Literature 2024, October

Bernhard Hennen: biography and creativity

Bernhard Hennen: biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Bernhard Hennen is. We will list all the books written by this author in order, but we will start with a biography. This creative person was born in 1966

Drizzt Do'Urden is the main character in Robert Salvatore's books

Drizzt Do'Urden is the main character in Robert Salvatore's books

Drizzt Do 'Urden is a book character created by science fiction writer Robert Salvatore, as well as the hero of a series of computer games set in the Forgotten Realms universe. Drizzt first appeared on the pages of the novel Icewind Dale, and then Salvatore wrote a separate cycle about this hero, which began with a prequel trilogy that tells about the character's youth

Beautiful quotes about patriotism

Beautiful quotes about patriotism

Quotes about patriotism warm the soul, encourage self-development, appreciate what you have. If everyone fully understood their responsibility to the country, there would be much less crippled destinies

Wise expressions and catchphrases from fairy tales

Wise expressions and catchphrases from fairy tales

Remember we once believed in fairy tales? They imagined themselves as noble knights, beautiful princesses, kind wizards, and from morning till night they fought with dragons and monsters visible only to us. Time passed, we matured, and fairy tales remained just fairy tales - children's illusions that gather dust on a bookshelf. But, as Clive Lewis said, one day we will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again

Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility": summary, reviews

Jane Austen's novel "Sense and Sensibility": summary, reviews

Colorful characters, incredible, detailed description of the beauties of England, sincerity - all this is inherent in the creations of Jane Austen. "Sense and Sensibility" is one of those novels in which the author shows the transformation of human character and way of thinking

Proverbs about speech. Examples

Proverbs about speech. Examples

Speech occupies an important place in the life of any modern person. With the help of language, we interact with each other, learn to determine the mood of a person, his intentions and views on the world. Proverbs about speech fully reflect the worldview of a Russian person, his attachment to specific traditions and culture. The main emphasis is always placed on the ability to listen, understand the interlocutor, be as useful to him as possible, and therefore do something for society as a whole

Poet Jan Rainis: biography, features of creativity, interesting facts

Poet Jan Rainis: biography, features of creativity, interesting facts

Jan Rainis is a famous Latvian poet, an outstanding writer, thinker and politician who had a huge impact on the formation of the culture and national identity of the people of his country during the formation of its independence. From 1926 to 1928, Yang served as Minister of Education, and in 1925 he received the country's highest award, the Order of the Three Stars, 1st class

Mark Fischer. Book "The Secret of a Millionaire"

Mark Fischer. Book "The Secret of a Millionaire"

Most people think they can't fix their deplorable state of finances or achieve a certain standard of living. It is generally accepted that a person cannot consciously do anything about it. You need connections, money, a high-paying job, amazing ideas, or a promising business. Is it really? The answer to this question can be found in the book "The Secret of the Millionaire"

Igor Bondarenko: biography, literary and social activities

Igor Bondarenko: biography, literary and social activities

The prototypes of the heroes of his books were world-famous and famous people. He met with the legendary intelligence officer Shandor Rado. Ruth Werner, who worked with Richard Sorge in the pre-war period, received him in her Berlin apartment. Mikhail Vodopyanov, one of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union, was a consultant for one of the works. Pilots, Chekists, scouts and ordinary Soviet people made up a gallery of portraits of book characters written by Igor Bondarenko

Ardamatsky Vasily Ivanovich: biography, books

Ardamatsky Vasily Ivanovich: biography, books

Absolutely different writers of the Soviet era have one thing in common. All of them were people who lived an interesting life and described the events to which they were witnesses or participants. Their heroes stepped onto the pages of books directly from the Komsomol construction sites of the first five-year plans or from the field barracks of the Red Army. Vasily Ardamatsky can also be counted among the galaxy of such authors

Russian epics about heroes: pagan and Christian

Russian epics about heroes: pagan and Christian

Beginning an article that reveals the topic "Russian epics about heroes", first let's define the ethnographic terms from the above title. The ethnographic role of epics about heroes can hardly be overestimated. For centuries, people have invested in them ideas about military prowess, patriotism, and adherence to religious tradition

George Duroy, the protagonist of the novel "Dear Friend": characteristics

George Duroy, the protagonist of the novel "Dear Friend": characteristics

Georges Duroy is the protagonist of French writer Guy de Maupassant's novel "Dear Friend". And although this is a fictional character, one can only imagine how many prototypes and prototypes he had, not to mention imitators and followers

Alain de Botton. Brief biography of the writer. Best Books

Alain de Botton. Brief biography of the writer. Best Books

Alain de Botton is a Swiss-born British writer. He is a member of the Royal Society of Literature, studies philosophy, works as a television presenter, and is also engaged in entrepreneurship. Famous English-language bestsellers came out from under his pen, in which the author spoke about various aspects of modern life. Alain in his speeches always emphasizes that philosophy is inextricably linked with our everyday life

The history of the creation of Gogol's "Inspector General"

The history of the creation of Gogol's "Inspector General"

The comedy "Inspector General", written by the great Russian playwright Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, is a mandatory item in the school curriculum. This work reflects not just the clever deception of a visiting official, but also the life of Russia as a whole in those years

N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares". Summary of the work

N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares". Summary of the work

The one who told this rather amazing story (let's call him the narrator) liked to come to the village of Malye Vezha. There, an old hunter, whose name was Mazai, was always waiting for him. The narrator stayed with Mazai and went hunting with him. And once, while hunting, they got caught in the pouring rain, and they had to seek shelter

Russian writer Natalya Ilyina: biography and photos

Russian writer Natalya Ilyina: biography and photos

Ilyina Natalya Iosifovna is a well-known Russian writer and journalist, author of biographical works, in whose life two opposite sides of the world have inexplicably united: East and West. A wonderful woman is a vivid example of the fate of one of the Russian people scattered around the world by the will of cruel circumstances

Author of Pechenyushkin's adventures - Sergey Mikhailovich Belousov

Author of Pechenyushkin's adventures - Sergey Mikhailovich Belousov

Belousov Sergey Mikhailovich is known for his cycle of stories for children about the adventures of a boy with a cheerful surname Pechenyushkin. In the 1990s, this work was a huge success. Today, the relevance of this creation is only growing

Carter Brown is the great detective guru

Carter Brown is the great detective guru

During 30 years of literary career, Carter Brown wrote more than 270 works. Of these - 261 detective novels, the rest of the works were written in different genres. Taking up reading any of his books, you know - it won't be boring

Konstantin Vorobyov, writer. The best books of Konstantin Vorobyov

Konstantin Vorobyov, writer. The best books of Konstantin Vorobyov

One of the brightest representatives of the "lieutenant's" prose, Vorobyov Konstantin Dmitrievich was born in the blessed "nightingale" Kursk region, in a distant village called Nizhny Reutets, in the Medvedinsky district. The very nature there is conducive to singing or composing songs, the very soul of the Kursk land gives rise in its grateful inhabitants to the desire to master the word and capture this beauty

Chatsky's attitude to serfdom. The play "Woe from Wit". Griboyedov

Chatsky's attitude to serfdom. The play "Woe from Wit". Griboyedov

In the autumn of 1824, the satirical play "Woe from Wit" was finally edited, which made A. S. Griboyedov a Russian classic. Many acute and painful questions are considered by this work. It deals with the opposition of the “current century” to the “past century”, where the topics of education, upbringing, morality are touched upon

Rotger Valdes: review and character history

Rotger Valdes: review and character history

The article will tell you how the character Rotger Valdes from the series "Reflections of Eterna" appeared. The features of his character, key theses regarding appearance and relationships with other heroes of the story are given

“Attempt at Jealousy” by Tsvetaeva - analysis of the work

“Attempt at Jealousy” by Tsvetaeva - analysis of the work

Marina Tsvetaeva is one of the most widely read poets. Her works have become a symbol of the literature of the twentieth century. They are studied today in all educational institutions as examples of high literature

Decoupling in literature is one of the most important elements of composition

Decoupling in literature is one of the most important elements of composition

Exposition, plot, climax, denouement, final - in literature, these are considered to be the compositional components of a work. The point in the story where the conflict is resolved and the storyline ends is called the denouement

Through hardships to the stars: what does it mean and why?

Through hardships to the stars: what does it mean and why?

The Russian language is rich in various phraseological units. There are a huge number of expressions that are used, intuitively understanding what they mean, but very rarely think about the actual origin or correct pronunciation, not to mention the adequate literary application

What was the name of the uncle of the heroes from Pushkin's fairy tale?

What was the name of the uncle of the heroes from Pushkin's fairy tale?

The famous fairy tale of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin about Tsar S altan includes a mention of such an interesting character as the uncle of 33 heroes. Let's discuss a little the historical roots of the appearance of his name

The best books of Isaac Asimov. From Russia with regards

The best books of Isaac Asimov. From Russia with regards

Sci-fi literature in the person of this world-famous biochemist has found its bright champion. However, fate could have decided otherwise, if the parents of a unique boy did not dare to leave Russia, in which the future writer was “lucky” to be born. As a result, the country, or rather, its “evil genius”, which methodically destroyed the color of the intelligentsia in those dark times, could not get to little Isaac and his family

Who carried out the orders of the evil queen? "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", Pushkin

Who carried out the orders of the evil queen? "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", Pushkin

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", being an instructive and edifying story, makes it possible to analyze several interesting aspects of the legacy of the great Russian poet

Yuri Nikolaevich Tynyanov, "Lieutenant Kizhe": summary

Yuri Nikolaevich Tynyanov, "Lieutenant Kizhe": summary

In the genre of a historical story, Yuri Tynyanov created a small masterpiece - the story "Lieutenant Kizhe". This is not the first time in the literature that the subject of the double has been addressed. R.L. also wrote about this. Stevenson, who has "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde", and E. Schwartz with the story about "Shadow"

The main characters of "Mumu": a brief description

The main characters of "Mumu": a brief description

The article gives a brief description of the characters of Turgenev's famous story "Mumu". The paper indicates the features of their characters

Lazar Lagin - the one who gave the kids a miracle

Lazar Lagin - the one who gave the kids a miracle

It was he who wrote the scripts for the cartoons "About the Evil Stepmother", "Attention, wolves!" and several others. It was from his pen that the fantastic novels "Atavia Proxima", "The Island of Disappointment", novels and pamphlets came out. It was he who recalled Mayakovsky in the book Life Ago. But it seems that his most important work, by which he was recognized and still loved and remembered, is the fairy tale story "Old Man Hottabych". Lazar Lagin gave all the boys and girls of the Soviet Union the belief that miracles exist

"Man in a case". Analysis of the work of A. P. Chekhov

"Man in a case". Analysis of the work of A. P. Chekhov

A.P. Chekhov is one of the Russian writers who understood that the main tool for enslaving the human personality and an obstacle to a happy life is fear. "The Man in the Case" is just one of the author's works, which deals with the problems of human relationships and ways to overcome them

"Mtsyri": summary

"Mtsyri": summary

The poem tells about the tragic story of a highlander boy who was taken prisoner by a Russian general. While the military was taking the child with him, the baby became very ill. The monks of the monastery, near which the general was passing, took pity on the little highlander and left him to live at home, where he grew up

Stevenson: "Treasure Island" or the ideal of pirate adventures

Stevenson: "Treasure Island" or the ideal of pirate adventures

Many books have been written about pirates, even world-famous authors like Dumas devoted entire chapters in their novels to the adventures of corsairs, linking them to the main content of the work. But nothing compares to the immortal masterpiece - the book, the "father" of which was Stevenson. "Treasure Island"

The Thunderstorm. Summary of the work of Ostrovsky A. N

The Thunderstorm. Summary of the work of Ostrovsky A. N

The play "Thunderstorm" tells about the fate of a strong woman Katerina, who was surrounded by deceit and insolvent men. The heroine dies, instructing dark people on a bright path

Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" - summary

Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" - summary

Veniamin Kaverin - Soviet writer, author of many books, including the wonderful story "Two Captains". The summary of this work, of course, does not give a full impression of the adventure story. But when you just need to refresh your memory of the main points of the work, a brief retelling is quite enough

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral". Summary

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral". Summary

Victor Hugo's "Notre Dame Cathedral" (read the summary below) is one of the most beloved among lovers of classical literature. Based on his motives, films are made and performances are staged, and the rock opera of the same name was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful in 1998-99. And who will not be affected by this tragic story?

"Thunderstorm". Ostrovsky. Summary of the play

"Thunderstorm". Ostrovsky. Summary of the play

Studying library statistics, school analysts came to the conclusion that the texts of works that are studied in literature lessons are practically not in demand today. What are the students reading? How are they doing with the program?

"Oblomov's Dream", summary

"Oblomov's Dream", summary

The ninth chapter of the first part of the novel describes in detail the atmosphere of a serene, sluggish life that surrounded the maturing Ilya Oblomov and left an indelible imprint on the character of the hero

"Dowryless". Ostrovsky A. A play about money, about love, about a troubled soul

"Dowryless". Ostrovsky A. A play about money, about love, about a troubled soul

Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is a play with a tragic ending about the fate of a typical Russian woman. The heroine finds herself in a hopeless situation and becomes a toy for others. The plot of the work captures with anguish, the expectation of an approaching disaster

Mysteries of the mirror: quotes about the mirror, reflection, and the secrets of mirrors

Mysteries of the mirror: quotes about the mirror, reflection, and the secrets of mirrors

A mirror in the modern world is perhaps the most familiar element of any home. But it was not always so. The cost of one Venetian mirror was once equal to the cost of a small sea vessel. Due to the high cost, these items were available only to aristocrats and museums. During the Renaissance, the price of a mirror was three times the cost of a Raphael painting identical to the size of the accessory