S. Bubnovsky, "He alth without drugs": the contents of the book, a brief biography of the author, reader reviews

S. Bubnovsky, "He alth without drugs": the contents of the book, a brief biography of the author, reader reviews
S. Bubnovsky, "He alth without drugs": the contents of the book, a brief biography of the author, reader reviews

Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is a world-famous doctor whose theoretical hypotheses and practical experience are valued all over the world. The unique method of alternative treatment and recovery, created by Dr. Bubnovsky, has no analogues in modern medicine and is one of the simplest theories of self-healing, allowing you to gain he alth without drugs and doctors. Books by Sergei Bubnovsky have long been bestsellers in the field of medical literature, have withstood multiple reprints and remain incredibly in demand among people who want to take their he alth into their own hands.

Dr. Bubnovsky
Dr. Bubnovsky

Sergey Bubnovsky

Sergey Mikhailovich Bubnovsky was born in the spring of 1955 in the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Until 1973, Sergei's life was no different from the life of most of his peers. The boy studied well at school, went in for sports, led a he althy lifestyle. When Sergei turned 18years old, he was sent to serve in the army, and it was there that a tragedy happened to him, which radically changed not only his whole future life, but also the fate of many people.

During the movement of the unit to a new location, the driver of the truck, in which, among others, was Sergei Bubnovsky, fell asleep at the wheel, which led to a serious accident. Several people died, many were seriously injured, and Sergei survived a state of clinical death, as well as numerous injuries to his entire body and limbs. Luckily, only the boy's left leg was unharmed.

A long period of rehabilitation began in the life of a young man. For some time, Sergei used crutches for movement and various home-made systems to ensure his life. After recovering a little from the injury and re-learning how to move and serve himself, the guy decides to go to medical school and devote his entire future life to studying and creating methods for restoring the body after severe injuries and damage to vital organs.

Doctor Career

Having entered the medical institute, Sergey Bubnovsky plunges headlong into training. He actively attends all lectures, additional courses, electives, seminars, and also enrolls in several academic medical circles at once. In addition to the above activities, Sergey finds time for independent study of various highly specialized literature, trips to lectures by professors of medicine.

In the process of learning more information aboutIn the human body, Sergey begins to gradually reveal patterns that could help a person regain he alth without drugs.

The results obtained become the basis for regular and systematic records and experiments that student Bubnovsky conducted in his apartment. Soon, Sergey realizes that the patterns he has identified not only work, but also have a significant positive effect on his he alth. Bubnovsky's he alth improves, and six months later he refuses crutches, as well as some of the units with which he moved around the apartment.

Bubnovsky's method

Bubnovsky's observations gradually began to take shape in a special way of life, which began to turn into an author's method of treatment, since Sergey first applied all the invented methods to himself and only then, having convinced of their effectiveness, advised other people. Very soon, a kind of club of fans formed around the young doctor, who were the first to experience healing techniques.

Doctor at the stand
Doctor at the stand

Bubnovsky began his work to restore people's he alth without drugs while still in his second year of university. The young student's method made a splash in medical circles, and Sergey got the opportunity to work in a special laboratory, where he not only helped the sick, but also deduced patterns and confirmed theoretical hypotheses, improving his then-nascent rehabilitation system.

In 1978, Sergei Bubnovsky graduated with honors from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Krupskaya, and in 1985undergoing residency at MMSI.

After completing his studies, the young doctor goes to work at the Moscow Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. P. P. Kashchenko, where he manifests himself as an experienced specialist and a serious doctor with unique methods of treating patients.

Writing a book

Second book
Second book

After some time, fragmentary notes, theoretical hypotheses and practical results have grown into a full-fledged system of restoring he alth without drugs, and Sergey decides to publish the accumulated knowledge and experience in the form of a book that would be understandable to everyone. It is not surprising that even before the release of the book, in the early stages of its writing, Bubnovsky received many letters asking him to somehow generalize his methods into one full-fledged treatment course.

Soon, after a year of serious daily work, Sergey Bubnovsky's book "He alth without drugs" appears on the shelves of bookstores and instantly becomes a bestseller.

Book contents

Sergey Bubnovsky's book explains in simple and accessible language how to improve your he alth without drugs and traditional methods of treatment. Thanks to the innovative technique of Dr. Bubnovsky, patients can get rid of pressing pains, neurosis, various mild and severe body lesions.

The book also describes the principles of operation of the so-called Bubnovsky simulators - units specially designed by Sergey to perform exercises invented by him.

Bubnovsky's simulators provide a temporary absence of gravity and compression, whichleads to a decrease in pressure on the lesions and has the effect of restoring the muscle tissue of diseased parts of the human body.

First part

Bubnovsky's book
Bubnovsky's book

The first part of the book "He alth without drugs" is made in the form of correspondence between the author and the patient. The doctor gives various advice and consultations to patients in various disease states, and also draws general conclusions at the end of each chapter. This part of the book is of great value because of the practical recommendations and advice presented in it, which will help to get rid of not only the physical aspect of the disease, but also the painful psychological state of depression, self-doubt and depression that accompanies it.

Second part

The second part of the book is a motivational-psychological training, in which the doctor helps the patient competently program his mind and tune it only to positive thinking, which leads to a general improvement of consciousness and, as a result, to a partial recovery of the body.

The golden book "He alth without drugs" describes the methods of not only psychological and psychosomatic recovery, but also methods of physical recovery based on muscle training and the principle of "rebooting" the mind. Dr. Bubnovsky claims that the he althy state of the human body is ninety percent dependent on their adherence to a he althy lifestyle and positive thinking.

Bubnovsky treats
Bubnovsky treats

Main methods

As the main recovery methodshe alth without drugs, Dr. Bubnovsky singles out gymnastics, swimming, as well as the method of “rebooting consciousness.”

According to the doctor, in order to achieve the maximum healing effect, first of all, you should clear your mind of the negative flow of emotions, direct all your efforts to filling your thoughts with bright emotions, which should help a person get rid of a depressive state and obsessions.

Bubnovsky on TV
Bubnovsky on TV

The second important step in the recovery of the body is the "reboot of consciousness", which is the process of setting the mind to a he althy lifestyle.

The third stage is to perform various exercises with the help of Bubnovsky's special simulators.

These exercises are usually variations on simple gymnastic exercises, but each should be done with knowledge of the beneficial effects it has. Without a medical connotation and a desire to cure the disease, the implementation of the Bubnovsky technique is unlikely to have an effective effect on the human body.

Popularity of the book

Despite the sharp and slightly offensive name for colleagues “He alth without drugs. What are doctors talking about? Dr. Bubnovsky's book instantly became a bestseller not only among ordinary readers, but also in the Russian medical community.

Patients noted the incredible simplicity of presentation and the effectiveness of the method described, and colleagues admired the innovation of Bubnovsky's techniques, the uniqueness of his methods.

Soon a book by Sergei Bubnovsky about howimprove he alth without drugs, was reprinted. For the second edition, the doctor added several chapters and a description of several more unique self-healing technologies.

Along with the technique of Valentin Dikul, the Bubnovsky system has become one of the most famous in Russia and the CIS countries, the doctor's books are still published in millions of copies and do not lose their relevance.

Bubnovsky and the patient
Bubnovsky and the patient


Readers' feedback on the work of Sergei Bubnovsky "He alth without drugs" is always enthusiastic. Most of those who expressed their opinion about the book are people who have tried the doctor's technique on themselves and have achieved certain results, having received significant relief or even a complete cure for their painful conditions.

The book proved to be incredibly popular among older readers who appreciated individual methods of restoring he alth.

The methods of restoring your he alth offered by Dr. Bubnovsky have long been part of many rehabilitation courses, have been included in the mandatory programs of recovery centers in Russia, the CIS countries, the USA, Denmark and Germany.
