Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich: biography and personal life

Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich: biography and personal life
Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich: biography and personal life

The name of Evgeny Gabrilovich is forever inscribed in the history of Russian cinema. The personal life and biography of the writer are gradually forgotten today. His contemporaries leave, films lose their relevance and are reviewed most often only by specialists. Meanwhile, Gabrilovich is a whole era. His life and work are not only an example of great talent, but also an illustration of the history of the country.

gabrilovich evgeny
gabrilovich evgeny

Childhood and family

Gabrilovich Evgeny was born on September 29, 1899 in a traditional family of Russian Jews in Voronezh. The boy's father was a pharmacist, his mother was a housewife. Zhenya spent his early years in Voronezh. The times were not easy, revolutionary ideas were ripening everywhere, the Jewish people became uncomfortable in the outback. However, the Gabrilovichs held firm. As a child, Eugene, as is customary in such families, was taught music, for several years he stubbornly mastered playing the piano. At first the boy was given homemadeeducation, and then sent to a real school. But Evgeny Gabrilovich did not have time to finish his studies there: the family moved to Moscow, hoping to find a better life there. Here the boy was sent to complete his studies at a private gymnasium, which he successfully completed. And he entered the law faculty of Moscow University. But the revolutionary transformations in the country prevented him from completing his studies.

Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich
Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich


In the early 1920s, Evgeny Gabrilovich remembered what he was taught at a music school and went to work as a pianist. Then he learned to play fashionable foxtrots on the piano and worked part-time at dances. Here he was found by Valentin Parnakh, the first jazzman in the Russian expanses. He invited Eugene to his jazz orchestra. On October 1, 1922, the first concert of the new group took place, now Russian jazz celebrates its birth on this day. Moscow bohemia gathered for the third performance of the orchestra at the State Institute of Theatrical Art, including V. E. Meyerhold, who was completely fascinated by the new music, immediately proposed a jazz band for his performance. Some time later, in the famous performances of Meyerhold's studio "D. E." and "The Magnanimous Cuckold" began to play an orchestra conducted by V. Parnakh, which included the young Gabrilovich. The 20s of the 20th century were a time of rapid development of art and various creative experiments. Each representative of the creative intelligentsia felt talented in a variety of arts, all were musicians, poets, artists.

Startwriting career

Gabrilovich Evgeny also decided to try himself in a new field - in literature. He begins his writing career with prose and journalism. At first, he tried himself in the genre of parodies, which he wrote with Alexander Arkhangelsky. Gabrilovich joins the ranks of the Constructivist Literary Center. In 1921, the first story of Yevgeny "AAT" was published in the collective publication "The Expressionists". Also, young Gabrilovich was a member of the Moscow Parnassus literary community, he took part in the publication of two collections of this group. In 1922, in collaboration with B. Lapin, Gabrilovich published the book The Lightning Man, and a year later, a joint book, The Island of Friendship, together with G. Guzner. By the beginning of the 1930s, Gabrilovich had already become a prominent prose writer and journalist; in 1931 he published his first independent book. In 1934 he became a member of the Writers' Union. In the same year, Eugene is part of a team of writers who went on a creative business trip to build the White Sea-B altic Canal. As a result of the trip, a collective book was published, in the creation of which Gabrilovich also took part.

gabrilovich evgeny iosifovich wife
gabrilovich evgeny iosifovich wife

A new calling

Two good reasons led to the fact that Gabrilovich Yevgeny Iosifovich switched his creative attention to work in the cinema. The first is romantic: sound cinema appeared, which opened up huge opportunities for the authors. Eugene was passionate about cinema and saw the future behind it. The second is practical: writing labor brought almost no income,and Gabrilovich needed a livelihood, he hoped to earn it in the cinema. The first two scenarios temporarily destroyed the writer's hopes, the film studio did not accept them, and Eugene temporarily put off the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a professional filmmaker. He took up journalism, but the thought of cinema did not leave him.

Once, on the instructions of the newspaper, he went to Odessa, where he saw a girl in thick-soled shoes, with a large briefcase, which she pressed to herself and thought very hard about something. This image did not come from the head of Gabrilovich. Upon his return to Moscow, he told his idea to Y. Raizman, and together they began to write the script. As a result, in 1936 the film "The Last Night" was released, which was a success, and the creative tandem Raizman - Gabrilovich appeared, which lasted for many years. The second film of the duet "Mashenka" was born for a long time, it was a real creative breakthrough in the field of chamber cinema. Criticism met him unkindly, but I. Stalin liked him.

Evgeny Gabrilovich personal life
Evgeny Gabrilovich personal life

War Years

Evgeny Gabrilovich was full of creative plans, which had to be postponed due to the outbreak of World War II. Gabrilovich went through the entire war as a war correspondent. He was in the hottest battles and wrote about everything he saw for the Soviet newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda. In 1943, the film "Mashenka" received the Stalin Prize. Gabrilovich transfers it to the Defense Fund, for which he receives personal gratitude from I. V. Stalin. During the war, Evgeny participated in the work on the films "Our Heart", together with M. Romm, he worked on the film"Man 217". Back in 1942, before being sent to the front, he wrote the script for the film "Two Soldiers", upon returning from the battlefields, he learned that the tape had become a real hit.

Evgeny Gabrilovich biography
Evgeny Gabrilovich biography

The Way of the Screenwriter

After the end of the war, Yevgeny Gabrilovich returns to writing scripts. Together with Reizman, they continued their search in the field of chamber cinema. The 1957 film "Communist" became a real masterpiece of Soviet cinema. Leniniana played a big role in the life of the screenwriter, Gabrilovich became the first screenwriter who was interested not just in the leader, but in the person. Gabrilovich Yevgeny Iosifovich wrote 4 scripts for films about Lenin.

But in his creative piggy bank there are not only films on the theme of the party. The tape "There is no ford in the fire" became one of the first pictures about the life of an individual, as a feat. In the 60s and 70s, Gabrilovich wrote a lot about the new hero, so the paintings “Monologue”, “Strange Woman”, “Repeated Wedding” appeared.

Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich personal life
Gabrilovich Evgeny Iosifovich personal life

Creative legacy

Gabrilovich's screenwriting legacy is about 30 films. Among them there are such undoubted successes as the tapes "Beginning", "Long Road to Myself", "Two Soldiers". He had a chance to work with such outstanding directors as G. Panfilov, I. Averbakh, M. Romm, Y. Raizman. In the last years of his life, Yevgeny Iosifovich Gabrilovich, whose personal life ended with the death of his wife in 1973, began to move away from publicity and returned to writing prose again. He moved to Matveevskoye, to the house of cinema veterans, wherefocused on reflecting on his life and writing prose. His memoirs and reasoning were included in two volumes: "Own, but not at all" and "The Last Book".

Pedagogical activity

Since 1962, Yevgeny Gabrilovich, whose biography was associated with cinema, began working at VGIK. He worked at the screenwriting department, participated in the selection of applicants. Gabrilovich has always tried to help students find their way into the arts. He believed that he himself did not go his own way, because he wanted to be a prose writer, and sought to protect young people from the same mistake.

gabrilovich evgeny iosifovich family
gabrilovich evgeny iosifovich family

Private life

All his life Gabrilovich Yevgeny Iosifovich, whose wife was a friend, assistant, critic, lived in one marriage. They got married with Nina Yakovlevna back in the mid-20s and lived together for almost half a century. She believed that Eugene was in vain interested in cinema and stopped writing prose. The couple had two sons: Yuri and Alexei. But the eldest son died at the age of 14. Alexey became, like his father, a screenwriter. Gabrilovich Yevgeny Iosifovich, whose family was a support and rear, always closely followed his son's work, but tried not to criticize or interfere in his life.

Yevgeny Iosifovich died on December 5, 1993.
