"The Night Before Christmas": summary and comments

"The Night Before Christmas": summary and comments
"The Night Before Christmas": summary and comments

On the last clear and frosty night before Christmas, a witch flew out of a hut through a chimney. She, flickering in the sky, began to collect stars in her sleeve. This is how N. V. Gogol's magical story begins "The Night Before Christmas", a summary of which will be presented in this article.

And on the other side of the sky, the devil flew up with a black dot, well, just like provincial

the night before christmas summary
the night before christmas summary

solicitor in uniform. He stole the moon from the sky, thinking that in this way he would annoy the blacksmith Vakula, and he would not be able to come to his beloved beauty Oksana, because her father, the Cossack Chub, was afraid to leave the house on a dark night.

But, alas, the dreams of the devil who harbored a grudge against Vakula and painted him in the church did not come true. As "The Night Before Christmas" tells, a brief summary of which you are reading, Chub could not resist the desire to try the deacon's glorious varenukha, and

summary of the night before christmas
summary of the night before christmas

Vakula came unhinderedto Oksana.

True, his confessions cause only ridicule in the windy beauty. Frustrated, he goes to open the door, on which someone knocks, with one desire, to crush the sides of the first one who comes across. And Chub, who returned home and saw an angry Vakula on the threshold, who immediately rewarded him with pushes, was frightened, thinking that he had somehow gone in the wrong direction.

So he went to the witch Solokha, the mother of the blacksmith, not knowing that the devil himself was already visiting her. True, as “The Night Before Christmas” tells, the summary of which you are reading, the broken hostess was forced to hide it in a bag, because her head came to her. But he also had to hide in a bag from the clerk who came "to the light". And he, having heard a knock on the door, also hid in a bag. Chub, and it was he who knocked, cooed with the hostess for a short time - an angry Vakula returned home, to whom his beloved, laughing, said that she would marry him only if he brought those slippers that the queen herself had!

Seeing bags in the middle of the hut, the guy, annoyed and sad, not even noticing their weight, decides to take the "litter" away. But on the way he is met by Oksana, who, in front of everyone, again reminds of the little ones. And the blacksmith, not seeing the light, runs wherever his eyes look, with only a small bag behind his back.

Gogol the night before Christmas summary
Gogol the night before Christmas summary

How Vakula discovered the devil in him and how he forced him to obey, tells in detail "The Night Before Christmas", a summary of which is now before you. But after all the adventures, the goat-legged blacksmith took the blacksmith straight to St. Petersburg to the Cossacks,passing through Dikanka in the summer. With the help of evil spirits, Vakula convinces them to take themselves to an audience with the queen. And throwing himself on the floor in front of her, begging for slippers.

What rumors were circulating around the village at that time, unable to convey the summary. "The Night Before Christmas" talks about this vividly and in detail. One thing is clear that as a result of gossip, poor Oksana could not find a place for herself. They said that Vakula drowned himself and hanged himself, but she felt guilty and completely exhausted during the night. In the meantime, the blacksmith, having overslept after matins, was going to the house of his beloved to forgive her hands. What was his happiness when Oksana joyfully exclaimed that she loved him anyway, without laces!

The amazing end of this story is colorfully described by N. V. Gogol. "The Night Before Christmas", a summary of which was provided to you, vividly and unforgettably conveys events similar to a fairy tale. Read this book and you will love both its characters and the great writer forever.
