Sergey Sedov: modern children's literature

Sergey Sedov: modern children's literature
Sergey Sedov: modern children's literature

Writer Sergei Sedov is a famous author of modern Russian fairy tales. His works are highly appreciated by the most difficult group of readers - these are children, who, believe me, are very difficult to please. They love interesting stories, with jokes, miracles, fun adventures, brave heroes and scary villains. And at the same time they cannot stand any falsehood.

Sergey Sedov
Sergey Sedov

Sergey Sedov: biography

Sergey Anatolyevich Sedov was born on August 24, 1954 in Moscow. Family: father is a military pilot, mother is an economist. Education: Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, graduated in 1981. After graduation, he worked at a school in his speci alty, but after six months he changed his occupation and got a job as a janitor. He worked as a model, a teacher-organizer in the ZhEK.

Later, Sergei Sedov began to write amazing fairy tales, which appealed to many magazines, such as Ogonyok, Tram, Murzilka. For the first time his works were published in 1987 in the newspaper "Family".

Member of the Writers' Union of Moscow since 1991.

No information on personal life.


Sergey Sedov biography
Sergey Sedov biography

Sergey Sadov writes briefly, but in series. That is, it tells about the same hero, but in different situations. The first printed book is a series of stories “Once upon a time Lyosha”, 1989, about a boy who knew how to turn into everything. Since then, his books and individual tales have been published with enviable constancy: “Tales about Kings” (1990), “Tales of the Serpent Gorynych” (1993), “Tales about Fools” (1993), “Incredible Adventures and travels of Zayts Zaytsev” (2000), “Tales of the Children's World” (2008) and many others.

Sergey Sedov regularly became a participant in various literary projects for children. For example, the Moscow mayor's office ordered Sedov and Marina Moskovina to write fairy tales about the life and adventures of their most beloved New Year's character, Santa Claus. These stories were later published as a separate book. This was not the first joint work of the creative duo - earlier, the writers had been writing comics about Lyonya and Lusya for the Murzilka magazine for more than 10 years.

Sergei Sedov also writes scripts for cartoons (“About the Fool Volodya”, “Terrible Materials”, “About Our President”), scripts for films, poetry and prose for adults. Photo of the author can be seen in our article (above).

writer Sergei Sedov
writer Sergei Sedov

A little about illustrations

It should be noted that the illustrations for most of his books are usually simple, almost caricatured. However, they fit perfectly into the plot and characters.

Sergey Sedov photo
Sergey Sedov photo

The author's most controversial book

The book "Tales about Moms" was printed in2010 This is a collection of short stories about a variety of mothers - brave, kind, lazy, alien mothers and alcoholic mothers. One story - one mother, with her story, sometimes funny, often instructive and a little sad.

Should children read these books? Many readers believe that this work is designed for an adult audience, others see nothing wrong with the fact that the child will see the negative aspects of life, and are ready to talk with him about it. Most adhere to the golden mean: they read some stories from the collection to children, but keep some of them for themselves.

In fact, Sergei Sedov tried in this collection to go a little beyond traditional children's literature, and the work turned out to be controversial: a little strange, maybe not too childish, but very kind and somewhere even wise, evoking feelings at the same time pity for some children and pride for many mothers.

writer Sergei Sedov
writer Sergei Sedov

Books not just for kids

Do you like fairy tales? It seems that in childhood everyone liked to listen to good stories, in which good heroes always cope with other troubles. But later, when you start reading these same books to your children, you understand how many horrors are written in them, for example, here are some quotes: “the prince’s eyes were gouged out” (“Rapunzel”), “cut out the heart of the princess for me” (“Snow White”) or “the owner was about to drown the dog” (“The Bremen Town Musicians”). Of course, today there are many adapted modern editions, where everything is more smoothed out, without frank details.

Someone cansay that you need to read Russian folk tales, but there, if you remember, not everything goes smoothly either: “they chopped the good fellow into pieces”, “teared his head off his shoulders”, “cut off his arms first, then his legs.”

There are no such phrases in Sedov's books: his stories are not always funny, some adults can think about some, but he is well versed in child psychology and understands what can be told to a child and what is not worth mentioning.

However, every mother should decide for herself which fairy tales to read to her child.
