Wasteful is sloppy? Let's talk about the meaning of the word

Wasteful is sloppy? Let's talk about the meaning of the word
Wasteful is sloppy? Let's talk about the meaning of the word

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If it is said about the heroine of a work that she is wasteful, this means that this person actively spends funds for no particular reason. At the same time, her life requires significant costs.


wasteful it
wasteful it

Based on the explanatory dictionary of Efremova, we can say that wasteful is a person of the fair sex who shows excessive generosity. She spends a lot and is usually unwise. Note that the wasteful is not only the heroine throwing away finances. A girl may be so called if she expresses or reveals certain feelings immoderately. In addition, this person may be too generous in expressing praise for another person.


wasteful hero
wasteful hero

Now let's consider what interpretation of the word "wasteful" can be gleaned from the Small Academic Dictionary. According to his data, we are talking about a heroine who spends recklessly and spends a lot.

This word is used both in literature and in real life. There is a wasteful hero in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the work "Dubrovsky". The author calls the person described there ambitious andwasteful, as he indulges in various luxurious whims.

A similar definition is given by Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary. The word "wasteful" he refers to a person who spends something unwisely and in large quantities. Let's get back to literature. An example is the phrase: “Being wasteful, she allowed herself to purchase expensive things. Money left her hands like water. The word "wasteful" can also be found in everyday life, for example, in the sense of wasting electricity.

Similar in meaning

If we are talking about a heroine that is extremely close to wasteful, but without a negative connotation, it can be called generous. She is not stingy and willing to help. So, if the heroine is wasteful, it means that she is not frugal.
