"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: Summary

"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: Summary
"The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell: Summary

Joseph Campbell's book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" has become one of the most famous psychological books of our time. What can this work tell about? Well, let's try to figure it out.


If we consider the content of the "Hero with a Thousand Faces" (Joseph Campbell), then we can say the following: the book tells the reader about those heroes who became characters in various fairy tales, films and stories in the style of science fiction. The author calls these heroes the chosen ones. In fact, in every work of fiction there is the same main character who is looking for adventure. Joseph Campbell in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" identifies only three stages, after passing through which the character changes his life in a radical way.

hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell
hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell

First stage

In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell calls this stage the "Exodus". It begins exactly when the main character of the adventure is downright called. An excellent example for this part of the stage is the appearance of the old Gandalf in the story "The Hobbits". It is the old magician who is peculiaran invitation to a magical world where new adventures await the main character. Or you can look at Harry Potter, who is called towards a new life by letters that fall asleep at the Dursley family home. This time the main character is drawn into the unknown.

hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell reviews
hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell reviews

Next step

The hero's next step is also quite predictable: as a rule, he simply brushes off the call to try something new because of his fear of the unknown. This is quite normal, absolutely everyone who has to deal with something unknown, unusual experiences such feelings. In addition, magical invitations always raise doubts in the character, because it is impossible to immediately believe the old man whom you see for the first time that he is a great magician who is ready to lead you into the world of extraordinary wanderings.

No choice

Despite the fact that the main character desperately resists change, adventure still calls him. They come to the character in the form of various signs: a bunch of ill-mannered gnomes who are ready to break down the door; crazy streams of letters pouring from all the cracks in the house. As a result, in order to finally find peace, the main character has to accept and go towards new and unforgettable adventures.

joseph campbell hero with a thousand faces content
joseph campbell hero with a thousand faces content

Second stage

We continue the description. In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell also discusses the second stage, which is called "Initiation".

This stage contains the bulk of everythingworks. Here the main character will either be defeated, or enter into a strong confrontation with the enemy and emerge victorious from it. Any outcome of this struggle will become either a legend or an indicator of morality for future generations.

A feature of this stage is that here the development of the plot entirely depends on the desire of the author of the book. In this case, the leading role is given to the imagination of the author, who himself controls the fate of the protagonist. It is at this stage that the central character meets new friends, enemies and just acquaintances who will accompany him for a certain time. It is very likely that the central character will fall under their influence, which will lead him to new discoveries or trouble.

At the same stage, the main character often encounters the other side of his soul - the so-called shadow. He sees the dark side of his soul, looks into it like a mirror, which is why he is utterly horrified. Whether the hero will cope with his shortcomings and fears is known only to the author of the work.

hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell description
hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell description

At the same stage, the protagonist reaches the climax of his adventure. It is at this moment that it is decided whether the central character will remain on that side or still go to the other. Often the characters cannot cope with their shadow, which leads them to the side of evil. Those who do not want to become a villain should give up their selfish goals and act for the sake of the whole world.

Often the hero faces a sexual temptation, but the authormanages to steer his character in the right direction, forcing him to temporarily give up his fantasies of pleasure, which can lead to a deplorable end.

Third stage

Continue the summary. Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" ends with a stage called "Return". At this stage, the protagonist finally returns home. But he is unlikely to be able to return to the former resident of that area. In addition, if the central character returns to his native land, then he returns in order to tell his people about the horror that everyone can meet with whom he personally fought, saving the people from death. That is, the main character returns home already much wiser, more serious, older.

hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell summary
hero with a thousand faces joseph campbell summary

Sometimes it happens that the central character decides to stay in this fictional world in order to someday meet the next adventurer and help him with his trials. In this case, the character changes the role of the main character to the role of a teacher, a sage, capable of being a guide to magical and mystical worlds.

At the same stage, the main character receives an award for his merits. Often this reward is expressed in something that the hero really lacked. Or, as often happens in myths or legends, the main character receives as a reward the artifact for which so many tests were passed.


Joseph Campbell's "Hero with a Thousand Faces" has sparked a lot of buzz among book lovers.psychology.

Perhaps one of the most significant comments is George Lucas, who admitted that the book inspired him throughout the writing of the script for the Star Wars movie.

Equally weighty was the admission by Neil Gaiman, the director of American Gods, that he did not read the book to the end to avoid its impact on the worldview.

Among the fans of the work, you can meet such a person as Dan Harmon, who is the creator of the famous animated cartoon Rick and Morty.

Speaking about the ratings of this book, it must be said that the work is included in the list of the best non-fiction books according to the New York Times.

Considering the reviews of ordinary readers, we can conclude that the book is really worth reading. For those who like psychological science fiction, this work can be a very interesting material that can open up something new and make you think.
