Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin, 30 most striking aphorisms of the writer

Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin, 30 most striking aphorisms of the writer
Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin, 30 most striking aphorisms of the writer

Quotes by S altykov-Shchedrin are our heritage and history. We read his fairy tales in childhood, stories about people and their vices reveal a subtle knowledge of human nature.

The beginning of a creative career

30 S altykov-Shchedrin's well-aimed quotes from the life and stories of the writer can be divided into several categories. Mikhail S altykov was born into the family of a hereditary nobleman and adviser Evgraf Vasilyevich. At the age of 12, he began his writing career at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. There, in addition to such ordinary offenses as negligence, rudeness and disobedience, he was often punished for "disapproving" verses. After graduation, he no longer studied versification.

quotes from S altykov Shchedrin
quotes from S altykov Shchedrin

S altykov-Shchedrin's quotes about the role of literature in Russian society are as follows:

  1. "Writers are valued not for the ugly images in their literature, but for the spiritual contributions that lead society forward."
  2. “It is the word that is given the greatest freedom. Only the pen does not know what kind of ink to write to it, since the thought stuck in the author's throat with a stake. The writer has one thirst - to confuse his idea in such a way, to dress it in mysterious allegories, so that simplicity is not noticeable, so that no one understands in a sort ofmasquerade, what is said.”
  3. "All great authors and philosophers were reputed to be great because they thought about the basics."
  4. "Art is withdrawn from the world of decay. It knows no death.”
  5. "I will always fight with my pen against arbitrariness and lies."

Young political convictions

S altykov-Shchedrin's quotes about statehood and the instability of the political system in the early years of his work can be called an echo of the French February Revolution. After the publication of the story "A Tangled Case", Mikhail was exiled to the Vyatka province for dubious remarks by the characters of the work towards the government:

30 quotes from S altykov Shchedrin
30 quotes from S altykov Shchedrin
  1. “Russia is a rich state, vast and abundant. And people live here stupid - everyone is dying of hunger in such a satisfying place.”
  2. "The Russian government will be accepted favorably by the people as long as it keeps people in amazement."
  3. “Laws in our country are issued for dual use. Some to keep order, and others to keep officials busy.”
  4. "Many do not see the difference between the concepts of "Fatherland" and "their Excellency"".
  5. “It's not scary if a Russian ruble in Europe will give fifty kopecks. That fear will be when you get it in the teeth for it.”


S altykov-Shchedrin's quotes about the vices of the Russian people are apt observations during his service as a clerical official in Vyatka. It was there that he came close to theft and drunkenness.

30 well-aimed quotes from S altykov Shchedrin
30 well-aimed quotes from S altykov Shchedrin
  1. "If I suddenly wake up in 100 years, I will still find out that people in Russia are now stealing and drinking."
  2. “Railroad all over the world is for transportation. And we also have for theft.”
  3. "Alas! Less than half an hour passed, and I already realized that it was time to drink vodka.”
  4. “Success in stealing will only be when a person has greed and agility. Especially greed, because some feeling must overcome the fear of trial and hard labor.”
  5. "The people wanted something: either rights and constitutions, or bread with red caviar, or to skin someone."

Flourishing creativity

In 1855, the writer was allowed to return home. The link ended, and he left the Vyatka province with relief, where he was dying of boredom. But it was there that he began his "Provincial Essays", which he published in the "Russian Bulletin" a year later. S altykov-Shchedrin's quotes about the amazing nature of the Russian people can be found not only in this work, but also in the author's later statements:

quotes from the fairy tales of S altykov Shchedrin
quotes from the fairy tales of S altykov Shchedrin
  1. "If in Russia a person allows himself to stop and be surprised at what is happening around, then he will stand like that until the end of time."
  2. "The laws of the state are strict, but softened by the optionality of their implementation."
  3. "Eh! Can't see the middle! Or in the snout right away, or kiss the hands.”
  4. "Only in Russia there are places where all tenses are transitory."
  5. "Introduce education carefully so that there is no bloodshed."

Shchedrin's Tales

Back homethe writer did not leave his convictions. But he expressed his ideas in the form of true stories and stories for children, which allowed him to pass the tsarist censorship. The following 5 statements are quotes from the fairy tales of S altykov-Shchedrin:

  1. “Some fools are easy. Run out into the street and jump. These are the ones that need to be protected, even the governors need them” (“The Fool”).
  2. “The ram closes its eyes, and its muzzle becomes serious. People pass by and say: “Yes, this is not a ram, but a burgomaster!” ("The forgetful ram").
  3. "Where is the truth?" - "With the Lord in heaven. He took it and does not let go" ("On the way").
  4. “You can’t walk without a passport. Otherwise, everyone can disperse, abandon work - then you won’t fight off such vagabonds” (“A Christmas Tale”).
  5. "Of the predators found in temperate climates, the wolf is the least generous" ("Poor Wolf").

S altykov-Shchedrin quotes about patriotism

Despite the fact that the Russian writer saw all the shortcomings and vices of the people and officials, until the last day he stood up for his Motherland and loved it with all his heart. But even his statements about patriotism sometimes sound with growing sorrow:

S altykov Shchedrin quotes about patriotism
S altykov Shchedrin quotes about patriotism
  1. “The meaning of patriotism is enormous. It needs to be brought up in order to develop in a person the idea of humanity.”
  2. "There are "brats" who say the state, but think - a free pie."
  3. "Only one who thinks about the Fatherland on weekdays and holidays can be called a citizen."
  4. "A dangerous person who is alien tothe fate of a country that is indifferent to the human.”
  5. “They started talking about patriotism. They must have been stealing again.”

30 quotes from S altykov-Shchedrin, which were given above, are not only observations. These are reflections on the nature of human shortcomings, the peculiarities of the Russian character, politics. In the works of the author, one can see anxiety and admiration for the Russian people. Until the end of his life, Mikhail Evgrafovich tried to understand how the great and the funny could exist side by side in Russia.
