Literature 2024, October

"The Life of Monsieur de Molière": a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov

"The Life of Monsieur de Molière": a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov

"The Life of Monsieur de Molière" is a novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, which was published only after the death of the author

Italian writer Salgari Emilio: biography, books

Italian writer Salgari Emilio: biography, books

Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) is considered one of the key, most famous writers in Italy. The author of more than two hundred short stories and novels in the genre of adventure, he made a significant contribution to the history of world culture. His fascinating writings take pride of place in the treasuries of children's and adult libraries

Writer Vadim Kozhevnikov: biography

Writer Vadim Kozhevnikov: biography

The main work of Vadim Kozhevnikov was occupied by stories and novels, his front-line prose, which he created during the entire period of the Great Patriotic War, was even more successful. However, several novels also came out from under his pen, the most famous among them: "Shield and Sword" and "Meet Baluev." It was on them that films of the same name were made

Sergey Shcheglov: a fusion of fantasy and science fiction

Sergey Shcheglov: a fusion of fantasy and science fiction

The books are light, entertaining and a fusion of classic sci-fi and trendy sword-and-sorcery fantasy

James Jones: biography, features of creativity, interesting facts

James Jones: biography, features of creativity, interesting facts

In the fiction of the Soviet period, there is no shortage of works dedicated to the Second World War. And this is quite natural, since many of their authors themselves experienced its horrors and could not help but share the feelings they experienced. However, novels, short stories and short stories telling about the exploits of people who fought against fascism and Japanese militarists were also created on the other side of the Iron Curtain

Cherkashin Nikolai Andreevich, seascape writer: biography, creativity

Cherkashin Nikolai Andreevich, seascape writer: biography, creativity

Nikolai Cherkashin is a famous Russian seascape writer. His novels were published back in Soviet times, when they were mostly fiction and even fantastic works. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Cherkashin became interested in journalism. He published a series of books dedicated to the tragic figure of Admiral Kolchak, explored the mystery of the sinking of the submarine "Kursk"

Interesting sayings about kindness

Interesting sayings about kindness

If you think about it, the whole world, one way or another, rests on manifestations of kindness and selfless service to people. Each of us wants to feel needed, in demand. Without this need, we would not know what the other person feels, we could not come closer to understanding the immutable truth: sincere self-giving rules the world. Sayings about kindness are filled with enduring meaning and are of great value

Solokha is the brightest image of the story "The Night Before Christmas"

Solokha is the brightest image of the story "The Night Before Christmas"

The events of the story "The Night Before Christmas", belonging to the cycle "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", are incredible, fantastic and similar to a fairy tale

"Don Juan" Castaneda Carlos: description, interesting facts and reviews

"Don Juan" Castaneda Carlos: description, interesting facts and reviews

The life and work of the most mystical and mysterious writer of the 20th century, Carlos Castaneda, is of great interest to many readers. One of the central books - "Don Juan", after reading it, you will completely change your worldview

Beautiful sayings about love. Omar Khayyam

Beautiful sayings about love. Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam masterfully approaches the process of comprehending the greatest mystery of being, which knows no compromises. Reading his sayings, you begin to understand more deeply the truth that is indicated in them. The best statements of Omar Khayyam about life and love will be presented in this article. Maybe they will help some of the readers to accept the inevitable, to make the right choice

Russian poet Yevgeny Rein: biography, personal life, family and creativity

Russian poet Yevgeny Rein: biography, personal life, family and creativity

Evgeny Rein is a popular Russian poet and prose writer, and also a well-known screenwriter. This is one of the most significant literary figures of the middle of the 20th century, a close friend of Joseph Brodsky. Belonged to the circle of friends of Anna Akhmatova in the last years of her life, which greatly influenced the creative career of the poet

The life and work of Ostrovsky. Stages and features of Ostrovsky's work

The life and work of Ostrovsky. Stages and features of Ostrovsky's work

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is a famous Russian writer and playwright who had a significant impact on the development of the national theater. He formed a new school of realistic play and wrote many remarkable works. This article will outline the main stages of Ostrovsky's work, as well as the most significant moments of his biography

Bestsellers, books: ranking by popularity (2014-2015). Top bestsellers

Bestsellers, books: ranking by popularity (2014-2015). Top bestsellers

Bestsellers are books that are rated by different sources: online bookstores, websites, as well as newspapers and magazines. Of course, the basis of any rating is the demand of readers for a particular book

Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading

Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading

The article talks about good books on the history of Russia. Attention is paid not only to documentary works, but also to fiction, as well as books for children

Summary: "Duck hunting" (Vampilov A.V.). The play "Duck Hunt": heroes

Summary: "Duck hunting" (Vampilov A.V.). The play "Duck Hunt": heroes

Let's consider the play by Alexander Vampilov, written in 1968, and describe its summary. "Duck Hunt" - a work that takes place in one of the provincial cities

Writer Yuri Petukhov: biography, creativity and photos

Writer Yuri Petukhov: biography, creativity and photos

Yu. Petukhov is a well-known writer in Russia, publicist, historian, and philosopher. Yuri Dmitrievich Petukhov became a writer at the peak of perestroika, in the first half of the 90s he was one of the most controversial science fiction writers. In a short period of time, he published dozens of books at his own expense

Writer Christian Jacques: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Writer Christian Jacques: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Christian Jacques is a learned Egyptologist and one of the most widely read French writers in the world. Founder of the Ramses Institute, engaged in the formation of photographic funds of ancient texts and their publication in scientific publications. He is the author of many bestsellers, including the famous cycle of novels "Ramses"

Stories by A. P. Chekhov: review, characteristics of heroes and analysis

Stories by A. P. Chekhov: review, characteristics of heroes and analysis

The humorous stories of A. P. Chekhov, which he created at the dawn of his career, are distinguished by their miniaturization and expressiveness of images. The author strove for a concise, capacious presentation

Andrey Valentinov and his work

Andrey Valentinov and his work

Writer Andrey Valentinov, explaining the term "cryptohistory", says that he did not actually create a new genre or method. And didn't try. He does not argue with history, but clarifies how everything happened, and follows logic and fantasy

Peggy Sue is an immortal character in books and films

Peggy Sue is an immortal character in books and films

Peggy Sue is the main character in numerous stories by the famous French author Serge Brussolo. In total, the series has fourteen books, which describe the unusual adventures of a teenage girl

The main motifs of Nekrasov's lyrics

The main motifs of Nekrasov's lyrics

Nekrasov's poems are known to everyone since deep childhood. They amazed the minds of Russians with their beauty and thoughtfulness and still captivate the hearts of millions

Nekrasov N.A.'s works: main themes. List of the best works of Nekrasov

Nekrasov N.A.'s works: main themes. List of the best works of Nekrasov

"I was called to sing your sufferings…" - these lines of N. Nekrasov fully reflect the main focus of his poems and poems. The hard lot of the Russian people and the lawlessness reigning in landlord Russia, the fate of the intelligentsia, who embarked on a difficult path of struggle, and the feat of the Decembrists, the appointment of the poet and love for a woman - these are the topics to which the poet devoted his works

Light and darkness. Quotes About Light And Darkness

Light and darkness. Quotes About Light And Darkness

In the world there have always existed, exist and will exist light and the absence of light - darkness; good and bad. As an eastern sign - yin-yang, darkness and light are in harmony with each other, maintaining balance on Earth. Today we will try to understand why there is no darkness without light, and why bad will always come along with good?

Profession. How to find your purpose in life? Profession Quotes

Profession. How to find your purpose in life? Profession Quotes

Everyone must, one way or another, earn their living. This is inevitable, because time runs inexorably fast. Sooner or later, everyone has a question: "How will I work? Who would I like to work?". This is one of the most crucial moments in our lives. And today we will try to find out how to make it easier for you to choose your future profession, based on famous and interesting quotes about professions

Another opinion. How to react to it? Quotes About Someone Else's Opinion

Another opinion. How to react to it? Quotes About Someone Else's Opinion

We live in a very difficult world. We are surrounded by people who can think and say whatever they want. They got into the habit of imposing their opinion on anyone. Thus, they can lead a person astray. In most cases, this is what happens. A number of questions arise: whether to listen to someone else's opinion; Who should be listened to, and whose advice should be ignored or rejected in principle? Today we will try to shed light on these questions

Grief: how to deal with it? Grief Quotes

Grief: how to deal with it? Grief Quotes

Why do we experience grief? Why does everyone instruct each other: "Don't be sad. Everything will work out. Everything will be fine," but, nevertheless, the majority still continues to be in this depressive state when life is not going in the best way? How to deal with grief?

Emptiness in the soul. How to live with it? Emptiness Quotes

Emptiness in the soul. How to live with it? Emptiness Quotes

Every day in our lives something unpleasant can happen, everyone can "stab a knife in the back". At any moment, a blow can come from an unexpected direction. As a result, disappointment appears, and behind it - emptiness in the soul. And the question arises: "What to do with it? How to live on when there is no strength anymore?"

Samurai quotes: aphorisms, catchphrases, sayings

Samurai quotes: aphorisms, catchphrases, sayings

Probably every second person was interested in the culture of Ancient Japan. We read about oriental quirks in encyclopedias, watched documentaries about the history of the Japanese of that time … If the history of Ancient Japan is a cake, then the culture of the samurai is the icing on the cake. After all, this is one of the most interesting topics

"Old-world landowners": a summary. "Old World Landowners" by Gogol

"Old-world landowners": a summary. "Old World Landowners" by Gogol

This work tells about the touching mutual concern of the main characters, the kinship of souls, at the same time ironically over their limitations. We will provide a summary here. "Old-world landowners" - a story that still causes an ambiguous assessment of readers

Georgian writers. Georgian literature

Georgian writers. Georgian literature

Many Georgian writers are well known not only in their own country, but also far beyond its borders, especially in Russia. In this article, we will present some of the most prominent writers who left the most visible mark on the culture of their country

Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich: biography and personal life

Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich: biography and personal life

The name of Evgeny Gabrilovich is forever inscribed in the history of Russian cinema. The personal life and biography of the writer are gradually forgotten today. His contemporaries leave, films lose their relevance and are reviewed most often only by specialists. Meanwhile, Gabrilovich is a whole era. His life and work are not only an example of great talent, but also an illustration of the history of the country

Robert Bloch: biography, creativity, interesting facts from life

Robert Bloch: biography, creativity, interesting facts from life

Robert Bloch is a famous American writer who worked in the 20th century. He has written books in the genres of horror, fantasy and science fiction. The writer's most famous novel is "Psycho", which was filmed by Hitchcock in 1960 and received the title "Psycho" in the Russian box office. We will talk about the life and work of the creator Norman Bates in this article

The life and death of Leo Tolstoy: a brief biography, books, interesting and unusual facts about the life of the writer, date, place and cause of death

The life and death of Leo Tolstoy: a brief biography, books, interesting and unusual facts about the life of the writer, date, place and cause of death

The death of Leo Tolstoy shocked the whole world. The 82-year-old writer died not in his own house, but in the house of a railway employee, at the Astapovo station, 500 km from Yasnaya Polyana. Despite his advanced age, in the last days of his life he was determined and, as always, was in search of the truth

Alexander Galich: biography, personal life, creativity

Alexander Galich: biography, personal life, creativity

The article is devoted to the biography and work of Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (1918-1977), a Russian poet and prose writer, as well as a screenwriter, playwright and performer of songs based on his own poems. The surname Galich was born as a creative pseudonym as a result of the merger of the first letters of the surname and name, as well as the end of the patronymic

The best books of A. S. Pushkin

The best books of A. S. Pushkin

A. S. Pushkin belongs to such a category of poets who are immortal. His life path ended a long time ago, but his works are alive and relevant as never before. The books of A. S. Pushkin brought up more than one generation

The work "Two brothers", Schwartz E.: summary, analysis and reviews

The work "Two brothers", Schwartz E.: summary, analysis and reviews

The world of fairy tales by E. L. Schwartz is special, many-sided. He composed not just something new in the plot, but revealed what is necessary for the reader at a given moment in time, what can make his life brighter, not ideal, but much better, more exemplary

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin: biography and creativity

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin: biography and creativity

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, whose biography begins on December 1, 1766, was born in the Simbirsk province, in a poor noble family of educated and enlightened parents. He received his first education in the private boarding school of Professor Shaden. After that, like many other secular young people, he went to serve in the guards regiment, which was considered one of the best

Book "Garden of shadows": summary

Book "Garden of shadows": summary

An exciting work full of subtle and accurate descriptions of the transformation of the human soul. How does a simple, fragile girl turn into a prudent bitch? Andrews Virginia, thanks to her writing talent, skillfully addresses this issue in her saga of the Dollangenger family

Vasily Ershov: biography and creativity

Vasily Ershov: biography and creativity

Vasily Ershov is a former pilot and instructor of an aviation company. In addition to his civil service, Vasily is the author of a whole series of books about the work of Russian aviation