Another opinion. How to react to it? Quotes About Someone Else's Opinion

Another opinion. How to react to it? Quotes About Someone Else's Opinion
Another opinion. How to react to it? Quotes About Someone Else's Opinion

We live in a very difficult world. We are surrounded by people who can think and say whatever they want. They got into the habit of imposing their opinion on anyone. Thus, they can lead a person astray. In most cases, this is what happens. A number of questions arise: whether to listen to someone else's opinion; Who should be listened to, and whose advice should be ignored or rejected in principle? Today we will try to shed some light on these questions.

On someone else's opinion

There is one very vivid allegory on this subject. A woman looks out the window and sees that the neighbor's laundry is drying, but there are a lot of dirty spots on it. She thinks to herself: "What a sloppy neighbor! She doesn't know how to do laundry at all." She watched and criticized her cohabitant like that for several days. It all ended with the woman washing the windows. And suddenly it turned out that the neighbor's underwear was clean, just a housewife all this time looking at things through her dirty windows.

Someone's mind
Someone's mind

This is how you can compare most of the opinions of others. They are essentially unsubstantiated and, as a rule, only reflect the shortcomings of the critics themselves. As they say in one quote about someone else's opinion of themselves:

When they voice their opinion about you, stay even in any case, praise or blame. Your interlocutor is voicing their state of mind, not you.

Such criticism in modern society is more than enough. Often, such people who slander others in every possible way are driven by envy. Otherwise, why would they condemn someone? They just want to bring others down to their level in order to appear better without working on themselves.

Is someone else's opinion always harmful?

Criticism for no particular reason, imposing one's subjective opinion on others - all these are characteristic features of those people whom you don't feed with bread, let's criticize and teach someone about life. But not all people are like that. You can meet a person who can give worthwhile advice on any issue, express his opinion. For example, a specialist in some field can help those who are incompetent in choosing a service, material, product or something else, seeing that help is needed. And he will not act badly, but will express his authoritative point of view.

advice of man
advice of man

So the opinion of others must also be taken into account, because they will be able to simplify our lives more than once. Among those who want to annoy, there may be those who can advise and advise on a specific problematic issue.

The opinion of mentors and elders

If the opinion about yourself from outsiders is not so strong and important, then things are completely different with the opinion of elders. That's why they are older: parents, teachers, "older" friends who are wiser than ourselves. After all, it often seems that if one of the mentors teaches us and, as we believe, criticizes, then they are bad, short-sighted and do not understand the essence of the situation. "After all, I'm really good, I'm right," we often think.

mentor photo
mentor photo

But, oddly enough, their opinion of us is not wrong. Over time, this can be understood. With such an unpleasant method, we change, become better, realize ourselves. And out of stupidity, most often it seems that we are being pressured or something like that. As they say in a quote about someone else's opinion of the philosopher and famous writer M. Zhvanetsky:

Don't ask opinions of those who agree, ask those who object.

That's right, because it's always nice to be patted on the head and told over and over again: "What a good, cool, wonderful you are." No. Thus, a person begins to degrade, because he thinks that he is perfect, everyone is to blame except him. But it's not. Who, if not real mentors, can point out our shortcomings and mistakes? It is very difficult to make a person better with only gingerbread. One of the quotes about someone else's opinion reads:

People ask for opinions and only expect praise.

When asking for an opinion, people often want to establish themselves in the eyes of others. But, almost always, they hear from others not quite what they wanted.would.

Quotes about other people's opinions of great people

The one who has found himself loses dependence on other people's opinions. © Albert Einstein

This is true, because Einstein was so fascinated by physics in his time that he did not know if he was going to dinner or had already come from it. How immersed he was in his thoughts. So the great physicist confirms this quote about someone else's opinion in practice.

Bow your head humbly before the facts, but lift it up proudly before the opinions of others. © Bernard Shaw

The main point of this statement is that there is no need to be ashamed of some unpleasant facts about yourself. We are all not perfect. Don't worry about what others think of you.

Respect for someone else's opinion, mind is a sign of one's own. © Vasily Klyuchevsky

Here is another point of view about opinions from outside. It says that in any case, whether the opinion is good or bad, it must be respected. That is, to be respectful and tolerant towards others.

Someone`s mind
Someone`s mind

Here are some more quotes about other people's opinions.

The only thing I don't like about you is your eternal: "What will people say." "People" don't build your life. And mine even more so. First of all, think about yourself. You must arrange your own life. Do you really allow what others think to come between you and your desire? © Theodor Dreiser

Whatever people think of you, do what you think is fair. © Pythagoras

I don't care about public opinion. More corrupt substancethan public opinion does not exist. © Tigran Keosayan

The opinion of the majority is always wrong, because most people are idiots. © Edgar Po

Summing up, I would like to wish readers to be immune to other people's opinion, because it is a very big obstacle on the way to personal success. Be happy!
