Quotes about queens living in books

Quotes about queens living in books
Quotes about queens living in books

Queen - the image of a regal woman, beautiful and majestic. At the word "queen", a stately lady with a beautiful, but cold appearance, in expensive attire, is drawn. The queen is a fragile creature, endowed with great strength, strong will and dignity. Quotes about queens emphasize the presence of a female sensitive soul chained in a proud beautiful body.

queen crown
queen crown

A piece of ice in the heart

In children's fairy tales, Hans Christian Andersen speaks of the high sensuality and tenderness of the female royal. Queens suffer if they sleep on a feather bed with a hidden small pea. The princesses are eccentric and capricious, they quickly decide to marry and kiss the dirty Swineherd for a cute trinket, but the stately queen keeps her emotions and desires under strict control.

Quotes about queens, taken from the books of a famous storyteller, depict the changeable nature of roy alty. To be a queen means to behave with dignity, not to succumb to unnecessary emotions and stupid desires.

The Snow Queen has a special greatness. The personality of the Lady of Snow and Ice is presented infairy tale of the same name, cold, indifferent to the experiences of others. The Snow Queen neglects people and firmly goes to her intended goal. In her image, an insensitive woman looms, merciless to the suffering of ordinary people. She easily subdues Kai and takes him into her possession, despite the fact that his absence caused the grandmother's illness and the grief of the girl Gerda.

The Snow Queen kissed Kai again, and he forgot Gerda, his grandmother, and all the family. "I won't kiss you again," she said. – Or I'll kiss you to death.

They say that the prototype of the Snow Queen was a girl, cruel and indifferent to the feelings of Andersen in love with her.

Queen of cold feelings
Queen of cold feelings

Quotes about snow queens

Everyone associates snow with whiteness and cold. The expressions "white as snow", "cold as ice", said about a woman, paint a picture of an impregnable beauty.

The Snow Queen in quotes and aphorisms is associated with women who are not amenable to affection and attention of men. They remain proud and secretive, no matter how ardent admirers try to kindle a flame of passion in their soul. The Snow Queen does not give up her defense, maybe because she is afraid of melting?

And let the men bow down, calling us "Your Highness"…The Queen of the Snow is not born, but becomes from loneliness!

Loneliness, longing and experienced suffering fill the girl with "ice" qualities. In the modern cartoon about the Snow Queen, an interesting version was revealedabout the "chilling cruelty" of the Lady of snows and snowflakes. The Snow Queen was a girl who was accused of witchcraft for a long time, and they avoided communicating with her. A long loneliness and a hardened heart have taken their toll.

And at night, when my moon looks lonely in her eyes, My ice princess finds her cruelty.

Quotes about the Snow Queen confirm the idea of a lonely, embittered, offended woman in the past.

This rose is being sharpened by a worm!

Her kiss was colder than ice, it pierced right through it and reached the very heart, and it was already half ice.

real queen
real queen

I will, I will be queen…

Fearing being disappointed and abandoned, many girls put on a mask of indifference. They are afraid to be simple and sincere, so as not to experience the pain of heartache. They throw quotes about queens, trying to get attention.

Do you know what a woman wants? To be treated like a queen; but she wants it from the king, not from the pawn.

At the same time, they aim to emphasize their importance among other representatives of the weaker sex. The guy is obliged to see in her a person of royal blood, become the prince of her dreams and do everything possible to fulfill her dreams.

I am the queen, I shoot the stars from the sky. Playful gait, graceful beauty…

Quotes about the queen and the crown emphasize the special importance that a girl seeks to demonstrate in her appearance.

I won’t fix the crown… The halo doesn’t interfere….

Don't play queen of the universe… I don't like to be imitated!

Maid girls don't know how to win… Princesses don't know how to lose… Queens don't compete…

Female quotes about queens for guys and men sound funny and incomprehensible. In the end, every self-respecting Kai will want to stay with the sincere kind Gerda, and drive the impregnable Snow Queen away.
