2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
More than one hundred and seventy years have passed since Lermontov died. During this time, many researchers tried to penetrate the mystery of the mysterious death of the poet. It is known that he was killed in a duel by a close friend - Nikolai Martynov. But under what circumstances this fatal collision arose is not clear even now. How and where Lermontov died will be discussed in this article.

Long time friend
Before their last date in Pyatigorsk, Martynov and Lermontov were close friends. Friendship between them began in the cadet school. Despite long and frequent separations, the friends managed to maintain good relations. It is known that in 1840, during his stay in Moscow, the poet often visited Martynov's family. At this time, Nikolai Solomonovich himself served in the Caucasus. When Mikhail Yuryevich arrived in Pyatigorsk and found out that Martynov was right there, he was looking forward to meeting his old comrade with pleasure. It was May 13, 1841. Exactly two months later (July 13) Lermontov died in a duel.
Hidden grudge
Researcherssuggest that Martynov could quarrel with Lermontov for various reasons. One of them is the desire to protect the honor of his own sister. The fact is that Mikhail Yuryevich not only often visited his friend's family, but also looked after Natalya Solomonovna Martynova. She, according to some eyewitnesses, was even in love with the poet. Known for his difficult character, Lermontov did not inspire sympathy with Martynov's mother. In her letters, she wrote that her daughters love to be in the company of Mikhail Yuryevich, but the poet's evil tongue may not spare these young beauties either. Who knows, maybe her fears were not in vain? Over time, this version was recognized as untenable.

There are undocumented assumptions by individual biographers that Lermontov did not die in a duel by chance. Martynov allegedly knew about the negative attitude towards the poet in the highest aristocratic circles and was ready to destroy his old friend, pursuing selfish goals. Perhaps he thereby tried to restore his ruined military career. However, this version does not stand up to scrutiny. Duel in those days was punished very hard. Nikolai Solomonovich (after Lermontov died) at best could count on serving in the Caucasian army as a simple soldier. The worst option could be exile to Siberia.
Fatal Wit
The most common version regarding the reasons for the duel is that Mikhail Yuryevich had a difficult temper and often played evil tricks on others. The poet's contemporariestestify that he often chose the target for merciless witticisms among his acquaintances. For example, according to the memoirs of Satin N. M., this quality did not allow Lermontov to get close in 1837 in Pyatigorsk with the exiled Decembrists and Belinsky. In the summer of 1841, Martynov became another victim of the poet's witticisms. Mikhail Yuryevich gave him the nicknames "man with a dagger" and "highlander" and drew a lot of sarcastic cartoons on this topic. A whole hail of ridicule fell on the head of Nikolai Solomonovich. They say that Lermontov simply depicted a characteristic curved line and a long dagger, and everyone immediately understood who he was drawing. Martynov tried in every possible way to laugh it off, but in vain - it was impossible to compete with the wit of the poet. It is this fact that is the main answer to the question of how Lermontov died.

Other factors
So, Mikhail Yurievich had an evil tongue and a very unrestrained disposition. Thanks to these qualities, he managed to make many enemies in his short life. No one knows who these people were and what motives they were guided by. The most authoritative researcher of the poet's life, P. A. Viskovatov, claims that intrigue was woven in the chambers of General Merlini. Perhaps the famous department of Benckendorff also came into play. It is known that another target for ridicule of the poet - a certain Lisanevich - was often persuaded to challenge Mikhail Yuryevich to a duel. But he invariably refused. In the case of Martynov, angry at the whole world, forced to resign for unknown reasons, the situation was different. Convince him to fight the offender in a fairthe fight was easy. Lermontov's death was almost inevitable. In 1841, on July 13, Nikolai Solomonovich challenged him to a duel.
Circumstances of a quarrel
Prince Vasilchikov writes in his memoirs that on that day, at a reception with General's wife Verzilina, Mikhail Yurievich made another wit about Martynov. The wife of a relative and friend of Lermontov, E. A. Shan-Giray, testifies that Nikolai Solomonovich turned pale and in a restrained voice reminded the poet that he always asked him to refrain from such ridicule in front of the ladies. He repeated this remark several times later, after which Mikhail Yurievich himself suggested that he demand satisfaction from himself. Martynov immediately appointed a day for the duel. At first, the friends of the duelists did not attach any importance to this fleeting quarrel. Apparently, the conflict could be resolved at any moment. But Mikhail Yuryevich did not take any steps towards reconciliation.

Negotiations with Martynov
Witnesses and eyewitnesses of how M. Yu. Lermontov died claim that they tried to dissuade Nikolai Solomonovich from the duel. But he was adamant. Perhaps Martynov was under the influence of some instigators who convinced him that agreeing to reconciliation would make him ridiculous in the eyes of the “light”. Many assume that the ubiquitous Third Division played a role here. Cases are known when Benckendorff's office prevented an upcoming duel. And it was probably notified of the duel. No wonder the next day Pyatigorsk was simply teeming with gendarmes. However, to prevent the death of Lermontov wasnot in their interest.
Duel Violations
Mikhail Yurievich's friends had no doubts about the peaceful outcome of the duel. They thought that the duel would be formal. It is not often that friends shoot themselves to death over a trifle. A witness to the death of Mikhail Lermontov, Prince Vasilchikov, until the last minute believed that the poet did not take the upcoming fight seriously. There were no clearly assigned seconds at the duel, there was no doctor, and even, in violation of all generally recognized canons, spectators were present. Lev Sergeevich Pushkin, who was friends with Mikhail Yuryevich, in his notes on how Lermontov died, directly stated that the duel was committed "against all rules and honor." Many wanted to laugh at Martynov, who had a reputation for being timid. This circumstance did not allow him to take the muzzle of the gun away from the old friend.

Circumstances of the duel
Prince Vasilchikov, recalling how Lermontov died, wrote the following. The seconds measured thirty paces and set the last barrier at ten paces. Then they separated the opponents to extreme distances and ordered them to converge on the command: "March!" After that, the seconds loaded the pistols, handed them out to the duelists and commanded: “Come together!” Mikhail Yuryevich remained in place, shielded himself from the sun, cocked the hammer and raised the pistol with the muzzle up. There was a calm, almost cheerful expression on his face. In turn, Martynov quickly approached the barrier and immediately fired. The poet fell. Viskovatov adds an important detail to the circumstances of how M. Lermontov died. Hetestifies, according to Vasilchikov, that the sight of Martynov rushing towards him caused a contemptuous grin on the face of Mikhail Yuryevich. The poet stretched his hand up, but did not have time to shoot into the air.

Lermontov's behavior
The behavior of the poet raises a number of questions. The fact that Mikhail Yuryevich made a target for his merciless witticisms of Martynov was a common thing. But why did the sincere resentment of an old friend not stop the poet from further bullying? After all, Lermontov, despite his difficult character, was very kind to his friends. There are cases when Mikhail Yuryevich immediately apologized to the offended person. Why, in the case of Martynov, did he actually ask for a duel? In addition, if Lermontov did not consider the reasons for the duel to be serious, why did he not immediately shoot into the air? These features in the behavior of the poet still remain unclear.
Lermontov and Pechorin
Mikhail Yurievich has repeatedly emphasized that neither the circumstances of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" nor the character of Pechorin have anything to do with him. Nevertheless, the psychological analysis that the protagonist of the novel exposes to those around him is undoubtedly close to Lermontov himself. After all, revealing the inner world of his characters is his profession. So, perhaps, in this capacity lies the main secret of how Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov died? Perhaps he was just playing around, conducting a psychological experiment on his old friend? Indeed, there is something of Grushnitsky in Martynov's behavior. He also tries to hide behind a maskromantic hero, and in the eyes of the poet, probably looks ridiculous and ridiculous. He also challenges Lermontov to a duel when he cannot otherwise defeat his opponent. Why is Mikhail Yuryevich trying to shoot into the air at the very last moment, when there is no doubt that Martynov wants to kill him? He, like Pechorin, plays with death, but, unlike his character, he dies. This answer to the question “why did Lermontov die” is offered by one of the researchers of his work, V. Levin. His article "Lermontov's Duel" contains many interesting psychological details of the poet's behavior in the last days of his life.

Death of Lermontov
The poet died a few minutes after being wounded, without regaining consciousness. Vasilchikov rushed to the city for a doctor, but returned with nothing - because of the severe bad weather, no one agreed to go with him. According to eyewitnesses, on the day when Lermontov died, it was pouring with rain. After that, Stolypin and Glebov hired a cart in Pyatigorsk and sent Ivan Vertyukov (the poet's coachman) and Ilya Kozlov (Glebov's servant) to the place of the duel with it. While the dead man was lying at the place of the duel, many people came up to find out how M. Lermontov died and to look at his body. Mikhail Yuryevich was brought to the apartment at about eleven o'clock in the evening. He was buried in 1841, on July 17, at the Pyatigorsk cemetery. The body of the poet lay there for 250 days. His grandmother, E. A. Arsenyeva, managed to obtain permission from the emperor and transport the remains of her grandson to their homeland. In 1842, on April 23, the poet Mikhail Yurievich wasburied in Tarkhany, next to his grandfather and mother.
The fate of Martynov
Lermontov's death caused great indignation in the progressive circles of Russian society. His killer was heavily criticized by many enlightened people of the time. At first, he was sentenced by a court-martial to deprivation of all his fortune and demoted. However, the final sentence was more lenient. According to him, Martynov spent three months in a guardhouse, was subjected to church repentance, and then served penance for several years in the city of Kyiv. Subsequently, he wrote memoirs about how Lermontov died at his hands. Nikolai Solomonovich himself died in 1875, at the age of 60, and was buried in a family vault near the village of Ievlevo. His grave has not survived. In 1924, the Alekseevsky MONO school colony was placed in the Martynov family estate. Its inhabitants destroyed the crypt, and the remains of Nikolai Solomonovich were drowned in a local pond. Such was the retribution for the murder of the great poet.
Now you know how and where Lermontov died. This gifted man combined great creative talent and the fearlessness of a real combat officer. His life was short, but bright, he managed to write many outstanding works. The name of Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov is one of the most famous and revered in Russian literature.
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