Literature 2024, October

Summary of "The Man in the Case" by A.P. Chekhov

Summary of "The Man in the Case" by A.P. Chekhov

Summary "The Man in the Case" is a story about a teacher who led a strange life. He constantly wanted to isolate himself from everyone, creating cases and partitions between himself and the outside world. Even in the summer he wore dark glasses, a warm coat and an umbrella, Belikov hid every thing in a case

N, M, Karamzin "Poor Lisa": a summary of the work

N, M, Karamzin "Poor Lisa": a summary of the work

"Poor Lisa" (a brief summary of the story-symbol of the era of sentimentalism in Russian literature will be presented in the article) - a story about a simple girl. Of course, it is impossible to convey the whole impression and the whole plot of a seemingly small work in such a concise form

"Young lady-peasant", summary and history of creation

"Young lady-peasant", summary and history of creation

"The Young Lady-Peasant Woman", a summary of which we will consider, is included in the cycle called by A. S. Pushkin "Belkin's Tales". These are the first prose works brought to the end by the writer

Vyacheslav Kondratiev. "Sasha": a summary of the story

Vyacheslav Kondratiev. "Sasha": a summary of the story

Sashka is a kind, humane, moral person with a great sense of responsibility for everyone and everything. He is the main character of the story written by Vyacheslav Kondratiev. Sasha is a young soldier who ended up near Rzhev on the front line. He is very inquisitive. If he knew German, he would certainly ask the Germans how they are doing with food and ammunition. This topic worries the hero very much, because who, if not him, knows what hunger and death are

Detailed characteristics of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" - A. Griboedov's comedies

Detailed characteristics of the heroes of "Woe from Wit" - A. Griboedov's comedies

Alexander Griboyedov is an outstanding playwright of the first half of the nineteenth century, whose work discussed below became a classic of Russian literature. Griboyedov served in the diplomatic field, but remained in history as the author of a brilliant masterpiece - the comedy "Woe from Wit", the characteristics of whose characters are studied as part of the school curriculum

A brief analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev"

A brief analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev"

The central theme of Pushkin's work is the expectation of a "saint's moment of liberty". There are 21 lines in the poem, and it is the 10th line that takes center stage. Even a superficial analysis of the poem "To Chaadaev" shows that the poet addresses his message to a like-minded person, so it is not required to state his position in detail

Chatsky's attitude to service, rank and we alth. The character of the protagonist of the play "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov

Chatsky's attitude to service, rank and we alth. The character of the protagonist of the play "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov

Chatsky's attitude to the service is negative, and therefore he leaves the service. Chatsky with great desire could serve the Motherland, but he does not want to serve the authorities at all, while in the secular society of Famusov there is an opinion that service to persons, and not to the cause, is a source of personal benefits

Remember together: "Old Woman Izergil", summary

Remember together: "Old Woman Izergil", summary

“Old Woman Izergil”, the summary of which boils down to reflections on the meaning of life and the nature of the Feat, has a three-part composition and is written in the form of a “story within a story”. The first short story is a story about the proud and selfish Lara, from whom people turned away, and even Death itself, as a punishment, refused to come after him

The poem "Odyssey". A summary of the fabulous adventures described by Homer

The poem "Odyssey". A summary of the fabulous adventures described by Homer

The gods started the Trojan War to end the time of the heroes and start the Iron Age. The soldiers who did not die under the walls of Troy were supposed to die on the way back. The longest and most difficult road was the Odyssey. A summary of his journey is brought to your attention

"Hero of Our Time": "Taman", summary

"Hero of Our Time": "Taman", summary

So, "Taman", summary. The name itself refers us to a small geographical point called Pechorin (we repeat, Lermontov writes most of the "Caucasian" chapters of the novel on his behalf) a nasty town, where he was robbed and even almost drowned

"Gobsek": a summary of the immortal story of Balzac

"Gobsek": a summary of the immortal story of Balzac

The story "Gobsek" appeared in 1830. Later it became part of the world-famous collected works "The Human Comedy", authored by Balzac

Legend J. Bedier "Tristan and Isolde". Summary

Legend J. Bedier "Tristan and Isolde". Summary

Beautiful legends of love have always touched the soul, especially if their end is sad. The work of Joseph Bedier "Tristan and Isolde" was no exception. A summary of this romantic and tragic story, read on

Lyric Fet. Features of poetry and philosophical lyrics Fet

Lyric Fet. Features of poetry and philosophical lyrics Fet

The poetry of Afanasy Afanasyevich, romantic in its origins, is, as it were, a link between the work of Vasily Zhukovsky and Alexander Blok. The later poems of the poet gravitated towards the Tyutchev tradition. Fet's main lyrics are love and landscape

"Poltava": a summary of Pushkin's historical poem

"Poltava": a summary of Pushkin's historical poem

The work was written by A. Pushkin in 1828. While working on it, the poet turned to both official historical sources and legends, folk thoughts and songs

M.E. S altykov-Shchedrin, "Lord Golovlevs": a summary of the novel

M.E. S altykov-Shchedrin, "Lord Golovlevs": a summary of the novel

Middle of the century. Russia. The end of serfdom is coming. But the Golovlyov estate still has power and is even expanding its holdings. All this thanks to the hostess - Arina Petrovna, who has three sons and one daughter. But a few years will pass, everything will fall into decay and go to a distant relative

"The Night Before Christmas": summary and comments

"The Night Before Christmas": summary and comments

On the last clear and frosty night before Christmas, a witch flew out of a hut through a chimney. She, flickering in the sky, began to collect stars in her sleeve. This is how the magical story of N. V. Gogol "The Night Before Christmas" begins, a summary of which will be presented in this article

"Iliad", a summary of the epic

"Iliad", a summary of the epic

"The Iliad", a summary of which is offered here, is recommended as part of the school curriculum and for the purpose of general self-development to those who are not indifferent to history, but value their personal time

A.P. Chekhov "Ionych": a summary of the work

A.P. Chekhov "Ionych": a summary of the work

The story "Ionych", a summary of which will be presented below, was written at the end of the 19th century. The sad story of the zemstvo doctor then excited the minds of the whole country. Chekhov showed how you can degrade and turn into a greedy person in a short time

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the novel

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": a summary of the novel

Dostoevsky wrote his novel "Crime and Punishment" in one year. He completed it in 1866. And it immediately began to be published in the Russky Vestnik magazine. A year later, the first edition of the novel was published

"The Old Man and the Sea": a summary of the story

"The Old Man and the Sea": a summary of the story

"The Old Man and the Sea", a summary of which allows you to understand the author's great talent, tells the story of a fisherman who is the embodiment of human strength, perseverance and invincibility

"The Lady with the Dog": a summary of the story

"The Lady with the Dog": a summary of the story

The story of two middle-aged people who came to know true love too late - that's what the story "The Lady with the Dog" tells. The summary of the work allows you to understand how accurately A.P. Chekhov portrayed the feelings of ordinary people and their difficult fate

To help students. M.I. Prishvin. Summary of "Pantry of the Sun"

To help students. M.I. Prishvin. Summary of "Pantry of the Sun"

Summary "Pantry of the Sun" refers us to the events of the Great Patriotic War. Not far from the town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, in a small village, two children remained in misery and grieve: Nastya, nicknamed the Golden Hen, and her brother Mitrasha, a peasant in a bag. Nastya was 12 years old, Mitrasha - 10. Their mother died after a serious illness, their father disappeared on the roads of war

Summary: "The Bronze Horseman" A. Pushkin

Summary: "The Bronze Horseman" A. Pushkin

Summary of "The Bronze Horseman" - a poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - allows you to understand how strong the poet's love for the city was. This work has become a symbol of St. Petersburg, and the poetic lines of the poem are known to any of its inhabitants

N. V. Gogol, "The Overcoat": a summary

N. V. Gogol, "The Overcoat": a summary

The article contains a summary of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's story "The Overcoat". It was published in 1843. She was included in the author's collection "Petersburg Tales". For better assimilation, events are described in terms of their importance in the plot construction (outset, development of events, climax, denouement). The beginning of the story, in which we get to know the main character Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, can be considered as an exposition

A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades": a summary of the story

A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades": a summary of the story

A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades" - this work can be called innovative for its time. It says that you need to value not material values, but only pure human feelings

Summary of "The Little Prince", fairy tales by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Summary of "The Little Prince", fairy tales by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

It is very difficult to summarize, "The Little Prince" is the favorite fairy tale of many people of our planet. Since its publication in 1943, it has been translated into 180 languages. Since the work is allegorical, every word is important in it. The author addresses not so much to children as to the child in each reader

M. Gorky "At the bottom". Summary of the play

M. Gorky "At the bottom". Summary of the play

In the rooming house, which belongs to Kostylev and his wife Vasilisa, poor, degraded "former people" live, as Gorky himself defined them. “At the Bottom”, a brief summary of which we will consider further, with all the terrible truth speaks of them as those who no longer have either faith or hope

William Sydney Porter: biography and photos

William Sydney Porter: biography and photos

More than two hundred and eighty stories, humoresques, sketches and just one novel - all this was included in the bibliography of William Sidney Porter, known throughout the world under the pseudonym O. Henry. He had a subtle sense of humour. Each work ended with an unexpected denouement. The stories of William Sidney Porter are light, laid-back, concise. His life was hard and joyless

Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich". Main characters, description, summary

Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich". Main characters, description, summary

The fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" is one of the most famous in Russia. Based on her motives, cartoons and films were shot, performances were staged. Even pictures are drawn: for example, Vasnetsov's masterpiece of the same name

Folk Irish tales and legends

Folk Irish tales and legends

The presence of special fairy tales, myths and legends is inherent in any nation. But Ireland can truly be called a magical land of fairy tales, legends and myths. The fabulous creatures that inhabit the Emerald Isle coexist perfectly not only in fairy tales, but also in the everyday life of the Irish, as elements of superstitious folklore. In the article you will learn about the most famous fairy tales, legends and myths of mysterious Ireland

Maxim Rylsky - Ukrainian poet of the Soviet era

Maxim Rylsky - Ukrainian poet of the Soviet era

The first half of the 20th century was known not only for large-scale wars, but also for the flourishing of literature. Despite all the death and devastation, writers, artists, composers and poets of that period tried to awaken wonderful feelings in hardened human souls. Among them was the Ukrainian poet Maxim Rylsky. He happened to survive two world wars, a revolution, a civil war and suffer from repression. Despite this, he remained not only a worthy person, but also a wonderful poet

Georgy Skrebitsky - singer of native nature

Georgy Skrebitsky - singer of native nature

Georgy Skrebitsky is a naturalist writer who was in love with his native nature. He became famous for his wonderful stories for children about animals. He wrote many scientific works on zoology and zoopsychology, essays, scripts for cartoons

Creativity and biography of Friedrich Schiller

Creativity and biography of Friedrich Schiller

Schiller's biography begins in the Duchy of Württemberg (the city of Marbach am Neckar), where he was born on November 10, 1759 in the family of an officer, regimental paramedic Johann Kaspar Schiller. The mother of the future poet was from a family of pharmacists and innkeepers. Her name was Elizabeth Dorothea Codweiss. The atmosphere of clean, neat, intelligent poverty reigned in his parents' house. The future classic dreamed of becoming a priest

Chekhov's biography, brief and informative

Chekhov's biography, brief and informative

In 1884, Anton Chekhov, whose brief biography is not full of events, graduated from the university and became a practicing doctor. Six years later, the young doctor leaves for Sakhalin for the purpose of sociological research. His attention is drawn to disadvantaged sections of society

Literary tropes: types, distinguishing features, use

Literary tropes: types, distinguishing features, use

Besides the main meaning, most words are included in a certain associative series and have an additional symbolic meaning. This property of the word is actively used by poets and writers to create literary tropes that give the text expressiveness and help to convey their thoughts more accurately

Phrases for service: quotes with sarcasm

Phrases for service: quotes with sarcasm

Sarcasm is something we rarely do without in today's world. Sometimes it is simply impossible to express your opinion on any account otherwise. Sometimes, so that no one understands anything, and sometimes, so that everyone understands and understands very accurately. What interesting quotes with sarcasm can be adopted?

Gromov Alexander Nikolaevich, writer: biography and creativity

Gromov Alexander Nikolaevich, writer: biography and creativity

Alexander Nikolaevich Gromov is a Russian science fiction writer and a laureate of literary awards. His adventure stories were known not only in his homeland, but also in Europe. In 2014, based on the plot of the book by Alexander Gromov, a fantastic film was shot and released

Rhyme for the word "believe": possible options

Rhyme for the word "believe": possible options

What rhymes exist for the word "believe"? Let's analyze this with examples and make quatrains with them

Dreiser, "Financier". A novel about big money and big opportunities

Dreiser, "Financier". A novel about big money and big opportunities

One of the talented American writers is Theodore Dreiser. "Finance" is one of three books about an enterprising man who was able to build his empire not once, not twice, but three times

The image of Taras Bulba: unexpectedly about the well-known

The image of Taras Bulba: unexpectedly about the well-known

The image of Taras Bulba is the brightest not only in Gogol's work. He stands apart in all works of Russian and Ukrainian literature, showing an example of perseverance, devotion, great love for the motherland