Quidditch is Quidditch: features, game rules and championship

Quidditch is Quidditch: features, game rules and championship
Quidditch is Quidditch: features, game rules and championship

The world of Harry Potter has long included not only magical creatures, special schools for wizards, but also its own sport. Quidditch is the name of this popular sporting event in wizarding circles. This game is quite dangerous, but the matches are always large-scale and spectacular. No wonder, because you have to play in the air, on brooms!

Quidditch is
Quidditch is

Magic world game rules

Quidditch is not just a backyard game that anyone can play however they like. No, this is a sport of its own, in which there are strict rules. The game is held at a height, all players are on broomsticks. On both sides there are three rings - this is a kind of gate. They must be protected from the encroachments of opponents.

The rules of Quidditch are simple, but require fans to be able to memorize many names. Each team has seven players, each has its own goal. It is noteworthy that spares are not provided. If one player was injured during the game, the team continues to fight for victory without him. What is Quidditch, according to the Hogwarts medical center? Most likely just a terribly dangerous event.

Main balls in the game

Quidditch is a sport with multipleballs, each of which has its own meaning. The main ball is the quaffle. It is him that they are trying to throw into the rings. Each hit earns the team ten points. It can be transferred between players. In case of violation of the rules, the player is allowed to shoot a pen alty.

The Bludger is in second place. This ball is quite dangerous. With the help of a bit, he is beaten off towards the players of the opposite team. In the second part of the Harry Potter books, the Bludger was bewitched by a house elf named Dobby. This ball ended up chasing Harry until it knocked him off his broom. The case ended with a broken arm.

what is quidditch
what is quidditch

Snitch. This ball is the smallest in size, but it is of great importance. Quidditch is a sport that values agility and agility. This type of ball moves freely around the field at high speed. It must be caught by a specific player. However, this is not so easy to do. The catching team is immediately awarded 150 points. When the Snitch is caught, the game ends. However, it is not always this ball that can bring victory, if the gap between the teams on points is too large, even catching this nimble ball does not save the losers.

History of the Snitch

There is a book that explains what Quidditch is, the rules of the game, descriptions of famous players. There is also a description of the emergence of the Snitch, the most interesting ball of all. According to this legend, the name of the ball came from the name of the bird Snidget, which has a golden plumage. It was this little creature in one of the games that one of the old magicians brought. According to him,whoever catches a nimble creature, he will give one hundred and fifty galleons, which is a huge sum. Of course, all the players immediately rushed to capture him.

quidditch world cup
quidditch world cup

In the future, the concept of the game was changed. They began to release snidgets on the field, which could not leave the playing field thanks to spells. However, the birds were very fragile, and players in the heat of battle broke their feathers or destroyed them. Play money was converted into points. And after a sharp decline in the population of this species of birds, it was decided to release a special ball so as not to torment living beings. In honor of the birds, the ball began to be made in gold color, and it is also equipped with wings.

Main players

The team consists of seven players: one goalkeeper, one catcher, a couple of beaters and three hunters. Each of them has its own task. The purpose of the goalkeeper is to close his rings. He must prevent the Quaffle from hitting them. It is noteworthy that usually the most massive players are chosen, in the hope that they will cover the rings as much as possible. However, the catch is that the rings are not at the same height, which complicates the task of goalkeepers.

Quidditch in Russian
Quidditch in Russian

Beaters are the most accurate team players. They carry bats in their hands to help direct the bludgers at opponents. For beaters, the ability to hit the ball and give it the necessary direction is important. At the same time, there are cases when a player of his team was hit.

Hunters. The three players who attack the other gates are called hunters. They pass each otherquaffle, helping to drive this type of ball into the opponents' rings. If the go altender catches a Quaffle, he may toss it to his teammates. For a hunter, speed and the ability to bypass opponents are important.

Quidditch rules
Quidditch rules

Catcher is the most nimble player on the team. Most often, small and maneuverable players are chosen. However, there are exceptions. Thus, the catcher of the Bulgarian national team, Viktor Krum, has a rather dense physique, which does not prevent him from remaining one of the best in his field. By the way, Harry Potter is the catcher of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Quidditch World Cup. Large event

World Championships in this sport are held every four years. The finale of one of them is detailed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which is the fourth in a series of books about the wizard boy. Bulgaria and Ireland were in the final match.

The referee of the championship is a representative from Egypt, chairman of the International Quidditch Association. Before the game, the teams presented their mascots. The Irish national team brought leprechauns who gave everyone special gold, and the Bulgarian national team introduced everyone to the vales - pretty girls who make all men fall in love with them with the help of magic.

quidditch game rules description
quidditch game rules description

The result of the game was interesting. The Irish team won despite the fact that it was Bulgaria that caught the Golden Snitch. In the opinion of the fans, in the national team of the losing country, only catcher Viktor Krum was a decent player, while Ireland supplied the teamstrong players in all directions.

Quidditch for Muggles

Of course, fans of the books cannot recreate the game in its entirety. At least for the reason that neither flying balls nor brooms that lift players into the air can be reached. However, fans around the world do not despair and come up with their own variations.

One of the very first versions of the game meant that the players ran with brooms between their legs. However, this was soon recognized as stupid. This is how the game was born, in which bludgers score with tennis rackets, and the snitch is a tennis ball that is hit by special players, preventing the catchers from catching it.

Quidditch is
Quidditch is

Playing in Russia

There are enough Harry Potter fans in Russia. Therefore, in large cities you can find fans who gather to play Quidditch. He has his own special rules. Russian Quidditch is a modified version of the game.

Remarkably, the Snitch here is a human. That's what the hunters are trying to catch. However, their legs are tied, which does not allow them to move at the right speed. In this case, the Bludger does not bring down the player, but simply "freezes" for a while. If he currently had a Quaffle in his hand, the player must let go.
