Quotes about a mistress - two sides of the coin

Quotes about a mistress - two sides of the coin
Quotes about a mistress - two sides of the coin

The most bitter and desperate women's words are poured into the address of mistresses. It does not matter whether a woman is a mistress or a wife. Quotes about a mistress do not evoke any positive emotions, only sadness, bitterness, tears and lost dreams.

Be a mistress

Mistress or wife? For a woman, this is very important. A lady in love seeks to take possession of an expensive man completely, so that he and all his time belong only to her. When she is in a relationship with the "owner of her heart", she surrenders to the feeling with her whole soul. She will cook for him, wash him, clean, remain faithful to him - even if she knows that she is not the only flower in his vast rose garden.

Wise advisers try to warn a woman about vain hopes for cloudless happiness in such situations:

Don't give yourself up to an affair with a married man without a trace. If he ever leaves his wife for you, then only to leave you later for another.

But for a loving woman, such warnings carry no weight. She loves and will go to her goal in any way. Even as a "hated" mistress. She doesn't care, because they say:

Today is a wife, tomorrow is a mistress. Yesterday a mistress, and today a wife. So don't hesitate.

A lover who loves is a woman who gives more than she receives…

She loved deeply, but was not his mistress. She was his woman.

cheating husband
cheating husband

Be a wife

The fate of a woman who suspects her beloved husband of treason is bitter. She has no rest day or night. Her life consists of a constant string of actions:

  • check your phone daily for female contacts and love messages;
  • paying close attention to everything cute says about neighbor, secretary, classmate, mother's friend, supermarket clerk;
  • a vigilant examination of the spouse's clothes for the presence of other people's hair and lipstick prints.

If her suspicions are confirmed, waves of bitterness and disappointment in an expensive man pour out on the head of the one who got in the way of family happiness.

Quotes about her husband's mistresses are permeated with the anger of a desperate wife, insults and contempt for a lady who captivated someone else's man:

A self-respecting woman will not mess with a married man. But if you're not one of those, I'm sorry. After all, he loves the worthy, and will soon expose you. Your happiness will not last long.

wife mistress
wife mistress

The wife is a mistress?.

A mistress is a mysterious and unknown woman. Men, like hunters, dream to know the unknown facets. Trying to ingratiate themselves with another young lady, they forget that their spouses are alsomysterious women for other "males".

A man who loves his wife immensely is able to revive the goddess of love and passion from her. The best mistress is a wife drunk with love and attention. Remember this, dear men. Well said Honore de Balzac on this subject:

The inability to make a mistress out of your wife proves only the inferiority of the husband. One must be able to find all women in one woman.

Vasily Klyuchevsky said that a man who loves his wife as a mistress is happy, and one who allows his mistress to love him as his spouse is deeply unhappy.

Love triangles won't make anyone happy. They will not bring satisfaction and peace. Sooner or later, the betrayal will be revealed, and the curtain will reveal a sad picture: a tormented husband, a drooping wife and a lover who dreams in vain. Maybe you should listen to the words of Balzac and awaken in your "home chicken" that very "passionate tigress"?
