The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin

The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin
The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin

Love…. Scientists, philosophers, musicians, poets, writers tried to know this feeling, tried to find answers to questions about love. It cannot be said that they did not solve the problem. Decided! And a vivid example of this is the love lyrics of Bunin I. A. - one of the outstanding poets of the 20th century, Nobel Prize winner, who until the end of his days sought to know the truth of love. No less subtle is the theme of love in Kuprin's work. So what is this "gift of God" (according to these great Russian writers)?

the theme of love in the work of Kuprin
the theme of love in the work of Kuprin

If we paraphrase the remark of Paustovsky K. G. about the fact that love has thousands of aspects, you can imagine this great feeling in the form of a precious stone with many facets (or even with an infinite number of them), because the limit here is impossible, and not needed …. After all, the end point means the end of everything! Not only to mankind, but alsoUniverse. Love is the main goal, the highest meaning of life. This is life itself. It was about such love that A. I. Kuprin and I. A. Bunin. In their works, the characters seek and discover new facets of love, learn about themselves and the world around them through the prism of a new understanding.

In the story of A. I. Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet", the theme of love is revealed through inner feelings, experiences, actions of the protagonist, a petty official Zheltkov, to a secular lady - Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. His feeling is deep, humble and unconditional. He knows perfectly well that there is an abyss between them - she is a woman from high society, and he is from the middle class, they have different views on life, different inner worldviews, and finally, she is married. On the one hand, he does not accept all these conventions, does not refuse her, and from his deep attachment to her, he is ready to carry this “burden” …. On the other hand, Zheltkov does not enter into a struggle with society, does not try to prove anything, to win back. He just loves. And he wants only one thing - happiness for his chosen one. Of course, the hero was not understood by his contemporaries. And, most likely, it would not be accepted in the world today. Why? Most people believe that love is, rather, a partnership, passing passion, respect, friendship, where the most important thing is to observe the principle "you - to me, I - to you." And, if this rule is violated, then, then, the end of the feeling. And you have to leave in search of new passions. How often do we turn away, betray, run away, if something doesn’t like us, doesn’t fit, doesn’t bring happiness. Of course, when a man like Zheltkov appears,who does not retreat, and his soul only wants to love, despite the fact that he is humiliated, insulted, and frankly ignored - he becomes a real "black sheep". Some laugh at him, like Prince Vasily, for whom the story of unrequited love turns out to be the main plot for table conversations. Others are frankly afraid, because the unknown, the incomprehensible always frightens, becomes a living threat. Therefore, Vera's brother proposes to introduce a punishment for this kind of "crime" - beating with rods. The hero of Kuprin passes away. All he could say, he said. He fulfilled his mission - he experienced a true feeling, knew the facet of love for which he was born. There is hope that the princess and other heroes will understand and experience this endless impulse. Death fulfilled his dream - the princess thought about her life, about her soul, about her attitude towards her husband, and about what is true …

Bunin's love lyrics
Bunin's love lyrics

The theme of love in the work of A. Kuprin continues in the story "Duel". The title of the work is not accidental. The whole world (and each of us) is a unity and struggle of opposites, black and white, physical and spiritual, calculation and sincerity…. The main character, lieutenant Romashov, is ready to confront the meaninglessness of existence in a small military town. He is not ready to put up with the stupid, empty everyday life of officers, whose members do the same assignments in the morning, and spend their evenings in games, drunken fights and vulgar novels. His soul is looking for true feelings, that real and sincere, for which it is worth living and moving on. He falls in love with a married lady- Shurochka Nikolaev. This is not just a hobby or an attempt to escape from the gray everyday life. No, this is the love that people dream of, but which they do not recognize in reality. She uses the protagonist's cordiality, sending him to certain death for the sake of her husband's career. Who won and who lost in this "duel"? Lieutenant Romashov died, he was destroyed, but his soul rose above that petty, conditional, vain. Shurochka won, she got what she wanted. But she died inside.

garnet bracelet love theme
garnet bracelet love theme

The theme of love in the work of Kuprin A. I. suggests thinking. And choose your life path. Yes, love is not heaven on earth, rather, it is hard work, a rejection of one's ego, stereotypes, and the conventions of life. But in return, you get much more - it's heaven in the soul. From now on, life becomes harmonious, conscious, filled. A real gift from heaven! But the choice is up to each of us….

The theme of love in Kuprin's work is not an abstract philosophy, these are living people with their thoughts, feelings, ideas. The writer does not condemn or ex alt them. Everyone has the right to live life with their own truth. However, not all truth is truth….
