The life and work of Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich

The life and work of Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich
The life and work of Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich

The epoch of the 18th century was influenced by classicism. This word meant the socio-cultural practice of the elite of ancient Rome, which the emerging bourgeoisie considered perfect and aspired to. At the same time, the imitation of antiquity often yielded to the rationalism of creativity. This style, with its civic ideals, worldview, based on the belief in the possibility of creating an ideal monarchical system, undoubtedly influenced Lomonosov's poetic work.

creativity Lomonosov
creativity Lomonosov

But the researcher was not satisfied only with a rationalistic view of reality.

Features of the work of M. V. Lomonosov

Literary creativity of Lomonosov was aimed at the development of Russian national traditions. He never set himself the goal of reflecting the surrounding reality. His works proclaim great truths and see the future.

He didn't like itthe existing landlord system, but in the works there was pride in the victories and greatness of the Russian statehood, created in the time of Peter the Great.

The poetic life and work of M. V. Lomonosov

Ode in the literature of classicism has been predominantly developed. This genre best suited the tasks of the era when common goals rose above personal ones. Interest in any poet appeared when his experiences reflected the events of the state and national level.


Creativity Lomonosov not accidentally manifested itself in the writing of od. This genre was more in line with the solution of urgent problems, since in these works the author could speak in poetic form on the most important issues. In addition, odes at that time were of particular importance, and they were ordered by the government for festive ceremonies. Dedicating them to the royal people, Lomonosov went beyond the official court framework, addressing his appeal to solving issues of national importance. In an ode to Empress Elizaveta, Lomonosov sings of her as the guardian of peace in the state. With the beginning of her reign, the war with Sweden ended.

literary work of Lomonosov
literary work of Lomonosov

The poet's solemn odes are expressive and colorful. He attached particular importance to the accuracy and timing of historical events. The lyrical plot of the ode about the capture of Khotin includes many epic elements. The main part of the work is occupied by the battle and the poet's thoughts related to it. The key moments of the battle are especially highlighted, where the "Russian eagles" win. ATin his admiration for success, the author finds the right words to influence the patriotic feelings of readers.

Lomonosov's poetic work, in short, was not extensive and especially outstanding. But his creation of a new system of versification is hard to overestimate.

The need to reform Russian versification

In Russia, the problem of versification has long existed. Ever since the 16th century, the syllabic principle was used everywhere, which did not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian language. Poems were called verses, which are couplets, fastened with rhymes. The Virsheviks wrote in Slavonic, which created a break with folk poetry.

life and work of m in Lomonosov
life and work of m in Lomonosov

Another principle - tonic, more suited to Latin and Greek, where there was no category of power stress. Its basis is the alternation of long and short sounds.

Trediakovsky's principles of versification

The transformation of Russian verse began Trediakovsky. He found that the tonic principle, based on the alternation of stressed syllables with unstressed syllables, is better suited here. He came close to the concept of a new rhythmic unit - the foot, which includes a combination of a stressed syllable with unstressed ones. Combining the tonic and syllabic principles of versification into a foot, Trediakovsky could not completely move away from the traditions of Russian syllabics. He limited his innovations to long verse and chose for it a single chorea rhythm. Thus, being the discoverer of the syllabo-tonic verse, Trediakovsky created only one of its varieties.

Creation of the poetic system by Lomonosov

Lomonosov's work made it possible to finally develop the next necessary stage in the reform of Russian poetry, considering accentology to be the basis of versification, where there is an analogy between stress-unstressedness and longitude-briefness. This is where the similarities with Trediakovsky's theory end, and the concept of two-syllable and three-syllable feet is introduced, and the need for different types of rhyme appears. Lomonosov comes to the idea of limiting the size of the verse. Compared to one type of verse, it creates a whole system.

Lomonosov's poetic creativity manifested itself in his predilection for iambic, which most closely corresponded to the lofty genre of the ode. He believed that the iambic verse multiplies the splendor and nobility of the work.

Affirmation of the new principle of versification

As a result, a reform of versification was gradually implemented, which approved the syllabo-tonic approach in Russian poetry, which is still its basis. Trediakovsky is considered to be the discoverer here, providing a theoretical justification and initial experience in applying the new principle.

Lomonosov's work in literature
Lomonosov's work in literature

The work of M. V. Lomonosov in this direction was aimed at its development, systematization and distribution to the entire poetic practice. The poet puts iambic tetrameter in the first place and develops it in his odes. According to Mikhail Vasilyevich, it is most consistent with the nobility and high level of the poetic genre. Lomonosov consistently affirms and expandsthe possibilities of syllabo-tonic versification, as the most appropriate for the Russian language. Its foundations were embodied in Pushkin's poetry.

Literary creativity of Lomonosov

The beginning of the 18th century in Russia was still characterized by a medieval way of life, while revolutionary technical and scientific transformations were taking place in Europe, as well as culture and education were developing.

Lomonosov's work in literature was clearly manifested in the creation of a new poetic style. He also owns the theory of language and literature, set out in the first Russian grammar and rhetoric. After that, she dominated for a century and found a continuation in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

The creative activity of Lomonosov was aimed at creating Russian literature. The books were mostly ecclesiastical, and they contained many words from Greek and other languages, which for the most part were incomprehensible to the reader. The theory of the Russian word was built by the scientist on the basis of the Church Slavonic and common language, which meant the Moscow dialect. Words were divided into 3 styles:

  • common;
  • bookish, except for uncommon ones;
  • common people.

The first of the calms (high) was intended for writing odes and poems; the middle one served for prose, elegies, satires, friendly letters in verse; low - for composing songs, epigrams, comedies and writing ordinary affairs. The literary language of the 18th century was based on this theory of styles.

life and work of Lomonosov
life and work of Lomonosov

Howa patriot and public figure, Lomonosov contributed in every possible way to the development of Russian education. An important achievement in this direction is the creation of the first Russian university.

Lomonosov's work in literature is closely connected with scientific works. The poet mastered verse and Russian better than any of his contemporaries. Translating scientific works from other languages, he immediately created new terminology.

About the life and work of Lomonosov, S. I. Vavilov briefly and meaningfully said that scientific and artistic-historical interests and inclinations merged in one person. At the same time, they manifested themselves not under the influence of pressure from outside, but from internal needs. Mikhail Vasilyevich himself urged people not to admire his significance, but to use their own mind.

The need to create new educational institutions for Russians

The higher educational institutions of Russia at the beginning of the 18th century could be counted on the fingers. Education was lacking for people of the highest circles, and a person of the lower class could only learn to read and write. The case with Lomonosov was unique, and only a favorable combination of circumstances, his talent and perseverance made it possible to reach heights in science.

Existing educational institutions could not meet the needs of a huge empire. There was an urgent need for domestic specialists, and a classical state university for the nobility and commoners was needed.

Creation of Moscow University

The life and work of Lomonosov were primarily aimed at the development of science and education in the Fatherland. In 1753In the year he develops the project and structure of the First National University in Moscow, and after 2 years he opens it together with the chamber junker of Empress Elizabeth I. I. Shuvalov. It was the first institution of higher education in Russia, which any capable young man, regardless of class, could enter. Despite the fact that there was an Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, foreign academicians retained their special position there and did not allow domestic talents to develop.

life and work of Lomonosov briefly
life and work of Lomonosov briefly

Mikhail Vasilievich did not teach at Moscow University, since Lomonosov's entire life and work took place in St. Petersburg.

But he did his best to help develop Russian science in terms of attracting domestic specialists to work. A few years later, Russian professors read lectures at all faculties.

The students who excelled in their studies received the title of nobility. The university developed, solving the problems of science and education. It has become one of the centers of world culture.


The life and work of Lomonosov is difficult to describe briefly. His activity manifested itself in all areas of science and culture of the 18th century. He succeeded everywhere, introducing something new, attractive and progressive. The versatility of his interests and activities is comparable only to that of Leonardo da Vinci.

work of Mikhail Lomonosov
work of Mikhail Lomonosov

The creativity of Mikhail Lomonosov and the purposeful work of the scientist were essential for the development of Russia and its exit from the Middle Ages. He got what he neededthe development of science and education, which became impossible to stop in the future due to the involvement of people of all classes in this.

In terms of significance and contribution to the formation of the Fatherland, he is put on a par with the most prominent figures of the country in the entire history of its development.
