The image of one of the main characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. Boris' characteristic: "Thunderstorm"

The image of one of the main characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. Boris' characteristic: "Thunderstorm"
The image of one of the main characters of the play by A. N. Ostrovsky. Boris' characteristic: "Thunderstorm"

One of the main characters of the play by the famous Russian playwright A. N. Ostrovsky is the nephew of the merchant Wild - Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a famous play and tragedy that embodied in its plot all the originality and unbending spirit of the people of that time, made an invaluable contribution to the history of literature, contributing to the understanding of the life of that era.


The plot is built on feelings and emotions, on relationships in the family and outside it. In those distant times, people of a small town lived like one big family, the tragedy of one person touched everyone and was discussed by everyone.

characteristics of boris thunderstorm
characteristics of boris thunderstorm

So it happened with Tikhon's family. The reason was the betrayal of his wife - a situation in which the characteristic of Boris manifested itself in the best possible way. "Thunderstorm" is a play, the main meaning of which lies in the tragic consequences of betrayal, but betrayal in the name of love. How this event will affect each member of the family, how the true essence will manifest itself and be revealedhuman soul? For example, the main character Boris, whose moral principles and inner world were at odds with the current situation, decided to abandon his loved one, stop communicating with Katerina, thereby wounding her in the very heart. Did you act like a coward or … a hero? What is actually the characteristic of Boris? A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon that can reveal and convey the feelings, emotions and torments of all the main characters. Experiences and doubts, the correctness of actions and the fidelity of choice in the face of fear and death…

Characteristics of the hero: Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a great tragedy of a small human soul

Already from the first scene of the play, it is clear that Boris, who came from Moscow, stands out from the crowd with his noble behavior, respectful attitude and good manners. He himself says that he was “trained in literacy and languages”, studied diligently and strived for the best. After the death of his parents, who tragically died from the cholera epidemic raging at that time, he had to come to his only relative - his uncle - to receive an inheritance. According to the terms of the will, he will receive it only in the case of a respectful attitude towards the merchant Diky. Brought up and meek, courteous and cultured - such is the characteristic of Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a work that perfectly reveals the inner world of such people. He was ready to harbor resentment and the understanding that he would not receive an inheritance, while continuing to play the role of a loving nephew, staying in this town and enduring a rude and impudent uncle, not wishing him harm and treating him with understanding. This characterizes him asa man with a big and bright soul, open and kind, but at the same time he becomes more and more depressed and gloomy, his feelings are written on his face.

quotation characteristic of boris thunderstorm
quotation characteristic of boris thunderstorm

A Fateful Decision

Fate cannot be deceived - it is this folk wisdom that characterizes the behavior and actions of the main characters. Boris fell in love with Katerina, a woman with whom, as he himself said, he was not even destined to talk, because his love was already married. This circumstance greatly influenced the main character, he admitted that he was crushed and killed by the mere thought of an impossible intimacy with a loved one, but “the ways of the Lord are inscrutable”, and fate brought two hearts in love, giving a spark of hope to both, because Katerina answers the young man reciprocity. At this moment, the whole characterization of Boris changed radically. Thunderstorm is an allegory that the author used in this play. It displays and conveys the emotions of all the main characters, their torment and doubt, the brewing tragedy. Katerina's husband had to leave the city. And after the departure of her husband, she completely surrenders to emotions.

characterization of the hero boris thunderstorm
characterization of the hero boris thunderstorm

It happened because Katerina never loved Tikhon and was offended by his whole family for humiliation. She cannot resist the surging feelings and cheats on her husband with Boris, who also could not control himself and threw himself “into the pool with his head”, indulging in sin with a married woman. This moment may characterize him as a frivolous person, but everything is far from it. After the return of Tikhon, he refusedcommunicating with Katerina in the hope that her husband would forgive her, did not destroy the family, which caused irreparable injury to his beloved. It was much harder for him at that moment, but he agrees to hide his feelings for the sake of a woman's happiness. In order not to discredit her name, he asked not to confess, but she decided otherwise … We can say that the characteristic of Boris ("Thunderstorm") manifested itself in cowardice and repentance, but this is the other side of the coin.

quotation of Boris. "Thunderstorm" - a tragedy of feelings

The most famous quote, which Boris described himself: "Hunted, downtrodden, and then foolishly decided to fall in love." From the very beginning, he did not like the bourgeois life in a small town, he was bored; having left the big city and not finding support here, he began to yearn, and the very first phrase shows his moral state: “I understand that all this is ours, Russian, dear, but still I won’t get used to it in any way.” Such a life was alien to him, he did not want to put up with it, at the same time, pride and selfishness manifested themselves more and more often. He pushed away his beloved, did not communicate and talk with her, and his cowardice led to tragedy - Katerina committed suicide. This is the best characteristic of Boris. "Thunderstorm" is a play that shows what indifference and playing with the feelings of another person leads to, indecision and cowardice, untimely decisions and the bitterness of resentment.
