Summary of "Undergrowth" by D.I.Fonvizin

Summary of "Undergrowth" by D.I.Fonvizin
Summary of "Undergrowth" by D.I.Fonvizin

Summary of the comedy "Undergrowth" can only convey the main storyline, but not the unique dialogues that vividly characterize each character in the play. All the names of the characters in the comedy are "speaking" - they contain the main features of the characters.

summary of the undergrowth
summary of the undergrowth

Summary. Undergrowth. First action.

Mr. Starodum left for Siberia on business and hasn't heard from anyone for several years. The Prostakov family, considering him dead, takes his niece, and his distant relative Sophia, to their house.

Knowing that there are a lot of pigs in the estate, which should go to Sophia from Starodum, Prostakova's brother Taras Skotinin, a great lover of this living creature, decides to marry her.

The first act begins with a scene in which Prostakova furiously scolds the courtyard Trishka for the too narrow caftan that he sewed for her son Mitrofanushka. When the husband enters, when asked by Prostakova about how the caftan sits, he notices that he is baggy, for which he receives a flurry of insults from his wife. Skotinin, who has just appeared, notes that the suit is “pretty well-made”. Sophia enters with a letter in her hands. The whole family is frightened that the letter contains uncomfortable news: none of the Prostakov-Skotinins can read. The letter is read by the guest Pravdin, who has entered. From the text it becomes clear that Starodum not only did not die, but also became rich.

summary of the comedy undergrowth
summary of the comedy undergrowth

Prostakova, afraid of losing the we alth that Sophia will inherit from Starodum, decides to upset the wedding with Skotinin and pass the girl off as her son Mitrofanushka.

Summary. Undergrowth. Second act.

Pravdin, appointed to "reveal the ignorant", meets with his friend Milon, who leads a military detachment passing through the village. Milon complains that his relatives have taken the girl he loved from his city. Sophia appears: Milon was talking about her.

Sofya complains to her lover that they want to force her to marry the ignoramus Mitrofanushka and at the same time dispels jealous ideas about the "merits" of her future groom.

Skotinin, passing by, hears the conversation and pounces with his fists on Mitrofanushka, who is covered with his body from his uncle's cuffs by the nanny - devoted Eremeevna.

short story short story
short story short story

Mitrofanushka complains to her mother about the arbitrariness of her uncle. She promises to deal with Skotinin and marry Mitrofanushka.

Summary. Undergrowth. Third act.

No one but Pravdin, not noticed, comes Starodum. He tells the guest about his successful career and about the decision to leave the royal court and live at home: he was outragedhypocrisy and injustice of the royal entourage.

Sophia enters. Starodum tries to inform her that they are leaving tomorrow, but they are interrupted by the noise of a fight: Prostakova is fighting with Skotinin. Those present separate the brother and sister, and Starodum announces that tomorrow he is taking Sophia away to marry her to a worthy person. Noticing the despondency that arose on the face of the girl, the uncle promises to give her a choice and undertakes to accept any suitor. Sophia and Milon sigh with relief. Prostakova begins to praise the virtues of Mitrofanushka.

Summary. Undergrowth. Fourth act.

Starodum finds out that Milon is the chosen one, in whose wife he read Sophia. Along the way, he becomes convinced of the complete ignorance of Mitrofanushka and his teacher Vralman.

Summary of the story "Undergrowth". Fifth act.

Prostakova's people try to kidnap Sophia, but Milon saves her. Pravdin announces that he is authorized to take the Prostakov estate under state custody. Mitrofan's teachers demand a salary. Pravdin decides to give Mitrofan as a soldier. The son rudely pushes away the mother who rushed towards him, and Skotinin slowly leaves.

Justice has been served!
