Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading
Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading

Video: Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading

Video: Good books on the history of Russia are offered for reading
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Few people found it easy to study national history at school: dates and events that were difficult to remember, not always logical cause-and-effect relationships. One of the reasons is that not so good Russian history books were used for this.

Types of history books

All historical books can be divided into several types: fiction and non-fiction, dedicated to certain periods or wars.

good history books
good history books

It is better to start studying history from fiction books, however, of course, their disadvantage is not always a real reflection of reality. Therefore, we will try to consider the best books on the history of Russia, which do not demonstrate an alternative path for the development of the country, but try to show how everything really happened. They may not be very famous and popular at the same time, but they will be worthy of the attention of the general public.

Of course, the opinion of the author may differ from the opinion of other persons and is advisory in nature.

Top 3. The best books on Russian history: fiction

  1. A. Rand, "We're Alive": Not the most famousbook by this writer, but certainly worthy of attention. Love and hate, betrayal are intertwined in it. And all this is happening against the backdrop of post-revolutionary events.
  2. A. Ivanov, "Shadows Disappear at Noon": a long and incredibly fascinating family saga, some events in it are shivering, catching all the strings of the soul. It will be of interest even to those who do not like to read Soviet prose.
  3. I. Lazhechnikov, "Ice House": a terrible novel about a difficult period called "Bironism", about the time when Anna Ioannovna ruled. Weird entertainment, useless and stupid decisions - this book is both amazing and captivating.

Top 3. Non-fiction historical books

In addition to fiction books, you should definitely turn to the documentary presentation of the history of Russia.

best books on russian history
best books on russian history

So, by all means, an enthusiastic lover of the past should turn to the following works:

  1. N. Karamzin, "History of the Russian State": a multi-volume and rather difficult work, written in a pleasant and fairly easy to read language. It will not leave indifferent any history buff.
  2. L. Gumilyov, "From Russia to Russia": often this writer is accused of being unhistorical and trying to bring everything under his theory. Yes, to some extent this is true, but she, too, is undoubtedly worthy of attention. You should definitely read it, even if you are already familiar with "passionarity" and "ethnogenesis theory".
  3. De Custine, "Russia in 1839":a book written by the hand of a "foreigner" who visited our country and was able to describe the Russian character and mentality so insightfully that it still remains relevant. By the way, it is in it that it is said that after staying in Russia one feels how much easier and freer life is in European countries.

Top 3. Best Children's History Books

In order to interest a child in history, you need to use fascinating and really good books on the history of Russia. Since children are quickly distracted, and if the book is not full of events, then the fuse to read will soon disappear. She needs to keep her in suspense until the very end.

interesting books on russian history
interesting books on russian history

So, let's bring to the attention of parents good books on the history of Russia for the younger lovers of the secrets of the past:

  1. E. Vereiskaya, "Three Girls": this story consists of two parts, in the first of which the reader learns about three friends, their hobbies and adventures, in the second, a war begins, so everything will be devoted to this topic. The theme of the blockade and growing up against this background. A must read book for teenagers.
  2. B. Bykov, "Sotnikov": a worthy book, by the way, located in the school curriculum. A story about courage and selflessness, betrayal and cowardice, and all this in a war period, but it still cannot be considered exclusively military. This is a book about character and how different people can be.
  3. B. Malik, "Ambassador of Urus-Shaitan": an incredibly fascinating novel aboutadventures of the Cossack Arsen and his friends. They were captured, got out of it, they were beaten and tortured, but they still steadfastly held on to fulfill the task of their chieftain.

Top 3. Books on the history of Russia during the Great Patriotic War

This top is as relevant as possible right now. Firstly, the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory is being celebrated this year, and secondly, the memory of the war is gradually fading away, there are fewer and fewer front-line soldiers, but this terrible event must not be forgotten.

Russian history books
Russian history books

So, really the best books on the history of Russia (and the Soviet Union as a whole), covering the period of the Second World War:

  1. B. Vasiliev, "Tomorrow there was a war": the book tells about how quickly former schoolchildren grow up after graduation, when such a difficult wartime begins. The author tells about the difficult, sometimes short and sad fate of everyone.
  2. A. Kuznetsov, "Babi Yar": everything in this book is true, the author describes to the reader his difficult childhood, which passed in occupied Kyiv, all the horrors of that time: mass executions and deportations to work in Germany, battles and uprisings. All you need to know.
  3. S. Aleksievich, "War does not have a woman's face": the books of this writer are documentary, since they are built on the memoirs of participants in certain events. In this case, the issue of participation in the war of women is raised, they were not just witnesses, they also went into battle, also actively participated and helped, and did not sit at home. This book is dedicated to their difficult fate.

Perhaps not everyone will say that the article lists the most interesting books on the history of Russia, but they are really worth reading and finding your reader.
