Dmitry Raspopov: books. Science fiction

Dmitry Raspopov: books. Science fiction
Dmitry Raspopov: books. Science fiction

Dmitry Raspopov is a wonderful writer whose work attracts many readers. The audience is drawn literally from the first lines. The author uses a unique technique: he unites the universes. You can read about some personalities in different series, they pass through as through images. Although their presence does not affect the outcome of the story, the reader does not leave such a move without attention.

About the author

Raspopov Dmitry Viktorovich claims that he is not such a well-known author to tell his biography. But in reality, he has already managed to get his readership, and numerous. It is only known that the debut took place in 2009.


The author's series are designed for several readerships:

  1. Shards of Heart will appeal to fans of vampire sagas.
  2. Blademaster is a classic fantasy that leaves behind thousands of satisfied fans of the genre.
  3. "Son of the Galaxy" - science fiction space. The series is not finished, the author writesits final part.

The author speaks not only on his own behalf. In 2015, he takes on a pseudonym to release a novel. This was probably done because the work has absolutely nothing to do with its usual genres.

Blade Master Series

She is one of the most popular. The author made his debut with the book Blademaster: The Beginning of the Journey. Bibliomaniacs note the unique realism of the narrative, as attention is paid to the description of trifles: everyday life, the subtleties of life, and the area. But the text is not reloaded. There are also several psychological portraits that reflect the liveliness of the novel.

blade master
blade master

Through the whole veil of words pass notes of satire and humor. Sometimes even excessively, sometimes taken to extremes. The ending is simple and ingenious - every thing is in its place. Everything that happens has an explanation. And there is no feeling of incompleteness.

Continuation of the series “Master of Blades. The blade is being forged” has become more mysterious and secretive. Everything that had a different meaning is manifested here. And the hidden gradually ceases to be secret, gaining importance as it approaches the end.

In the second book there are cross-cutting images, each of which gets what he deserves. The environment is native, loved in the "beginning". And most importantly, the author does not draw conclusions, he leaves it to the readers. And the topics and ideas touched upon will not leave them indifferent, since the interpretation is found in modernity and reality.

Son of the Galaxy Series

In 2010, a new"Son of the Galaxy" series. Here Dmitry Raspopov focuses on the scientific galaxy facing outer space and the universe. In the center of the plot is an earthling who was practically an outcast on his planet. But many years ago his fate was sealed - he must become a genius of flights and lives. The hero creates a powerful star fleet to resist robots with artificial intelligence. Needless to say, the salvation of the universe is in his hands?

dmitry raspopov books
dmitry raspopov books

The sequel to the Son of the Galaxy - Confrontation series is not the definitive book. The plot is not finished, although here everything goes to its logical conclusion. It would be possible to "crumple" the result, but the author abandoned such an idea. Now he's wasting his fantasy on a sequel. Who knows, maybe the third book won't be the last. But this state of affairs is only to the advantage of readers, since fiction is really interesting.

The topic chosen by the author was once raised by Lukyanenko, and quite successfully. But now the writer has a serious rival. Some bibliomaniacs argue that the author's style is too simple. But so much the better, because the excess of terms in many science fiction books is not uncommon.

Shards of Heart Series

Vampire and elven romance, as it turned out, is not alien to the author. Dmitry Raspopov decided to release the series. The first book "Shards of Hearts" opens the reader to the world from the eternal theme of "Romeo and Juliet". But here in the center of the plot is a vampire prince and an elven princess. Two warring clans recently signed a truce. But hate andhostility to each other kept.

Raspopov Dmitry Viktorovich
Raspopov Dmitry Viktorovich

Young hearts are drawn to each other, despite the prohibitions of their parents. In the end, they decide to expel the vampire, to make him an outcast. Left alone, the prince must die, but this does not happen. He meets a mentor, becomes a Death Knight. Throughout the book, he carries his love for the princess, doing terrible and difficult things in order to get closer to her.

The second book reveals all the problematic sides that a Death Knight can have. The vampire's youth has disappeared, now he looks at the world more realistically. Therefore, he understands that he needs to protect himself and his love. And for this you need to try again.

Out-of-series creations

Dmitry Raspopov is not only working on episodes. Books that are not related to them are presented in a small amount, but they are still present, which is why they deserve attention. The first work “To Live Again” was published in 2014. This is a relatively new RPG genre, although it can also be attributed to science fiction, since in modern times there are many games where children and adults “run away” from reality.

Dmitry Raspopov
Dmitry Raspopov

In the center of the plot - a pensioner, in the past an avid gamer. He passes on his profitable business to his son, but he does not live up to expectations. Debts and financial problems fall upon the hero. To get rid of them, he wants to return to the world of virtual games, earn money by selling accounts. To do this, he attracts his old colleague and assistant - another pensioner. This is how it startscaptivating fantasy story.

In 2015, under the pseudonym Viktor Yakovlev, the author publishes the book The Shadow of the Emperor. In the center of the plot is a man who has experienced both facets of love (ascension and destruction). Because of this, he discovers magical abilities in himself, which allows him to enter the service of the emperor. And for the same reason, he becomes an avenger, a warrior capable of making all living things tremble.


Of course, the reader's electronic library should contain the author's books. Each one is good in its own genre.

Dmitry Raspopov started too fast, he gave the world several books at once. Now there is a lull, which is not very pleasing to the fans of the creator. But masterpieces do not tolerate haste, they are born slowly, filling every line with meaning, simplicity and genius.
