Grief: how to deal with it? Grief Quotes

Grief: how to deal with it? Grief Quotes
Grief: how to deal with it? Grief Quotes

It's hard to disagree with the fact that life is not an easy thing. Why do we experience grief? Why does everyone instruct each other: "Don't be sad. Everything will work out. Everything will be fine," but, nevertheless, the majority still continues to be in this depressive state when life is not going in the best way? How to deal with grief? These questions are yet to be answered.

The origin of the word "woe"

Surprisingly, this word is very closely related to the similar verb "burn". Based on this, the meaning of grief is something burning that burns a person from the inside, causing mental suffering. Some philologists compare the word with the Gothic kara, which means "sorrow, complaint."

Grief Coping Methods

Sorrow wallpaper
Sorrow wallpaper

We can say with confidence that there is no point in once again chewing on what grief is, what are its causes, and so on. Let's get straight to the point: how to avoid misfortunes and, along with them, a melancholy state? No way. Troubles and misfortunes will haunt us throughout our lives, tounfortunately, it is an integral part of it. It's unavoidable. But how a person will perceive unpleasant moments in life depends only on him. There is, by the way, a good quote about pain Paine Thomas:

I honor a man who can smile in adversity, draw strength from grief, and find courage in meditation.

After all, there really is no point in mourning over what has already happened. It won't solve the problem, it will only make it worse. The only thing that can be done in the current situation is to accept it, to extract some benefit from it, to draw appropriate conclusions. You can also say, "Thank God there are so few."

But then the question arises: "How holy a person must be to respond to troubles in this way?". No doubt it is extremely difficult. Probably, we should go directly from theory to practice.

There is one wonderful way. It is possible to clarify statistical data, for example, on the mortality of the world's population and its causes. An interesting fact: about a hundred people die every year due to champagne corks. What can we say about more serious reasons, such as road accidents, various diseases, etc.

After reading such information, a person is likely to think about how he can even complain that something in life did not go according to plan or everything is bad. As they say, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.

Not everything is as bad as it seems
Not everything is as bad as it seems

How lucky people really are to wake up and get out of bed at all. Manythey simply fall asleep, metaphorically speaking, eternal sleep. Therefore, we must appreciate what we have at this moment. After all, life can end at any moment.

Great quotes from great people

Sorrow violin
Sorrow violin

Many celebrities have spoken out on this issue. There are a lot of wise thoughts about this topic. The first quote about grief has no author, it came from the people:

Trouble will grind, trouble will teach.

This is so, because what, if not bumps and bruises, can teach life. Without adversity, there is no experience. This is a necessary step on the path to success and happiness.

Grief leans harder if he notices that he succumbs.

William Shakespeare says not to give in to grief. You should not give up at the first difficulties. They also help a person grow.

Time is the best doctor for disasters and misfortunes.

With these words, the great writer Jean-Baptiste Moliere wanted to say that everything in life can be ill and wait out. Because there are only two options for the development of events: either life will get better after some time, or we will just get used to the fact that not everything is as good as we would like.

We offer a number of more quotes about human grief.

A noble man endures adversity, but a low man in trouble is dismissed.

According to Confucius, joy and sorrow are the facets of a test for every person. Only the wise will be able to survive both with dignity, learn lessons.

Sorrow can be endured alone, but joy toto know it fully must be shared with another person.

Mark Twain was a convinced optimist and supported the idea that happiness shared with someone becomes twice as much.

Great misfortunes do not last, and small ones are not worth attention.

This phrase John Lubbock only further convinces that nothing lasts forever, including sorrows.

In conclusion, we can say that troubles, just like joyful events, are transient. In any case, we will have to leave this mortal world, leaving everything that is dear and valuable to us. Therefore, it is so important to find your calling in life and live it happily. As one famous quote about grief says: “Misfortune to those who do not know the meaning of life.” These are the words of Pascal.

So live with a minimum of trouble: there are other ways to gain life experience, which is very valuable in today's society.
