Analysis of Bryusov's poem "Dagger". A striking example of Russian classicism

Analysis of Bryusov's poem "Dagger". A striking example of Russian classicism
Analysis of Bryusov's poem "Dagger". A striking example of Russian classicism

Despite the fact that Valery Bryusov was directly related to symbolism, yet one of his brilliant creations belongs to Russian classicism. The poem "Dagger" was written in 1903, it is dedicated to Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov and Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - two great writers who gave their lives to the fight against autocracy, who raised issues of freedom in their works, as well as the role of the poet in society.

analysis of the poem Bryusov dagger
analysis of the poem Bryusov dagger

Analysis of Bryusov's poem "The Dagger" allows us to draw a certain parallel with the work of the same name by Lermontov. Valery Yakovlevich used only one metaphor in his work, comparing the blade with a poetic gift. In his opinion, everyone should perfectly master the sharp instrument of retaliation. Bryusov believes that the word has a very great influence, the only question is whether the poet himself wants to hone his skills and convey to society the hidden meaning of poetry so that they are understandable and clear.

Analysis of Bryusov's poem "Dagger" allows you to see the differences between the worldview of the author and hispredecessors - Pushkin and Lermontov. Alexander Sergeevich and Mikhail Yuryevich believed that a poet should write poetry for people, not paying attention to obstacles and misunderstandings. But Valery Yakovlevich thinks that it is pointless to talk about lofty matters if the people are in captivity. The poet cannot change anything until people themselves try to get rid of the burden. The writer must obey the opinion of the public, and not vice versa.

bryusov dagger
bryusov dagger

Valery Yakovlevich understands that he cannot do anything alone. An analysis of Bryusov's poem "The Dagger" shows that the author assigns the poet the role of an outside observer and nullifies any significance of literature. The writer must join the struggle when popular uprisings begin. Valery Bryusov wrote "Dagger" with faith in the change in the political situation in the country. Many believe that he had the gift of foresight, because two years after the composition of the poem, a revolution occurred.

Valery Yakovlevich predicted a change in public information, he clearly decided for himself which side he would play on. An analysis of Bryusov's poem "The Dagger" makes it possible to understand that the author admires the work of Lermontov and Pushkin, realizing that their works were more significant for society than his works. Valery Yakovlevich chooses the side of the people, but he himself cannot explain why he does this. Mikhail Yuryevich and Alexander Sergeevich were once a link between different strata of society, but Bryusov himself is not like that.

verse bryusov dagger
verse bryusov dagger

The poet is not proud of his work, because he is unable to change anything. There is no call to action in the works, the tsarist regime does not pay any attention to them. Bryusov's verse "Dagger" once again emphasizes that he is a "songwriter of struggle", while the poet realizes that he lacks Lermontov's free-thinking and Pushkin's audacity. Valery Yakovlevich is not able to lead the crowd, to become its ideological leader, his fate is to accept the will of the public and dissolve in the gray mass.
