternal love

Napoleon and Josephine… Until his death, the great commander idolized this woman. He carried his love for her through all his victories and defeats. Despite mutual betrayals and age difference, the couple remained true to their feelings. This love story is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful

Bezhin Meadow. Summary of the work

Bezhin Meadow. Summary of the work

I.S. Turgenev is a great Russian writer of the 19th century, whose works are included in the golden fund of world literature. In his books, he describes the beauty of Russian nature, the spiritual we alth and moral foundations of his native people. An example of such a narrative is the story "Bezhin Meadow", a summary of which is given in this article

Symbolism in the painting of Russian artists

Symbolism in the painting of Russian artists

Symbolism in Russia differs significantly from this trend in the art of other European countries. Originating at the end of the nineteenth century, Russian symbolism has its own characteristics that make it recognizable and unique. Its origin is associated with the activities of famous publicists and poets - Z. Gippius, D. Merezhkovsky, V. Bryusov

Hero of our time: "Fatalist". Summary

Hero of our time: "Fatalist". Summary

The final chapter of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" is called "The Fatalist". The summary of the work first requires a description of the scene of the picture

“Who should live well in Russia”: a summary of the chapters, characteristics and analysis

“Who should live well in Russia”: a summary of the chapters, characteristics and analysis

One of the most famous works of the Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov is the poem "Who should live well in Russia". The summary of this work will help you thoroughly study it, learn in detail the history of the journey of seven peasants across the country in search of a truly happy person. The events in the poem unfold shortly after the abolition of serfdom in 1861

Why did Raskolnikov turn himself in, and who convinced him to do so?

Why did Raskolnikov turn himself in, and who convinced him to do so?

It's not about repentance, it was not, just the killer heeded the arguments of the woman he loved. That's why Raskolnikov made a confession

Do you know why Gerasim drowned Mumu?

Do you know why Gerasim drowned Mumu?

The eternal question that torments every reader who has read Turgenev's immortal work. Why did Gerasim drown Mumu?

Benedict Spinoza, "Ethics": summary, main points

Benedict Spinoza, "Ethics": summary, main points

"Ethics" of Benedict Spinoza is ambitious because it refutes all traditional philosophical concepts of God, the Universe and man. The method of the Dutch philosopher is to demonstrate the truth about the Supreme, nature, man, religion and prosperity, using definitions, axioms, consequences and scholia, that is, mathematically. This is truly the best summary of Spinoza's philosophy

Slavic mythology: a bird with a human face

Slavic mythology: a bird with a human face

We all know about Odysseus, the ancient Greek hero of the Trojan War. On his way home, he sailed past an island of sirens, half-woman, half-bird. And only cunning and ingenuity helped him save the ship and comrades from death. But not everyone knows that our Slavic ancestors also had mythical birds

Vyacheslav Mironov: books about the war

Vyacheslav Mironov: books about the war

There are people for whom the fighting in Chechnya is part of their own lives. Russian officer and writer Vyacheslav Mironov went through the Chechen war from beginning to end, its events formed the basis of many of his books

Kravchenko Vladimir: biography and photo

Kravchenko Vladimir: biography and photo

Vladimir Kravchenko is a contemporary Russian writer. Vladimir is the author of the Archipelago series of books, which brought fame to the writer. The whole cycle fell in love with the readership, as the author is distinguished by the simplicity of the syllable and the original literary concept

List of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen for grades 3 and 4

List of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen for grades 3 and 4

No one could have imagined when little Hans Christian was born into a poor family that the whole world would recognize him. And the boy grew up and fantasized. He played puppet theater, which took him from a small room to a big world, and for him a huge garden became a pot of flowers

Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin, 30 most striking aphorisms of the writer

Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin, 30 most striking aphorisms of the writer

Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin are our heritage and history. We read his fairy tales in childhood, stories about people and their vices reveal a subtle knowledge of human nature

Jonathan Swift biography, works, quotes

Jonathan Swift biography, works, quotes

The biography of Jonathan Swift is the story of an Irish writer who worked in a satirical genre, ridiculing the vices of society. "The Adventures of Gulliver" is the most favorite book among many readers, in which both an adult and a child will find an opportunity for philosophical discovery