Rhyme for the word "believe": possible options

Rhyme for the word "believe": possible options
Rhyme for the word "believe": possible options

When the word "believe" rhymes, the option "verify" suggests itself. Like the proverb "Trust but verify".

rhyming word for believe
rhyming word for believe

Choosing options

So, here are some rhymes for the word believe:

  • check;
  • try on;
  • trust;
  • moderate;
  • believe;
  • assure;
  • measure;
  • dissemble;
  • certify;
  • recheck;
  • glue;
  • measure;
  • moderate;
  • intend;
  • give;
  • persuade;
  • try on;
  • verify;
  • measure;
  • dissuade;
  • try on;
  • assure.

As you can see, it is rather problematic to find a rhyme, since there are not so many rhyming words. This makes it difficult to select them, since there is a limited number of words with the necessary ending "rit". If you deviate a little from the rule and simplify the search, then you can select rhymes with the ending "it". In this case, there will be more options.

believe rhyme to word
believe rhyme to word

For example: whiten, wash, feed, carry, break, tease, drown, score, pour, love, wash, make friends, catch, knead,smoke, live and many other options.

Rhyming with the word believe in a poem

Let's try to compose short quatrains using the options that were indicated earlier. Let's apply the "correct" rhyme endings and see what we get:

A lawyer needs to be trusted, To entrust your affairs

And to assure the power of attorney, And an inheritance to measure, Testament check.

Now let's rhyme in a New Year's poem, because dreams come true on a festive night.

People need to believe in miracles, And entrust your fate

To higher powers and gods, Be ready for their gifts.

Believe in fairy tales, miracles, See the sparkle in the eyes, Believe in the kindness of hearts, Get box of gifts.

And one more poem with the necessary rhyme.

You need to believe in Santa Claus, And check the sacks by the fireplace.

Believe in luck, in yourself and in success, Children's cheerful and joyful laughter.

Now you can safely start rhyming this truly important word for every person. After all, only faith gives us confidence and hope.

So, we get the following rhyme:

Believe in the miracle of a winter fairy tale, To measure life with happiness.
