Literature 2024, October

The legendary "Tales of Belkin": a summary and hidden meaning

The legendary "Tales of Belkin": a summary and hidden meaning

The famous "Tales of Belkin", the summary of which is known almost by heart by every schoolchild, was liked by Pushkin's contemporaries. They take over us, the inhabitants of the twenty-first century

Summary of "The fate of man" M. Sholokhov

Summary of "The fate of man" M. Sholokhov

Summary of "The Fate of a Man" will help readers find out what the author is talking about, what he pays attention to in his dramatic military text. "The fate of a man" is an excerpt from the life of a Russian person

M. Bulgakov, "The White Guard": a summary of the work

M. Bulgakov, "The White Guard": a summary of the work

Summary of the novel "The White Guard" by Mikhail Bulgakov is suitable for reading by all people who want to know the main storyline and main events. This article gives them in detail

M. Sholokhov, "Virgin Soil Upturned": summary and analysis

M. Sholokhov, "Virgin Soil Upturned": summary and analysis

The novel "Virgin Soil Upturned", a summary of which you will find in this article, is one of the most famous works of the classic of Soviet literature Mikhail Sholokhov. It consists of two volumes. At the same time, the first was published in 1932, and the second was published only in 1959. The novel tells about the process of collectivization on the Don, as well as about the movement of "25-thousanders"

"Garnet bracelet" - a summary of a difficult story

"Garnet bracelet" - a summary of a difficult story

The play by A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", a summary of which is given in our article, is a small literary work. According to the plot, the story takes place in autumn, in a resort located on the northern coast of the Black Sea

Peter Ershov: biography and interesting facts from life. Ershov's Tales

Peter Ershov: biography and interesting facts from life. Ershov's Tales

In the first third of the nineteenth century, Russians began to show remarkable interest in folk culture and folklore. In different cities, societies of connoisseurs of antiquity appeared and ethnographic magazines were published. Even in the gymnasiums, collections of poems and stories were published, from which the creative path of most famous poets and writers began. Among them was Peter Ershov, whose biography will be described in this article

Golitsyn, "Forty Prospectors" - a story or a story? "Forty Prospectors": a summary

Golitsyn, "Forty Prospectors" - a story or a story? "Forty Prospectors": a summary

Let's try together to figure out what Sergei Mikhailovich Golitsyn actually wrote? "Forty Prospectors" - a story or a story? Or maybe these are life stories that have resulted in one big work?

Wasteful is sloppy? Let's talk about the meaning of the word

Wasteful is sloppy? Let's talk about the meaning of the word

If it is said about the heroine of a work that she is wasteful, this means that this person actively spends funds for no particular reason. However, her life is costly

Why is the white dress dreaming? Dream interpretation gives an answer

Why is the white dress dreaming? Dream interpretation gives an answer

What can a white dress dream of? The dream books of Miller and Globa give approximately the same interpretations about the best changes in your life that will be noticed and appreciated by others

Edgar Burroughs: biography, creativity, best books and reviews

Edgar Burroughs: biography, creativity, best books and reviews

Edgar Burroughs is an outstanding American writer, recognized as one of the best writers of the 20th century. The author's most famous cycles are the series about Tarzan and John Carter. In addition to these works, Burroughs wrote many more fantasy and detective novels

What is the meaning of the phrase "Mene, tekel, fares"? Novel: Olesya Nikolaeva, "Mene, tekel, fares"

What is the meaning of the phrase "Mene, tekel, fares"? Novel: Olesya Nikolaeva, "Mene, tekel, fares"

"Mene, tekel, fares" - what are these mysterious words that have been exciting people for thousands of years? We will find the answer in the Bible. This fascinating story is told in the fifth chapter of the book of Daniel, which is found in the records of the Old Testament

Dmitry Raspopov: books. Science fiction

Dmitry Raspopov: books. Science fiction

Dmitry Raspopov is a writer whose work really attracts. The audience is drawn in from the first lines. The author uses a unique technique: he unites the universes. You can read about some personalities in different series, they pass as through images, although their presence does not affect the outcome of the story

The image of one of the main characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. Boris' characteristic: "Thunderstorm"

The image of one of the main characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. Boris' characteristic: "Thunderstorm"

Boris Grigorievich is one of the main characters in A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". To understand the storyline of the work, it is necessary to know the inner world and the characteristics of the characters. Not the last place in the play is occupied by the nephew of the merchant Wild Boris. "Thunderstorm" is the work of more than one hero, which is why it is worth getting to know them better

"Meticulous" or "meticulous": how is the word spelled correctly?

"Meticulous" or "meticulous": how is the word spelled correctly?

No matter how the world changes, at all times a person who speaks and writes correctly is admired. Today, when people spend a lot of time on social networks, where they constantly write to each other, the question of how to do it competently becomes relevant. There are certain words that most people make mistakes in writing. This includes the term "scrupulous". How to write correctly: scrupulous or scrupulous? Why exactly, where did the word come from and what does it mean?

"Hanz Küchelgarten": what is this story about?

"Hanz Küchelgarten": what is this story about?

Among the famous works of the great Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, there are others lost in time. Among them is the poem "Hanz Kühelgarten". Meanwhile, the history of its appearance is extremely interesting

A. Block. "The Stranger" (analysis)

A. Block. "The Stranger" (analysis)

The theoretical basis of Symbolist poetry was the philosophy of intuitive creativity, the expression of vague feelings and subtle ideas through incoherent unsystematic symbols. The so-called secret writing of the unspoken. The second most important symbolist category was the obligatory musicality of the verse

Summary of "Undergrowth" by D.I.Fonvizin

Summary of "Undergrowth" by D.I.Fonvizin

Summary. Undergrowth. First action. Mr. Starodum has gone to Siberia on business and hasn't heard from him for several years. The Prostakov family, considering him dead, takes his niece, and his distant relative Sophia, to their house

The story of I.A. Bunin "Easy breathing" (summary)

The story of I.A. Bunin "Easy breathing" (summary)

Female characters often became the center of attention of Ivan Bunin's creative searches. Apparently, he was interested in exploring their mystery and incomprehensibility. In a story about easy breathing, written in 1916, Bunin explores such qualities of the character of a girl-child as insecurity, lightness and naivety. The story of her tragedy can convey a brief summary. “Light Breath” is a story about Meshcherskaya Olya, who has not yet experienced love, but has already faced the cruelty and cynicism of the adult world

The theme of love in the work of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

The theme of love in the work of Bunin Ivan Alekseevich

The problem of deep human feelings is very important for a writer, especially for one who feels subtly and experiences vividly. Therefore, the theme of love in Bunin's work plays a significant role. He devoted many pages of his creations to her. The true feeling and the eternal beauty of nature are often consonant and equal in the works of the writer. The theme of love in Bunin's work goes hand in hand with the theme of death

Summary - "Olesya", a story by A. I. Kuprin

Summary - "Olesya", a story by A. I. Kuprin

The story "Olesya" Kuprin (a summary of it is presented below) was written in 1898. This work is quite voluminous, before it the author published short stories

W alter Scott. "Ivanhoe" - an example of innovation in the historical genre

W alter Scott. "Ivanhoe" - an example of innovation in the historical genre

The work of the Scottish writer, who worked at the beginning of the nineteenth century, is interesting to modern readers because W alter Scott improved the genre of the historical novel. Before him, in English literature there was the so-called "Gothic" novel and "antique". But the first, from Scott's point of view, was too full of mysticism, and the language of the second was complex and incomprehensible to the modern reader

Alexey Tolstoy - author of Pinocchio

Alexey Tolstoy - author of Pinocchio

A fairy tale is the only form of knowledge of the world that is initially available to a child. The author Pinocchio Alexei Tolstoy contributed to Russian children's literature. In addition to writing books for children himself, he processed many folklore legends and magical stories, adapting them for children's reading

Bunin's stories. Artistic features

Bunin's stories. Artistic features

Ivan Bunin, whose stories are included in the school curriculum for the study of Russian literature, began to create at the end of the 19th century, in the 80s. He is from a galaxy of writers who grew up in a noble estate, closely associated with the picturesque nature of the Central Russian zone. For work on the collection of lyrics "Leaf Fall", dedicated to rural nature, its natural beauty, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin received the Pushkin Prize in 1901

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "The Prophet". Dedication to the Decembrists

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "The Prophet". Dedication to the Decembrists

Analysis of the poem "The Prophet" by Pushkin allows us to understand that the lyrical hero does not feel deprived or defiled by the lawlessness that is happening around him, but at the same time it is unbearably painful for him to look at the arbitrariness and injustice surrounding him. That is why God decides to make him a chosen one, a prophet who would punish people who act vilely and unfairly

"The history of one city": a summary of the novel

"The history of one city": a summary of the novel

A summary of the "History of a City" will allow you to get a full impression of this work. This is a famous satirical novel written by Mikhail S altykov-Shchedrin. It first saw the light in 1870

Let's try to figure out what a story is

Let's try to figure out what a story is

It is still unclear exactly what a story is, what are its features, its structure and parameters. Initially, this was the name of short stories, sayings, epics. They were of a narrative nature, but did not tell us about something serious and important. But since it was possible to tell anything, both all sorts of fables, and quite serious stories that mattered more, gradually the "story" acquired the status of a literary term

Ostrovsky, "Wolves and Sheep": a summary, plot, characters and the main idea of the play

Ostrovsky, "Wolves and Sheep": a summary, plot, characters and the main idea of the play

Summary of Ostrovsky's "Wolves and Sheep" should be well known to all fans of the work of this famous Russian playwright. Comedy play in five acts was created in 1875. It was first published in Otechestvennye Zapiski. A few months later, the premiere performance took place on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater

Works by M. V. Lomonosov: list, description, meaning

Works by M. V. Lomonosov: list, description, meaning

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov is one of the brightest personalities of the 18th century. He was an outstanding scientist, journalist and philologist. Lomonosov's works are still of interest to scientists all over the world and represent a striking phenomenon in the history of culture and science

Colin Wilson: short biography, books

Colin Wilson: short biography, books

Colin Wilson is an iconic English science fiction writer of the late 20th and early 21st century. He is best known for his "Spider World" cycle, which is still one of the best works of the genre. In this article we will talk about the biography of the writer and his books

National Library of France: address, contacts, opening hours, selection of books and terms of lending

National Library of France: address, contacts, opening hours, selection of books and terms of lending

Every city in the world has its own library, and somewhere - more than one. Libraries in large cities are large, in small ones they are smaller, almost compact. And in some settlements there are such book depositories that are known to the whole world. For example, the National Library of France in Paris - only the lazy have not heard of it. What is special about this temple of the book, we will find out further

Anna Tereshkova: biography, creativity

Anna Tereshkova: biography, creativity

Today we will tell you what Anna Tereshkova is. What kind of world, besides the real one, does she imagine and how does she reproduce her perception to others? Welcome to the world of Anna Tereshkova - a world where equality, power and magic rule

"Devil's Gorge": summary, plot, characters

"Devil's Gorge": summary, plot, characters

"Devil's Gorge" is a little-known novel written by Dumas père between 1850 and 1851. The work at first glance seems simple and superficial, it is completely different from the traditional style of the brilliant French author. But page after page, an intricate plot and complex, multifaceted, contradictory characters are revealed to the reader

The main feature of romanticism. Signs of Romanticism in Literature

The main feature of romanticism. Signs of Romanticism in Literature

Romanticism is a direction that gave the world an incredible rise in culture and aesthetics, reviving the concept of authorship, creation. The greatest works of this era are valued to this day. Films are made on their basis, music is written on them, they draw inspiration for new works

What is the difference between a novel and a short story? Genre Features

What is the difference between a novel and a short story? Genre Features

In this article we will talk about how the novel differs from the story. First, let's define these genres, and then compare them

The theme of love in Bunin's works: tragedy and romanticism merged into one

The theme of love in Bunin's works: tragedy and romanticism merged into one

The theme of love in Bunin's works occupies perhaps the most important place. What was this great feeling in Ivan Alekseevich's imagination?

Student Handbook. What is an annotation

Student Handbook. What is an annotation

Every year a new generation of students solves problems that were previously faced and successfully solved by the previous generation. For example, many university students have to look for an answer to the question of what an abstract is, because some Alma maters require this important part of the work already at the level of a course project, and for a diploma this component is required at any university

Judas Iscariot. Psychology of betrayal

Judas Iscariot. Psychology of betrayal

In his story "Judas Iscariot" Leonid Andreev tries to explain the nature of the betrayal of Judas, penetrate into the very depths of the human soul and, perhaps, even find an excuse for the most important betrayal in the history of mankind

A.P. Chekhov. "Ionych". Brief analysis

A.P. Chekhov. "Ionych". Brief analysis

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a master of miniatures and stories. In the work "Ionych" the author managed to set out the important problems of contemporary reality, to show the destructive power of vulgarity and the power of money for the individual

The famous novel by Cervantes "Don Quixote", its summary. Don Quixote - the image of a sad knight

The famous novel by Cervantes "Don Quixote", its summary. Don Quixote - the image of a sad knight

This work was written as a parody of chivalric romances. More than one century has passed, no one remembers chivalric romances anymore, and Don Quixote is still popular today

The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin

The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin

Love…. Scientists, philosophers, musicians, poets, writers tried to know this feeling, tried to find answers to questions about love. It cannot be said that they did not solve the problem. Decided! And a vivid example of this is the love lyrics of Bunin I.A. - one of the outstanding poets of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner, who until the end of his days sought to know the truth of love. No less subtle is the theme of love in Kuprin's work. So what is this "gift of God" (according to these great Russian writers)?