Chatsky's attitude to service, rank and we alth. The character of the protagonist of the play "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov

Chatsky's attitude to service, rank and we alth. The character of the protagonist of the play "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov
Chatsky's attitude to service, rank and we alth. The character of the protagonist of the play "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov

The famous comedy "Woe from Wit" by A. S. Griboyedov was created after the Patriotic War of 1812, when a period of spiritual upsurge began in Russia. Therefore, this work discusses the most painful social topics and issues of public service, serfdom, upbringing and education, imitation of everything foreign and contempt for one's own national.

Chatsky's attitude to service
Chatsky's attitude to service

Character of Chatsky

The character of one of the main characters of this work - Chatsky - is quite simple, but his emotional portrait is very diverse, but in general he portrays Chatsky as a positive person who shows maximalism in all his actions and feelings. He has an extraordinary mind, seeking knowledge and perfection, and has a very ambitious disposition. Chatsky's attitude to service must be viewed through the prism of the fact that he was an enlightened person and could soberly assess the problems of politics. He did not remain indifferent when they oppressed Russian culture andthe question of human pride and honor was touched upon. However, Chatsky did not understand the affairs of love at all, he was constantly eager to fight and soon, as usual, he was disappointed.

Chatsky's biography

To reveal in more detail such a topic as Chatsky's attitude to the service, first you need to figure out who he is. So, Alexander Andreevich is a young nobleman, whose late father was a friend of Famusov. He returns from abroad to Moscow to see his beloved Sofia Famusova, whom he has not seen for three whole years. As children, they were friends and loved each other, but Sophia could not forgive Chatsky for his unexpected departure abroad, who left without even notifying her about it. And so their meeting was held in a cold and indifferent atmosphere because of Sophia.

Chatsky's prototype in Griboyedov's work was Pyotr Chaadaev, who sharply criticized the political system in Russia and was declared insane because of his writings. His works were banned in the Russian Empire and were not published.

Chatsky's character
Chatsky's character

Chatsky's attitude to service

Why did Chatsky's whole conflict with society flare up? It all started with a conversation with Molchalin. Chatsky cannot understand how Sophia could fall in love with such a person. When guests come to Famusov's house, Chatsky manages to communicate with everyone, and with each such conversation, the confrontation will increase.

Chatsky openly opposes serfdom and against those people who are considered "pillars" of a noble society, such as Famusov, for example. He also hatesorders of the Catherine's century.

Chatsky considers himself a free and independent person who is alien to slavery. But Famusov and his entire society are the nobles of the Catherine's century and special "hunters to be mean."

Chatsky's attitude to the service is negative, and therefore he leaves the service. Chatsky with great desire could serve the Motherland, but he does not want to serve the authorities at all, while in the secular society of Famusov there is an opinion that service to persons, and not to the cause, is a source of personal benefits.

Chatsky's attitude to ranks
Chatsky's attitude to ranks

Attitude towards we alth, ranks, etc

Chatsky's attitude to rank and we alth is different in that he wants a person to be judged by his personal qualities and merits. He recognizes the freedom of thought of every person in his statements and beliefs. In turn, secular society does not regard these progressive views of the hero, it evaluates people by noble origin and the number of serfs. And the opinion of high society is holy and infallible. Chatsky advocates enlightening the country in literature and art through scientific work, for the unity of the secular intelligentsia with the common people and against imitating foreigners.

But the Famus society is more comfortable without books and teachings, it slavishly imitates everything foreign, especially French.

In love, Chatsky seeks sincerity of feelings, and in high society everywhere there is pretense and marriage for a profitable calculation.
