Literature 2024, October

Philosophical and mystical novel "Pyramid" Leonov L. M. - history of creation, summary, reviews

Philosophical and mystical novel "Pyramid" Leonov L. M. - history of creation, summary, reviews

Leonov's "Pyramid" has been in the making for over 40 years. Often published in the pre-war years, the writer began to publish new works less and less, devoting himself to work on the novel. Nevertheless, even for such a long period of time, the author failed to put the text in full order before publication

Igor Akimushkin: biography, personal life, achievements

Igor Akimushkin: biography, personal life, achievements

Igor Akimushkin is a well-known domestic scientist, biologist, popularizer of biology, author of popular science books about animal life, which were incredibly popular in Soviet times, and remain in demand today. We will tell about his biography and the most notable works in this article

Books about prison: a list of the best, reviews from readers and critics

Books about prison: a list of the best, reviews from readers and critics

Many events in the history of our country gave rise to an increase in crime - repressions, wars and revolutions… As a result, the entire last century, prisons were overcrowded all over the world. Some prisoners, in order not to go crazy, described everything that happened in their books. You will learn about the most prominent of them in this article

Emotional drama of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm"

Emotional drama of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm"

Emotional drama of Katerina was and remains the central part of A. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". The classic work included in the school curriculum has not lost its relevance today. Consider the main elements of that emotional drama of Katerina, which is the most important thing in the play

Julian Barnes: literary activity and achievements of the writer

Julian Barnes: literary activity and achievements of the writer

Julian Barnes is a famous writer whose novels are still actively read all over the world today. However, Barnes was not only a writer, but also actively created various critical articles and essays. Julian works today, which suggests that the writer is really firmly connected with literary activity

"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: Summary

"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: Summary

Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" has become one of the most famous psychological books of our time. What can this work tell about? Well, let's try to figure this out

Books by Ilya Stogov: novels that are known throughout the world

Books by Ilya Stogov: novels that are known throughout the world

Books by Ilya Stogov are widely known in today's readership. The writer's works are known not only in Russia, but also in many foreign countries. The author's books are popular all over the world, because Stogov managed to convey his ideas in such an interesting way that it is almost impossible to stop reading his masterpieces

"Orange Neck" Bianca: read the summary to understand the meaning of the story

"Orange Neck" Bianca: read the summary to understand the meaning of the story

"Orange neck" - a work written for children. The story that formed the basis of the famous Soviet cartoon tells readers about kindness and responsiveness. We forget about these qualities, guided by completely different ideals. A fairy tale, which was originally intended for a children's audience, can also teach a lot to the adult generation, who has forgotten about really important life values

Comedy in literature is a multi-variant variety of dramaturgy

Comedy in literature is a multi-variant variety of dramaturgy

What are dramatic works, we all know. And that among them there are different genres - too. And how do they differ from each other? What exactly is comedy?

Marina Kramer. Biography. Creation

Marina Kramer. Biography. Creation

Marina Kramer is a writer of our time, she was born in the city of Krasnoyarsk on December 22, 1973. Marina is a doctor by education, and until the mid-nineties she worked in her speci alty. At some fine moment, the girl decides to leave medicine and start writing crime books. Today, Marina does not regret her choice at all. She is a successful author of detective and crime stories

S. Yesenin: statements about love, about life, quotes, aphorisms

S. Yesenin: statements about love, about life, quotes, aphorisms

Yesenin's statements are easy to remember. They are quite wise and beautiful, immediately attract attention. If you carefully read these aphorisms, you can find many useful thoughts in them. It will be interesting for a thinking person to immerse himself in such statements and find something meaningful for himself in them

Psychologism in literature is Psychologism in literature: definition and examples

Psychologism in literature is Psychologism in literature: definition and examples

What is psychologism in literature? The definition of this concept will not give a complete picture. Examples should be taken from works of art. But, in short, psychologism in literature is the depiction of the inner world of the hero through various means. The author uses a system of artistic techniques, which allows him to deeply and in detail reveal the state of mind of the character

"Steppe" Chekhov: a summary of the story

"Steppe" Chekhov: a summary of the story

Chekhov - a talented Russian writer - never sought to give answers to the reading public, but believed that the role of the author is to ask questions, not answer them

Marvel Comics: Mystic - who is this?

Marvel Comics: Mystic - who is this?

Marvel comics have created a huge universe, where there are a lot of interesting characters. One of these is a mutant nicknamed Mystic. Mystique is a Marvel Comics character who appears quite frequently in the X-Men books. Want to learn more about this hero? Welcome to this article

The fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych": a summary, history of creation, heroes

The fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych": a summary, history of creation, heroes

Never watched this famous fairy tale or simply forgot its plot? You can go back many years and remember an exciting story right now

Best Vampire Books: Authors, Titles and Contents

Best Vampire Books: Authors, Titles and Contents

Vampire books - what is the secret of their popularity? What novels have won the greatest popularity, are recognized as the best?

What is an episode: shades of the meaning of the word

What is an episode: shades of the meaning of the word

Human life is a continuous stream of events. Each of them has a beginning and an end, is self-sufficient, but at the same time it is often a consequence of previous ones or entails subsequent ones

Books about religion: a list of the best works, the main idea, reviews

Books about religion: a list of the best works, the main idea, reviews

Books about religion contain knowledge about the world's religious teachings, which are professed by millions of people around the world. Their reading enriches the inner world and mind, contributes to the harmonious development of the individual. Holy books help a person to know himself and gain a connection with the Lord

The best books by Stephen King: list, rating, description

The best books by Stephen King: list, rating, description

The title of "king of horror" Stephen King, whose best books are more like psychological thrillers than horror, the writer perceives quite loyally. He is the most filmed and "prolific" American author, whose work delights not only readers, but also viewers

Russian poet Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Russian poet Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka: biography, creativity and interesting facts

The article is devoted to a review of the biography and work of the famous poet, prose writer and publicist Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka, as well as some of his works

Jim Carroll. Last punk era

Jim Carroll. Last punk era

America is known for its many extraordinary personalities in the creative world. The writer, poet and punk musician Jim Carroll belonged to such people. He was one of the most iconic writers of the post-Beat generation, gaining popularity with the general public for his poetry and The Basketball Diary. Carroll was a true heir to the beat tradition. His poems were inspired by the street and read in bars. With his rebellious music, Jim Carroll had a significant impact on modern rock

Evgeny Vsevolodovich Golovin: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Evgeny Vsevolodovich Golovin: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Evgeny Golovin is a Russian poet, writer, metaphysician, literary critic, author of numerous essays on the topics of European poetry, Dionysianism and literature of restless presence. A brilliant connoisseur of alchemical texts, hermeticism and medieval mysticism. A key figure in the Moscow intellectual underground of the 1960s and 1980s. Master of poetic and literary translation. One of the best translators of poems by Arthur Rimbaud. A regular participant in esoteric meetings at the apartment of Vitaly Mamleev

Lessing Doris: biography and list of books

Lessing Doris: biography and list of books

Doris May Lessing is a British writer, communist, feminist, science fiction writer, Nobel laureate. Her literary heritage is great and varied - after all, she lived for more than ninety years. How did the work of Doris Lessing begin?

Svetlana Ulasevich. About heroes not of my novel

Svetlana Ulasevich. About heroes not of my novel

Her books are recommended for light reading in the evening by the fireplace, as a way to dispel sadness on long autumn evenings

"Harry Dresden File": author, books in order, series, protagonist and plot

"Harry Dresden File": author, books in order, series, protagonist and plot

Readers often like to choose works of mixed genre. For example, they want to read a detective story, but with mysticism or in a sci-fi setting. Or urban fantasy, but always with elements of an action movie. For those who like this kind of literary platter, you should try reading The Harry Dresden Dossier

Writer Friedrich Gorenstein

Writer Friedrich Gorenstein

Friedrich Gorenstein is a writer, talented screenwriter and playwright. He is a significant person both in Russian and in world literature. Want to learn more about the life and work of this writer? Read the article carefully

Anton Leontiev - new format talent

Anton Leontiev - new format talent

"A talented person is talented in all areas," said the famous German writer Lion Feuchtwanger. This fully reflects the possibilities and realized abilities of the extraordinary, but such a young author of 5 dozens of fascinating books by Anton Leontiev

What stands between the window and the door? Intellectual puzzles for the whole family

What stands between the window and the door? Intellectual puzzles for the whole family

As you know, the brain is a muscle. And any muscle needs to be trained on an ongoing basis. Of course, you can imagine that you are an athlete and take daily intellectual activities for granted. However, do not forget that athletes actually get great pleasure from what they do. So the brains need to be trained with taste and pleasure

Peter Heg: the work of a Danish writer

Peter Heg: the work of a Danish writer

Peter Heg is a Danish writer who became world famous with the publication of Smilla and Her Sense of Snow in 1992. A bestseller with a detective line, a strong sense of style, exciting plot twists, an understanding of the flow of life with its turmoil, troubles and loneliness, was published in several countries around the world. Peter Heg is a rather interesting personality who does not make contact with either the press or readers

Novel "Ham Bread" (Charles Bukowski): summary, reviews

Novel "Ham Bread" (Charles Bukowski): summary, reviews

"Ham Bread" is an autobiographical novel by one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. His name is Charles Bukowski. The books of this author are a rare combination of naturalism, which surprises, and sometimes shocks, sad humor and, oddly enough, sentimental lyrics

What is a poem? Definition and concept

What is a poem? Definition and concept

What is a poem? This is almost always a lyrical-epic great work in verse. But there is also an ironically constructed story, where the author ridicules the vices of a separate class, for example. Modern poets have more choice of ideas and literary "mechanisms", with the help of which it is convenient to create a larger and more unique work

Why did Chichikov buy dead souls? All the fault of incidents in the legislation

Why did Chichikov buy dead souls? All the fault of incidents in the legislation

To understand the key intrigue of N.V. Gogol's poem and find out why Chichikov bought up dead souls, you need to orient yourself a little in the circumstances of the era and legislative incidents. But first things first

Allegory. Examples and interpretation of the concept

Allegory. Examples and interpretation of the concept

We often use words and expressions that allegorically point to any concepts or phenomena without naming them. For example, when we say "crow in peacock feathers", we mean a person who is trying to appear more important and significant than he really is. We call the “first sign” signs of the approach of something new, joyful, a change for the better. This technique of figurative speech in literature and art is an allegory, examples of which are given above

Where Baba Yaga lives: fairy tale, myth and reality

Where Baba Yaga lives: fairy tale, myth and reality

Where does Baba Yaga live - an original and versatile character in many folk tales? Both children and adults will immediately answer - in a hut on the notorious "chicken legs". What else do we know about this image in general?

Why did Gogol call Dead Souls a poem? Question open

Why did Gogol call Dead Souls a poem? Question open

"Dead Souls" can be safely called the pinnacle of Nikolai Vasilyevich's talent, who managed to very accurately depict contemporary Russia, show the life of all segments of the population, the failure of the bureaucratic apparatus and the misery of serfdom. No one doubts the genius of the work, only for many decades now both fans of creativity and critics cannot understand why Gogol called "Dead Souls" a poem?

List of books that make you think

List of books that make you think

Books that make you think, help people develop and expand their own horizons as much as possible, especially if after reading them you start to think about the worldview, the world around you, you think about what you read for a long time, you want to discuss the book with someone, share your own opinion. Such books are especially valuable because they play a big role in shaping a person's worldview

"Dandelion Wine": a summary and symbolism of the story

"Dandelion Wine": a summary and symbolism of the story

The magical world of childhood is revealed to the reader by Ray Bradbury in the story "Dandelion Wine". The summary of the work will remind the reader of the main milestones of the plot

Short bedtime stories to help you fall asleep faster

Short bedtime stories to help you fall asleep faster

Usually kids don't like going to bed. Adults can make babies go to bed on their own. After all, it’s good to lie down and listen to how mom tells interesting short bedtime stories. You can invent them yourself - there are so many objects around, and each of them can temporarily become a participant in a magical action. Ideas are just in the air. You can invent fantastic characters or endow forest animals, pets with magical powers

Galina Nikolaevna Kuznetsova: biography, personal life, contribution to literature

Galina Nikolaevna Kuznetsova: biography, personal life, contribution to literature

It is hardly worth writing about the poetess Galina Kuznetsova. This name will not say anything to anyone, except for literary critics and lovers of the work of I. A. Bunin. Allegedly adopted, but in fact - his mistress, she lived with Ivan Alekseevich and his wife in French Grasse and Paris. This strange "family" was joined by an unknown writer Leonid Zurov. They stayed in Paris, but much more often - in Grasse, in a villa

Russian writers of fairy tales. List of authors and works

Russian writers of fairy tales. List of authors and works

A literary author's fairy tale is probably one of the most popular genres of our time. Interest in such works is inexhaustible both among children and among their parents, and Russian writers of fairy tales have made a worthy contribution to the common creative work