2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Probably every second person was interested in the culture of Ancient Japan. We read about oriental quirks in encyclopedias, watched documentaries about the history of the Japanese of that time … If the history of Ancient Japan - is a cake, then the culture of the samurai - is a cherry on the cake. After all, this is one of the most interesting topics. Particularly fascinating is their Code, which is full of sayings, quotes from Japanese samurai, which remain relevant to this day.

Who are the samurai?
The term "samurai" comes from the Japanese word "samurau", which means "to serve". Accordingly, a samurai is literally a "servant".
Samurai as a caste (estate) existed throughout the history of Japan. They, as a rule, served the aristocrats. But after centuries, bushi (the second name of the samurai, which means "warrior"), having united in large clans, gained independence and power. Therefore, they ceased to serve as carriers of aristocratic blood.
Over the years, the clans succeeded each other, fighting for the honorarythe title of shogun - general, leader of Japan. He had real power, unlike the emperor. Probably the most important thing in the life of Japanese warriors is the way of the samurai. Quote from Yamamoto:
Don't let others outdo you in the way of the samurai.
These words underline their harsh self-discipline. It is difficult to imagine what qualities and power one had to possess in order to become a shogun.

Samurai code of honor - Bushido
Bushido is Japanese for "the way of the warrior". Initially, it was a collection of postulates about the behavior of a warrior in general. But under the influence of Japanese culture in the XII century, Bushido was transformed into a separate set of rules for Japanese warriors - samurai.
The main idea of the Code of Honor is that a warrior can die at any moment and must be aware of this. He must live and appreciate every minute of his life. Samurai quote: "Only that person is ready for death who lives a full life." The duty of a samurai is to devote all his free time to self-development and helping people.
There are 7 basic principles of the samurai: respect, justice, courage, virtue, honor, devotion and sincerity. All these qualities are the hallmarks of a true warrior. Through proper upbringing, these qualities could be acquired.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - the great samurai
Yamamoto Tsunetomo (also called Yamamoto Zete) is one of the brightest representatives of the samurai culture of the 17th-18th centuries. Becoming a monk in adulthood, he told many of histhoughts to his friend - Tsuramoto Tashiro. Soon the samurai legend left this world, in 1716. His philosophical reflections were collected and published as a separate book called "Hagakure". This treatise was practically unknown until the beginning of the 20th century. Only since the 1930s has it become one of the best-known works explaining the ideas of Bushido.
About the book "Hagakure"
Hagakure translated into Russian - "hidden in the foliage." This is a treatise on the code of honor of the samurai - Bushido. The main idea that this work carries is adherence to the Code. Every samurai walks the "Way of death" or "lives as if the warrior is already dead". This means that he must be ready to die at any moment in order to preserve his honor. According to "Hagakure Kikigaki":
If there are two paths to choose from, the quickest and only way out is death.
This is the main idea and quote of the Samurai Code.
Most of the book is devoted to the life and role of the samurai in times of peace. The most interesting thing is that in non-war time, the life of a Japanese warrior is entirely devoted to preparation: physical, moral, psychological, in order to perform the very act without delay at the right time - refusing personal gain, in an extreme situation to fulfill the order - to commit hara-kiri (or to do it voluntarily, if the honor of the "servant" is affected).
The "Hagakure" contains an infinite number of instructions, following which you can change your life for the better.

Hara-kiri in a nutshell
Hara-kiri literally means "ripping open the abdomen". This form of suicide was used in cases where the honor of a warrior was affected, or by sentence - as a sign of devotion to his master - daimyo (and in other similar cases).
Injuries to the abdomen are the most painful, unlike other parts of the body.
When, for one reason or another, a samurai could not perform the seppuku ritual, his dagger was replaced with a fan. The samurai touched his stomach with a fan, and at that moment his assistant decapitated him.
The role of women in samurai culture
Surprisingly, women could also be samurai. Their main duty of honor is devotion to their husband, the same as the devotion of a samurai to his master. She could take on the role of an avenger for her husband, in his absence she took on the protection of the house from enemies.
Also, the Code allowed for the weak half of humanity to master martial arts. But, as a rule, the emphasis was on daggers. So, a woman always carried a short blade with her, hiding it in her hair or under her clothes. They also had a special rite of suicide called jigai, which involved cutting the throat.

Samurai quotes
The main advantage of Bushido, "Hagakure" is that almost every sentence from them can be entered into your notebooks, try to follow what is written down. Of course, it is impossible to mention everything now, but at least we will reproduce the main quotes of the samurai.

- Tell us how he died?
- I'll tell you how he lived.
This is one of the most striking quotes from The Last Samurai. The death of a person depends entirely on how he lived his life.
He who treats the world like a dream does the right thing.
It's really stupid to take life too seriously, to take events in it, be they good or bad, to heart. Anyway, the one who was born will surely die, and there is no point in holding on to your we alth and achievements in life. A vivid example is the testament of Alexander the Great: "Carry me around the city with your palms open to the outside, so that everyone can see that I do not take anything with me." Everything is transitory, nothing is forever.
I don't know how to beat others, I know how to beat myself.
This is a Japanese interpretation of the proverb "If you want to change the world, start with yourself". If a person sees flaws in everything that surrounds him, then he needs to change himself, clean his heart from the dirt that has accumulated over long and long years of existence. Only by conquering yourself: your shortcomings, bad habits, flaws - you can fulfill your destiny in life - achieve self-awareness, find true happiness. There is no point in "building" other people, trying to change the world. Such attempts will fail.
Cultivate your mind, be human and be brave.
This idea is relevant not only for the warriors of Ancient Japan. it's the samerelevant today. Samurai said: "If you really want to become a samurai, you must know: there is nothing that he could not do." The possibilities of man are very great. Improving your mind, you can live your life truly worth it.
Truly, there is nothing but the true purpose of the present moment.
This samurai quote is remarkable in that it calls for living in the present. After all, people usually think either about the future or about the past. Unfortunately, most have forgotten how to live today. So, people, dreaming about the future and mourning the past, live their lives without finding happiness.
In conclusion, the samurai were amazing people. Their military traditions and principles are truly fascinating. If you try to plunge into their lives, you can feel great respect and reverence for them, as they were exemplary warriors and men with a capital letter.
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